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In their woods; there is a love that is hunted with all
of its goodies in a basket- basking on all that we could
hold onto; as your cheeks blush became the main
protagonist, like a Little Red Riding Hood

Beware the bite of love; beware of the wolf- for the
goosebumps you feel, is a breath howling at your skin
And doesn’t that make you want to scream; in those cries
surely caused by the eyes ******* you in the world
we live in; making you out as its meal

You are so pretty and so wild; to the tragedy of a love being
so blind- as your true blessing is softly masked in a disguise,
For even as there are people who care for you, there are so
many to despise, so many that are truly, and completely vile
Those that treat you like a chicken lost in the woods- people
only interested in the breast and thighs

Love is no fairy-tale- neither anything close to a movie;
though heartbreak is nothing of fiction. Love is sometimes a
crippling addiction; the oxymoron of us always chasing after love
My dearest daughter, don’t get lost in its woods.
Styles 1d
Fingers trace the
curves of his bare chest,
Every touch, a deliberate exploration.
In the quiet moment, I find my desire,
I do not remember
how it is that we forget
when and why we got here
and how we ever met

I do not remember
what we both can’t recall
words that we would say
or didn’t say at all

I do not remember
what you also do not
what we said we never will
and what we both forgot
Sof 6d
The heat of the sun shining upon my face,
a reminder of my unattainable longing
for your warmth, and shining aura of life,
that let even the the brightest sun
look pale in comparison.
I fight the urge to cower in dark corners alone,
and let the tears stream down my cheeks.
I did not deserve hiding,
ridding the body of distress chemicals.
While regret chokes me,
forever trapped by my own hand,
I stare directly into the sun until
my eyes start to burn and cloud over.
What a waste of time not loving you.
[Kiss of death]
/ /
A kiss on the cheek that signifies the death of the receiver.

Thoughts that partially come; I’m feasting on someone’s time,
second by second- killing their time; as one not wanting
to be dead late on finding out the ecstasy/lust of new experiences
These are my many bad dreams: overseeing life, aboard the
devil’s huge cranes- crossing the edge of a horizon, all
driven by a decision, without a moral choice

I chose to betray your trust…

I am so hollow; yet to be comprehensive, in a spiralling ballet
of our dreams – all the better versions of our love
As I gaze at sunsets over the ocean; a perfect place for us to
make love, I’m sure. But as the shore births another call to
winter- our summer love quickly flies south. You are the
summertime to fill my heart, but my wings have slowly
fallen apart

My love mate, I’m trailing behind, lost in the clouds
I can’t see you anymore; we should have sealed our love
with a kiss right from the start. But how could you kiss someone
with a cheeky smile. Now the black clouds of death are rising,
and with that, the promising kiss of death
Zack Ripley Jul 14
Of all the things I've lost
and all the things I've gained,
I've found the most meaning
in the things that remain
How the world hoards to see us: a collective
Of compulsive opinions, so prevalent in their hearts
Amid the prettiness sleeping awkwardly in your eyes
You’re so pretty in my eyes- I just wish you could
See what I see, but you’re so blinded by the
Glass splinters in your eyes, remaining something of
A child, still finding themselves- eternally lost
You didn't want love I offered
I continued life alone
Both lucky
You more than I
To be alive on my own
It's 11:11
Make a wish
Won't come true for you twice
Time I lost missing you is now yours to spend
You are paying the price
Written 3-3-21
There’s something so sinister about being lost inside of yourself;-
I apply Lip Ice before I fall asleep, just in case I have to experience
That cold kiss with Death. But that’s one being, being less than
generous to oneself, and giving out a lot of degenerate excuses
Of not doing so well. Rambling picaresque; engulfed by a hardened
sense; feeding well into my own insecurities, made from haphazard
ingredients- as a soul that tastes like concluded gumbo

Still, I ate a full plate; possessing a ruthless taste; an illegitimate
descendant of experience- that ******* is tapping, watered down
By the chit and chatter of rain; a totem of pain, spoken in haste,
As my lips are a cigarette ember, kissing while heat reveals itself,
As a tiny echoed spark, in a pool full of fresh gasoline

I only hear the sound of peace, in a snoring dream, ha, I hardly
do try to breathe out of my nose. From not being altogether; are we
Really all together- who really knows? But only the dead, who truly
Get to see the entire world, as souls that rise, or of course those who fall
As its truly so sinister living as beings, in this world’s being.
Lazlo Mehl Jul 11
Hey there little Brother

You've left is once again, I know that this was not by choice but God needed you there, I know that you hurting, the same way we all do but you have to know this Louboy, you've won the race and now you get to see God's face, please don't be