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Sep 2017 · 760
Late to the War
Brianna Sep 2017
He was late to the war- the canons and guns have already started and the dust is settling in nice and cozy in his lungs.
He was falling apart- running across open fields with battle wounds surrounding every fallen solider he came across- there was so much blood.
He was crying on the inside but god forbid he showed those emotions on the open fields he and his brothers ran through.
He wasn't sure he would see his brothers and sisters all come out of this alive... he wasn't sure he would come out alive himself.

She was late to the war she was covered in dirt and oil from the ***** planes she helped gear up every long twelve plus hour shift.
She heard the engines start, she saw the wheels move and the ocean under the boat seemed more peaceful then the open space above.
She saw her wounded brothers and sisters being dragged out of whats left of the planes landing  feeling their pain as blood smeared across the top deck.
She smelled the gas as the planes started moving towards the edge of the boat and she knew there wasn't time to think- only time to move.

They fought and some survived and some didn't make it back home to their families.
They fought tooth and nail, blood and skin- heart and soul.
They were wives and husbands, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, lovers and fighters.
They were more than a flag.
They were more than a country with a big name.
Sep 2017 · 586
Gypsy Queen
Brianna Sep 2017
Dancing through the bright and loud New York streets my little gypsy queen floated by with her camera in hand.
Snapping memories here and there she found love around those ***** streets and neon lights.

He tried to grab her waist and pull her in but she was too preoccupied with the memories she was making.
Her hair sparkled like glitter and her smile could make the ice caps melt.

Singing to the beat of the sirens and the moving to the beat of the traffic she weaved in and out of local shops like the complex braids in her hair.

She was the queen of the grungy corner kids waiting for one more cigarette.
She was the goddess of adventure and the muse to all who craved the lust of life.
She was the Gypsy.
She was the Artist.

Dancing through the crowded New York underground, my little gypsy queen was unbelievably and undeniably herself in every way possible.
Sep 2017 · 333
Flower Anxiety
Brianna Sep 2017
I remember the day you gave me the first set of red roses- you did it on New years because you always said Holidays were easier to remember-
I remember the feeling's I got-
Anxiety of being treated with such love.

I remember the second time you gave me red roses- it was after we broke up for the third time- you promised we would work it out this time.
I remember the feeling's I got-
Anxiety at thinking It wasn't going to get better.

I remember the last time you gave me flowers, my favorite daisies, you were moving across the country.
I remember the feelings I got-
Anxiety at knowing this was the last time we would ever have to fix us.

I don't blame you for retreating and hiding away.
I don't blame you for not wanting this to work out.
I do however blame you for making me feel worthless in the process.

I do blame you for the fact that I will forever question any man who gives me flowers and whether for not he is going to leave and never come back.
Sep 2017 · 498
Brianna Sep 2017
What do you do when you're--
loopy with feelings,
completely and utterly,

What do I do about the-
thoughts in my head,
screaming and yelling,
that I need to stop fearing the word,

He's wonderful and perfect and--
as sweet as pie,
as cute as a button,
and I simply adore everything about
Sep 2017 · 464
Running back home
Brianna Sep 2017
I can't blame you for losing yourself and hiding in the closet with those skeletons you keep.
It's summer out here in Texas and the weather is frying my spirit and the confidence I had is pouring down my face with shame.
I can't blame you for spilling your guts to me when you needed it most; I'm sorry I couldn't do the same.

It's snowing back home in September and I am over here hiding my face from the world wishing I could wear a mask permanently sometimes.
I can't blame you for running away- I ran the same direction but stopped a little too soon I think...
Hard times will make you wonder how you survived when you're on the edge of the cliff and can see rock bottom just below.

I can't blame you for hating me, but you can't blame me for wishing you didn't.
I can't blame you for having nothing to say because  you were the water to my garden but I'm drowning.
I cannot bloom, my petals are falling off day by day and this Texas heat has me lethargic and depressed.

Soon I'll be heading home, back to the desert where my soul remains.
I know the the things you'll say.
I can hear them in the back of my head, but the times have changed.
I can't blame you for running away... but I am running back home now.
Sep 2017 · 510
Pretty Liars
Brianna Sep 2017
Why do we let them have the power to
tear us apart?
bring us to our knees?
lower our self-respect?

Why did I let you tell me it was
all my fault?

Green eyes- demons hidden in the jewels of your life- little does she know you wear contacts and they are fake.
Sandy hair- soft and smooth- little does she know you color it- also fake.
Strong arms- they can wrap themselves around you- little does she know you wrapped them around your ex girlfriend not too long ago- fake.
Weak words- phrases that are as outdated and arrogant as you are when  you pretend to be someone you're not- they sound fake.

"You're pretty." ( stop lying)
"You're perfect." ( ridiculous)
"You're unlike everyone else in this world." ( originality is dead)
"I will never leave you." ( but you did)
"Anything you want baby, it's yours." ( i wanted you)
"I wasn't ignoring you, I just didn't know what to say." ( for a year?)
"I'm sorry." ( my favorite line)

How does it feel to hear your own words used against you?
Does it sound fake?
Sep 2017 · 697
Long Distance
Brianna Sep 2017
I want your lips against mine.
Your hands all over me.
But you're in California and I'm over here thinking-

why the hell do I always fall for the guys nowhere near me?
Sep 2017 · 365
The Easy Road
Brianna Sep 2017
I often think about how I would react to my own death if i was an outsider.
Would I feel sorrow? Would I miss Me the way my friends would miss me?
Would I cry at my funeral or would I stand there silently wishing I was anywhere else but here?

I think about the words I say to myself and the lack of love I usually feel when I talk about myself.
The " Oh, no I'm not nearly as pretty as she is" or the " No way would I be MY OWN friend" responses and the awkward stares after a compliment.
Would I comment on what a good friend I was? Or remember the love I gave to everyone?

I think how easy it is to talk negatively about myself as if I am that easily disposable and I want to change that.
I often think no wonder I fall for the guys who always put me second, or let the **** talkers become my friend so easily-- I see myself in the same way.

As easy as it would be to end it all, I've never been one for easy.
I think I'll take the harder path and live a bit longer and see what I can change in the process.
Sep 2017 · 588
I gave you time.
Brianna Sep 2017
I gave you time- all the time in the world- and when i promised i would love you forever - it wasn't a lie-
However, the time has been passing, and each day I wait, I find a piece of my soul goes missing-
Life would have been everything we wanted it to be - but you couldn't get me a straight answer to save your life-

I gave you time- all the time in the world- and when I promised I would love you forever, well, you're turning me into a liar-
I went to close the door, I shoved all the evidence of you back into the closet and locked it air tight, hoping that if i left no oxygen in the room your memories would die-
However, the memories are trying to escape and reaching out to my friends is still the cowards way to go-

I gave you time- all the time in the world- and when I promised I would love you forever, well, I'm taking that back now-
You used me up, you disrespected me and made me the fool in my own kingdom when I should have been the queen-
However, I made it **** near impossible to reach me this time- I am locking up my heart- double knotting it to the docks so  it doesn't float right back your way again-

I gave you time.
I gave you all the time in the world.
When I promised I would love you forever- I didn't know the clock would stop working.
Aug 2017 · 635
Polaroid Series- 5
Brianna Aug 2017
You were early morning fog that keeps rolling in on grassy hilltops.
Green covered in red and yellow and brown; a place where the living meets the dying.
Cool, minty breath, and the image of you rolling down that hill with a pumpkin in hand will haunt me for the rest of my life.
Orange hair, dark freckles on your face, pretty black tights and a bright yellow jacket that was almost too obnoxious for the beginning of September.

"When did the Autumn become the saddest season?" I asked her as she sipped her coffee as black mascara fell down her pink freckled cheeks.
Aug 2017 · 575
Early morning bad decisions
Brianna Aug 2017
It's roughly 1 am and I am staring at the ceiling fan wondering if i leave it on long enough if it'll fall off the ceiling-
I can't get your body out of my head the way your arms flex around me when you hug me or the way you push those hips on top of me... maybe I just need to get off already--

It's almost 2 am and I am pacing my room smoking with the windows open and it's freezing outside-
I hope she treats you as good as I wish I could have but I'm just a messed up kid with no self respect-

I'ts 3 am and I don't think I am going to sleep anytime soon as I put on another *** of coffee and think about my life --
I wonder if you're pressing those hips against hers... I bet she's really good in bed-
I wonder if when you kiss her you think about me kissing you... or maybe you think about me kissing her?

It's 4 am... why the **** I am still awake I have no idea but I can't get you out of my head--
I text you to see if you're awake because I am really good at bad decisions lately--

It's 5 am and you respond with little enthusiasm especially since I am your ex girlfriend-
You tell me " It's over, go to bed."--

I was never very good at following the rules I guess.
Aug 2017 · 636
Polaroid Series- 4
Brianna Aug 2017
The Sea was your favorite place to be- you were sitting with your legs submerged and your blonde hair falling along the curve of your shoulders-
When the waves came rolling in I remember you jumping up and laughing a laugh that would have made the gods envious-
You wore big, black sunglasses and a dark red bathing suit that covered the most sensual parts according to society-

But I loved the curve of your back and the way you shivered when I ran my fingers up towards your spine-
I loved your clavicle and how you smiled when my lips kissed them softly --
I loved your long, smooth legs, and how you wrapped them around my waist-

"What happened to us last summer?" he said to himself when he saw her at the beach with another man.
Aug 2017 · 443
Brianna Aug 2017
Softly or not at all- you said-
But I don't know how to be soft.
Aug 2017 · 785
Polaroid Series- 3
Brianna Aug 2017
Porcelain skin- it was literally as fragile as a glass doll and when you smiled I was petrified you would shatter in my hands-
Long, dark black hair that you always wore a little too messy for your own good- it flowed around your shoulders-
Glancing to the right with secrets hidden in your eyes, you were always avoiding the camera-
Strawberry red lips and leafy green eyes - you're my favorite fruit-
Forbidden by society  but so tasteful in our secret garden-

"When did you stop smiling? I can't remember the last time you looked this sad" I said as she grabbed her coffee and walked back into the bedroom.. alone.
Aug 2017 · 603
Brianna Aug 2017
You are the fire escape on the side of our apartments - climbing up and down, hair blowing in the breeze-
You are the burnt edge of this film I keep staring at hoping to find you in this room instead of this photograph-
Dark alley ways are for the bad girls you told me once-
Dark alley ways are all we have left of that night-

your lips dancing across mine, your hand in my hair, the blurred self portrait we took lying naked in bed-
intertwined, mixing skin with sheets, mixing sweat with saliva ; kiss me like you mean it boy-
Dark and devilish thoughts are what keep girls like me awake at night you told me once-
Dark thoughts are the only sensual thoughts I have left of you-

You are the hurricane that's forming in the gulf; waiting to destroy what's left of the coast-
You are the fire burning the rest of our photos except this one i hold in my hands-
Dark rooms are for the insecure lovers you told me once-
Dark rooms are what I have left of the secrets you left behind-

Black and white film, colored dreams, and memories clashing with reality-
Dark thoughts about dark alleys and dark rooms are what you left me with-
Aug 2017 · 1.9k
Polaroid Series- 2
Brianna Aug 2017
Sleepy eyes hidden behind black and white covers-
Your arm covering your eyes but you're smiling with nothing but joy and laughter-
Coal Black hair and a 5- o'Clock  shadow covering your chin; I can almost feel the roughness against my face-
Our small, New York apartment, messy as always in the background-

"When did you stop dreaming in technicolor? When did you only focus on the black's and whites of life? She asked when he sat down in front of her- no smile, no joy.
Aug 2017 · 617
Polaroid Series- 1
Brianna Aug 2017
Fire hair flying all around in the cool San Francisco breeze-
Soft skin hidden under layers but still showing your curves so delicately-
Glimmering white teeth and glacier blue eyes; both smiling as though they had a secret-

"Do you remember San Francisco?" He said as she grabbed her coat and headed towards the door.
Aug 2017 · 495
Used to be
Brianna Aug 2017
I was once Beautiful and Wise- but I'll settle for being Decent and Senseless.
I once considered you Handsome and Loyal- but I'll settle for you being Ugly and Dishonest since we know that suits you best.

Please remember - I don't need your permission to be lonely and sad sometimes.
And Please remember- I don't need your approval to find myself again.

Your words used to cut through me like knives and I would run to nearest bar and drink my sorrow away while I cried to strangers.
Until I remembered that my worth isn't measured in what you think about me.

So all aboard the Heartbreak Express we are headed straight into traffic as we dissolve all memories of you and your ugly words.
The time has come to leave the past in the past and move on to the future full speed ahead.

I'll drink to the memories we shared- they weren't all full of pain.
I'll drink to myself! You're not all that bad most of the time.
I'll drink to my people- thanks for sticking by me when the times have been rough and the going gets tough!

I used to be Senseless and Decent - but then again that was all in my head and I am better than that babe.
You used to be Ugly and Dishonest... oh wait, you still are.
Aug 2017 · 494
Under the Crescent Moon
Brianna Aug 2017
I often think of the crescent moon and the memories we shared walking along those half hidden paths in the night.
We danced.
We kissed.
We made love under the silver light.
It was everything.
It was nothing.
Aug 2017 · 242
Falling in love with Sirens
Brianna Aug 2017
I fell in love with a siren with a serpent tongue.
She was beautiful and friendly and glowing like the ocean herself.
She was rain on the window on a cool Autumn day.
She was your favorite cup of coffee in the Winter.

In her eyes held wonders of the world.
The colors felt brighter.
The trees smelled richer.
The memories felt softer.
She was the master of Chaos.

Her siren song was so melodic.
So haunting that when she grabbed my hand and lured me down to the depths of the sea--
I didn't even feel fear.
I felt remorse for the loved ones I was choosing the leave behind.
I felt love for the ocean and for nature that was choosing me.

It wasn't until right before she opened her mouth and showed me the sharpest set of teeth I had ever seen--
Did I realize she was actually the devil in disguise.
Aug 2017 · 713
Wildflower Warpaint
Brianna Aug 2017
You were as golden yellow as the Carolina Jessamine.
You were as petite as the Long- Spurred Violet.
You were as graceful as the Wisteria and as complex as the Passionflower.
You stood as tall as the Sunflowers and as enchanting as the Fall Aster.
You were as intoxicating as the Cardinal flower; haunting everyone and slowly making them fall in love with you.
Your eyes are brighter then those Baby Blue eyes you love so much.
You were as happy as the California Poppy's.

You and your Wildflower Warpaint.
Aug 2017 · 380
New Beginnings
Brianna Aug 2017
I had my own dreams and goals before I met you.
I am going to find those again.

Driving down a a road highlighted in wildflowers and the sun shining bright ahead of me I take a moment to reflect.
I see the dark clouds in my rear view mirror and I scream --
Here's to new beginnings!

I can see how close my future is.
I can feel it on the tip of my tongue when I start singing the songs that remind me of last summer.
I can feel it in every sip of fresh water and every time I jump into lakes with my friends.
I can feel it when I smile with real passion behind it and every time I say "I'm trying" and actually mean it.
I can feel it as I watch the memories of you and every other person who hurt me burn in fire.

I had my own dreams and goals before I met you.
I regret nothing but it's time to lock those doors and lose the keys for good.

I take a long drive, music up and I scream as loud as I can--
Here's to new beginnings.
Aug 2017 · 357
Our Wild Years
Brianna Aug 2017
I'm fixing drinks in the kitchen - it's 4 am and I am petrified about our future.
I watch you sleep while I sip the bitter taste of whiskey running down my throat.
The memories of you and I in our wild years creeps back to me while I sit on the couch contemplating life.

You wore pants too tight for comfort and I wore the best dress I owned as we drove across the country.
We laughed and listened to music from the 90's and drank cheap beer at the motels we stayed at.
We took photos at every monument we saw and always kissed each other goodnight.

My dad always said you were never going to last.
I always thought... we were going to make this work.
You always told me you loved me even after we fought.

Here we are a few years down the road, you're sleeping soundly and I think... maybe my dad was right.
Because you're the kind of guy who dreams of stability.
I'm the kind of girl still dreaming of her wild years.
Aug 2017 · 316
That is the Question
Aug 2017 · 577
Beneath the Surface
Brianna Aug 2017
I have tattoos all over my body but you can't see them all.
They are the words that everyone has ever used against me permanently embedded into my skin.
The judging stares and wandering eyes that make me want to cover my body and hide away.
If you could see them you wouldn't look at me the same ever again.

Heartless- Bold and Italicized across my chest.
Regret- Hidden behind the back of my neck
Fat- Underlined across my stomach
Desperate- Beautifully written between my thighs
Lonely, Pathetic- split between my wrists

The words you keep saying, the words you pretend you don't mean are covering me.
The hatred I feel towards myself can never be fully seen.
If I even opened myself up just little more for you too see you would look away with pity and shame.

Remember this the next time you tell me you regret having me.
Remember this the next time you tell me I am heartless or fat or ugly.
Remember this the next time you tell me my self esteem has ruined my relationships.

Because just beneath the surface lies the art that isn't shown to the world.
Aug 2017 · 414
The Ripple Effect
Brianna Aug 2017
I sat at the edge of the river dipping my toes into the cool water dreaming of another life.
I watched the ripples and the little fish thinking life must be so much easier to just swim around.
I figured they don't have to worry about romance and love.
They don't know what heartbreak truly is- pain and madness in a never ending loop.

I thought... just one last thought before i put my shoes back on and headed back to reality.
I thought, life is like the ripples in the water.
Our problems start so small, then ripple out and eventually...
they start to faded away.
Aug 2017 · 654
-Bitter Like Whiskey- 10W
Brianna Aug 2017
You're like whiskey-
bitter and filled with sorrow-
me too.
Aug 2017 · 1.8k
Kali Ma
Brianna Aug 2017
With her three eyes and many arms Kali Ma leaned in to tell me the secret of this year.
She told me with regret and hate filling my life- I wouldn't be getting anywhere.
She said with trust and loyalty- one day I'll find my back again.
To a live that's full of love and hope instead of sadness and sin.

The Dark Mother- the Goddess of destruction and creation told me she, herself, was the bearer of contradictions.
She said we all fall apart and there are ways to get back up if we just open our eyes.
Instead of filling our self with doubt and questioning the truth instead of the lies.

So within the Ocean  of Blood I have been created by Kali Ma- and I will sooner than later be destroyed by her power.
But before the year is up she has given me the truth to rise up and fight her.
I will change for myself and I become one with the truth's that lie within me.
I will remember the good instead of the bad so it doesn't destroy all of me.

I will wear red as gypsies must do when their funeral is near.
I will let Kali Ma devour me and send me home without fear.
I will wear pride knowing I have found the truth and let the lies go.
I will be at peace when I have figured out everything I needed to know.
Jul 2017 · 580
Some Women
Brianna Jul 2017
It has to scare them to think there are some girls out there who run towards the wilderness instead of away from it.
To think some beautiful gypsy fairy is wandering into the big, scary woods at night to face her demons.
To imagine what it must be like as she glides into the night in a simple dress, barefoot and brave.

It has to be scary for the fathers who try so hard to protect their daughters to know they can fend for themselves.
Knowing their babies are out there wandering and exploring- dreaming of conquering all the world has to offer.
Knowing they are using the lessons you taught them but changing the rules so that a man doesn't have to save them.

It has to be scary for the men who can't handle that women don't need them in their lives.
To know that the more you put us down the stronger we are going to get.
To know the more you tell us we can't do something- the better we can and will do it.

I has to be scary knowing there are some women out there brave enough to fight.
To know that some women can wear high heels and lipstick and still kick your ***.
To imagine what it must be like as she lets her curiosity take over and her dreams become reality.
Jul 2017 · 588
Losing Someone
Brianna Jul 2017
I'm trying to balance the wrong and the right in my life.
I am running out of ways to say "I love you" and " thanks for not leaving me all alone when I'm an *******"

I find myself pushing people away just so I can continue to travel down the road less traveled.
Following the path that has monsters hiding in the trees and demons waiting to pounce from the shadows.
I am wandering. I am exploring.
I have become one with the nomadic spirit that lives inside my heart.
But I cannot remember how it feels to truly LIVE.

He left a long time ago and my friends have picked me up more times than I can count on one hand.
I left myself a long time ago- and my family has picked me up more times than I can count on one hand.

I can't remember what's worse.
The feeling of falling in love or the feeling of losing the one you love.
Because in both situations...

I have lost someone.
Jul 2017 · 906
Wrong Place
Brianna Jul 2017
I like to speak in riddles when you're around.
I like to bring you up just to pull you down.
I am afraid to commit to someone at the current moment.
But I'm even more afraid of letting this guy in when we just met.

I found love in the back of a pick up truck in a small country town.
He picked me up, tore my dress off, and laid me down.
He spoke in a pretty country accent and told me I was the best he ever seen.
I remember thinking learn to speak properly- but that would have been mean.

You left me running from town to town and bed to bed.
I can't let go of the awful things you once said.
I try to race time by running as far away as I can.
But all this running is leaving me cold and without a back up plan.
Jul 2017 · 696
Brianna Jul 2017
They like to keep me up night--
creeping around, haunting sounds, and pale figures in doorways I can barely make out.

They like to keep me on my toes--
Small phrases that make it sounds like they care and then they turn around and stab in me the back.

They try to remind me how to move forward--
but all they do is hold me back and keep me trapped between getting out and staying there.

These ghosts aren't the ones who haunt my hallways at night.
They are not the ones you can banish with some spell or some pretty knick knack you find at the store.

No, these are the ghosts of my mind.
They are the ones who remind me everyday I am in the same place.
They are the people who forgot me.
They are the loves I have lost.

The ghosts I cannot hide from.
Jun 2017 · 699
Type of Boy/ Type of Girl
Brianna Jun 2017
I wanted to marry you -- which is something I have never wanted.
You're talking to a --
Don't need no
Stupid Man to make
me feel whole"
type of girl.

I wanted to have your kids-- which I always found terrifying.
You're talking to a --
"Those kids are
Real Cute
When I can
Give them back"
type of girl.

I wanted to runaway with you -- I never used to run from my problems.
You're talking to a --
Those Demons
Head on
And they will
Leave you
the **** alone"
type of girl.

Now I want to marry someone who actually loves me--
I don't want to talk to the--
"Wants to get
because he's 28
And Life is  almost
type of boy.

Now If I have kids it will be with someone who will be there--
I don't want to have them with the--
"I'll be the best
Ever if you have kids
When I want them
type of boy.

Now If i want to run away -- I'll run away with myself--
I don't want to run with the--
"Come to my
side of the country
Because I
to come to your
Ever again"
Type of boy.

You're selfish.
I'm going to do me.
Jun 2017 · 1.0k
lust and liquor
Brianna Jun 2017
I'm typing in lowercase letters but dreaming in capitals.

i'm swallowing pills and alcohol to numb the pain hoping for solitude in a bottle.
you're cute, i think?
sitting over there at the bar staring at me like i could be someone you want to get to know.
you're cute, i think?
but baby, i'm just a drunk girl at a bar taking too many drugs to even care about what your name is so please stop talking.

you slide over a glass of scotch, neat and cold, disgusting as i drink it down.  
you keep talking about how pretty my eyes are and how cute my hair is and where'd i get that nice dress and why is a cute girl like you at a bar all alone.
please... stop talking.

your hand is creeping up my thigh, and I'm too numb to stop you
the pills are kicking in and you are starting to look like him...
If i drink a little more maybe i can stomach going home with you and drowning my pain with lust.
but for the love of god, please stop talking.

he left three months ago, took his clothes and a toothbrush and headed out.
he kissed my cheek... he said he'd be on the next train home as soon as he could and left with no explanation.
he's married now.
his kids are cute.
he named one after me... which is disgusting and i wonder if his wife knows.

you are still there... wonderful.
i take one last swig of liquor and grab your hand; stumbling from the bar and slurring my words.
i laugh, because it's cute when girls laugh right?
you smile -- and i really can't tell are you ugly or not?
who ******* cares.

i'm typing in lowercase letters dreaming in capitals.
i'm going to go home with this man and pretend he's you.

cheers to drowning out the noise in lust and liquor.
Jun 2017 · 570
Caught in the Lie
Brianna Jun 2017
Alright, I'll admit it, I was wrong and you were right.
We were sitting there pulling at the knots that were much too tight.
Alright, I'll admit it, you were right.
I was trying to find darkness when there was only light.

So, yeah, maybe I was wrong.
But we knew this would fall apart all along.
So, yeah, maybe I was wrong.
But you always knew I was never that strong.

Okay, you caught me in the lie.
I was sitting with him while you were at home begging to try.
Okay, you caught me in the lie.
I was telling him I loved him while you tried not to cry.

Yes, I know, Sorry won't cut it this time.
Because I'm over here trying to apologize in a rhyme.
Yes, I know, Sorry won't cut it this time..
This mountain was just too big for me to climb.

Alright, I'll admit it, maybe I was wrong and you were right...
So... yeah... maybe I was wrong...
And ... okay you caught me in the lie.
but yes, I know, Sorry wont cut it this time...
Jun 2017 · 629
Colors of your Love
Brianna Jun 2017
I saw Blue-- Blue skies and blue eyes.
Blueberries and Blue sheets.

I saw Red-- Red cheeks and Red lips.
Red shirts and bright Red Strawberries.

I saw Brown-- Brown Sand and Brown hair.
Brown shoes and that Brown carpet.

I remember thinking-- "I am more than this one night...I am more than his eyes all over me."
I remember thinking-- "I don't care... His lips taste sweet and his hair is so soft through my fingers."
I remember saying -- " Come with me to your bed where we can roll in the blue sheets as though were swimming in the sea."

I ripped off that Red shirt.
I fell slowly, naked, against his cold, Blue sheets.
And  I ran my fingers through his dark Brown hair-- thinking this... this is what love should feel like.
Jun 2017 · 435
Weren't we just 14?
Brianna Jun 2017
This is for you my best friend - the next time I see you I will be walking down the aisle as your maid of honor.
You will be getting married to the love of your life and you will have your first child in a month.

Weren't we just 14 a few months ago? Didn't we walk home from school laughing at dumb jokes that almost made us *** our pants?
Weren't we just 16 a few months ago? Talking about kissing boys we knew our parents would never approve of?

This one is for you my best friend- the next time I see you i have to remind myself that you've grown up.
That this man you're with has a child and you love him and you're not into going out anymore.

But weren't we just 14 a few months ago? Getting drunk in the backyard while we talked about our latest crushes.
Weren't we just 16 a few months ago? Talking about graduating in a few years and how we just want to be someone new.

This one is for you my best friend- The next time I see you, you will be moving to Boston in a month.
You will be finishing school and moving in a with boy for the first time in your adult life- someone you love.

I swear we were just 14 a few months ago, right? Making plans for college and the future that we had no idea would bring all this.
Weren't we just 16 a few months ago? Trying to dress better and planning our first tattoos and getting piercings because we were so punk.

Life changes and we have all grown up and taken so many separate roads I don't know where they cross and don't cross anymore.
This ones for all of you I hold dearest and true.
I just want you to remember... I will always love you!
Jun 2017 · 591
His tongue speaks riddles
Brianna Jun 2017
He likes to come back when I least expect it and sometimes I wonder if it's because its familiar or if it's the sheer fact we are both missing something in our lives.

He likes to tell me when he's drunk and filled with lust -- and because I'm lonely I get off knowing I'm on his drunken mind.
He likes to tell me the things he would do if I was in the same room- but we both know that's just drunken words and actions always speak a little louder.

He's clumsy with words, but also eloquent enough to get me hot.
His tongue plays tricks.
His lips speak riddles meant for only me to solve.

I think somewhere deep down he knows we aren't good for each other and that my heart lies with another man.
I think somewhere within he numbs the fact I've broken his heart numerous times simply to get off.
I think somewhere in his heart... he knows I'm no good for him.

But those lips speak riddles against my skin.
His tongue leaves my body crawling for more.
One day he will  stop calling and we will be left with clumsy words and broken memories.
Jun 2017 · 576
I was in love
Brianna Jun 2017
Have you ever felt that unbelievable rush, the amazing excitement, the terrible fear of the unknown?
Have you ever felt that cotton mouth, palms sweaty, knees weak and heart heavy feeling?

I was in love.
With your green rolling hills and bright tree tops in the autumn air.
With your bright stars out there in the middle of grassy fields so wide and open.
With the memories laid out there on the pavement leading me back to your parents house.
With skyscrapers and cute shops running the lines of Charlotte.

I was in love.
With bright green eyes and sandy blonde hair turning darker each year.
With strong but soft hands that used to hold me in the night when i was crying and afraid to leave because I always knew.
With rain drops on windows and lakes between two states that held the best of you and I.

I was in love.
With an idea of you.
With the memories of you that were no longer real.
With dreams of you I had made up in my head.
With feelings that linger a little too long for comfort.

Have you ever felt the nerves bubbling in your stomach when you see someone you hadn't see in a long time?
Have you ever felt that simple joy and feeling of complete and total content when you hear it for the first time out loud?

I was in love.
With someone who didn't love me anymore.
May 2017 · 511
Never wanted to be buried
Brianna May 2017
There were all these words scratched into a notebook hidden under your bed... it seemed like such a normal teenage thing to do.
But then you grew up and started scratching them into your skin word for word I ignored them on your arms and under your clothes.

There was that brief moment you started laughing at really morbid things and everyone became really uncomfortable... but I chalked it up to your sick sense of humor and moved on.
But then you grew up and started making your own jokes about dying and how much easier things would be when  you were gone... I ignored them because what else could I do?

Do you remember the moment you became jealous of your friends and family? We laughed because it was such a normal teenage thing to do...
and then you grew up and started to hate them for it.
You started to back off and hide away and I let you do that for a while.

I didn't make it into work today... and I wont make it into work ever again.
I never wanted to be buried but you don't get to choose your funeral once you decide to take yourself out of the equation.
They told me it ran in the family... they said there wasn't any sign at all that this would happen.

Those words were etched on my bones.
That jealousy and that rage was etched in my lungs when I panicked and stopped breathing for moments at a time.
Those morbid jokes were not meant to be taken lightly... I wasn't joking.

I never wanted to be buried.
May 2017 · 765
Almost Summer
Brianna May 2017
I went on a walk today and as I looked to and fro between the breezy tree's and the sun shining against my pale white skin-- I realized you are not even thinking about me.

On this almost summer day, I walked for a little bit.
I let the air soak into my skin, I let the sun brighten my hair, and I let the weather affect me in the best way. I decided to let the earth have it's way with me for once.

I took a step into the gate where the pool laid silently and alone in my apartment complex. I slipped off those sandals I knew you hated when I wore them, and I smiled. I slipped off that ugly kimono I knew you hated and I laughed.

Because for that moment... that single second of me stepping into the cool water on that hot almost summer day... I didn't give you a second thought.  I didn't care about the things you hated about me. I didn't care about the things you loved about me.

I took a sip of the sparkling red wine I bought a few days ago, I sat in the pool, hair  up in a messy bun, water and sun  rejuvenating my body and soul in a way that you will never understand.

I sat there... and I thought... this is it.
This is how it feels to let negativity flow out of you and let love for yourself slowly in.
May 2017 · 989
Sweet Secrets
Brianna May 2017
Sometimes you come back into my life like a sweet secret on my lips.
I think of all the times we spent underneath the sheets laughing while we touched each others souls and bodies.

You taste like cheap beer and regret and for some reason my self -destructive mind doesn't seem to mind.
I lick your lips and taste your tongue against mine as we kiss till the sun rises.

No one knows though, we keep this locked and loaded under our belts ready to fire at any moment.
Loose lips sink ships or so they say but god, I wanna scream your name to the sky.

If they knew... we would never make it out alive.
They would tell us we were wrong.
They would tell us " not again"
And we would smile and agree knowing we would be seeing each other later that night.

This ones for you my aching secret .
My long lost love affair I am choosing to keep under wraps.
My worst nightmare with the sweetest taste.
I'll see you in the morning when we pretend we don't know each others names anymore.
Brianna May 2017
We have a lot of made up, Hallmark type of Holidays don't we?
We have so many things we are told we have to celebrate our whole lives.
May is here -  Mother's Day is here.
But what about the dirt-bag mothers?
What about the mothers who don't care about their children?
What about the mothers who gave their kids up?

I know it's selfish- it's childish- but you weren't there when I needed you.
You were drowning in a bottle of ***** in your bathtub.
I know it's selfish- it's childish- but you still haven't been there.
You are too busy living in your own issues to remember you have children unless it suits you.

I remember living with dad and my stepmom- she raised me.
I remember grandma helping us with homework- she raised me.
I remember calling my dad when I was sad- he raised me.
I remember asking you where you were after 6 months of not hearing from you - but you couldn't even answer that question.

After years of picking up pieces and telling people I didn't have a mother here I am.
I am 25 years old with a stable job and stable home.
You are 47 with nothing to your name except some **** and a broke down apartment you get free from the government.
I am 25 with my **** together- paying my own bills- working for a living.
You are 47 taking pain pills as if your life depended on them.

I hear a lot of people telling me to forgive you, but I am just now coming to terms with how messed up I am.
I hear people telling me " that's your mom" but I am just now realizing the extent of my mental problem you have left me with.

All I have to say is thank the world for my father and stepmom and grandmother-- the only family I ever needed no thanks to you.
May 2017 · 1.1k
Wedding Day
Brianna May 2017
White Walls with Lavender and wildflowers placed around the room-
everything was perfect.
Lacey table decor with Lavender glasses displayed with each name tag-
everything was perfect.

Dad came in with tears in his eyes and Mom was there to help me get that dress on-
everything was perfect.
My best girls by my side with dreams of romance in their eyes and smiles on those perfect faces.
everything was perfect.

Two minutes before we walk down the aisle to say those vows I have rehearsed a thousand times in the mirror.
everything was going to be perfect.
Breathing in and out as my best friend and maid of honor asks me how I'm doing.
everything had to be perfect.

One minute before I walked through those doors and he would be there waiting for me like he always has been.
One minute before I made the biggest decision of my life.. the most lasting decision of my life no matter what the future holds.

But at 30 seconds before I walked down the aisle to my future husband...
you came flying through that door.
I froze.
You froze.

And in that moment I knew...
nothing was ever going to be perfect.
May 2017 · 973
Changing like the Weather
Brianna May 2017
It was warm when I arrived in that big city- a suitcase and my purse are the only legacies I had left to my name.
I could start over here.
I could be someone new here.

My driver was a nice man from Delaware- he told me that the city was old and that I was brave for traveling so far alone.
He was a kind man.
He told me the weather was going to change soon.
He knew nothing about me... I don't think I knew anything about me.

We got to this broke down apartment over in West Philadelphia.
I remember thinking... this can't be the right address.
But it was and that was just the beginning to my endless self struggle.
I thought I could start over here.

The weather changed fast- overnight it was freezing and I was struggling to find warm enough clothes.
I remember thinking... how the **** can anyone live here?
I remember thinking ... how the **** am I going to make it here?

I learned a lot about myself that month I spent in the city.
I learned how to take a subway, how to take a bus, who to talk too and who to avoid.
I learned I can survive being alone.
I also learned.... you can't run from yourself.

You can't change as quickly as the weather.
May 2017 · 1.9k
She tasted like...
Brianna May 2017
She tasted like cigarettes and whiskey... she wore red lipstick and a tight black dress.
I didn't feel a thing for her except envy when we first met.
She told me with a smile I couldn't handle my liquor and I laughed in her face and swallowed that Whiskey straight down.
She grabbed my hand and we were gone.

The next night she tasted like Vanilla and Chai.. she wore black ripped jeans and purple lipstick.
I didn't feel a thing for her except humor.
I told her with a smile she couldn't handle her liquor and she laughed and swallowed that Scotch straight down.
I grabbed her hand and ran .

One more night and she tasted like bubble gum and spice... she wore a black sundress and combat boots.
I felt like maybe I was falling in love with this girl.
She told me with a smile that we should get some drinks since we both can't handle out liquor.
I laughed and grabbed her hand and we walked off to the bar.
May 2017 · 2.0k
Peppermint White Mocha
Brianna May 2017
It was always that Peppermint White Mocha.
It's so funny that a simple drink... one that I choose every single time.
A drink my friends and I have turned into a small inside joke.
A drink that tastes like Christmas ( which you know I hated) and Joy ( but i was always too pessimistic right?).

A drink that no matter the weather I still choose that one single drink.
Don't get me wrong, I've tested other flavors.
I've tried it iced.
I've tried it blended.
I've tried it at a local coffee shop in every city I go too.
But nothing compares to the original.

Funny how this started with you.
Are we even talking about the drink anymore?
May 2017 · 2.1k
Damaged Film
Brianna May 2017
We find ourselves always stuck in the between- the middle of a breakdown, the middle of a fight, the middle of a decision.
In the grey's instead of the blacks and whites of life.
In the undeveloped part of the film; the damaged part of the film.

Have you ever sat in the middle of your living room with a bottle of wine  and the windows slightly open in the middle of winter thinking about life?
I have.
Have you ever sat in the middle of the street in the middle of the night and wished silently to yourself this would all end if one car just turned that corner?
I have.

There's that word again... "Middle"
Which is such an ugly word the more I sit here and type it.
I want to be at the beginning of something.
I would even settle for the end of something just so I could restart again.

I have a hard time focusing on the present, which is also the middle of your life.
I'm always stuck in the past or wishing for the future...
Then again... I am the damaged part of the film.

I am the negatives that will not get developed for another couple years.
Feb 2017 · 1.1k
Prey & Predator
Brianna Feb 2017
It was in that one second between her falling down and getting up that she made the decision to never let herself get that low again.

Bruises vivid in her pale skin.
Blood actively pouring from her nose every other day.
Anxiety and fear running through her veins around every turn.

Fairytales never show you what happens after the honeymoon phase.
They don't show you what happens when the prince lets go of his cool composure and just wants to beat the **** out of you.

He didn't need alcohol.
He didn't need drugs.
He liked the adrenaline he likes the feeling of prey and predator.

In between that one second of falling down and getting back up she made the best decision of her life.

To switch the roles of predator & prey.
Jan 2017 · 971
Stuck in between
Brianna Jan 2017
There was a moment in between the fighting and the screaming when I remembered what passion we both held.
Stuck there silently breathing and staring at the wall wanting to cry and laugh at how this blew up so quickly.

There was a moment between the wanting to pack my **** and move away and you begging me to stay I remembered why I loved you.
Stuck there silently thinking if I could just get the words out maybe you'd let me go.. maybe you'd want me to stay more.

I was tired of feeling broken every other day while you continued to grow without me.
I was tired of the silence I left on my tongue when you told me I was utterly useless in this relationship.

So there was a moment there between the looks of sadness and pain where I saw a glimpse of what we used to hold before the regret and contempt.
Stuck there silently watching you run your hands through your hair.
Stuck there silently feeling tears fall down my face as I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.
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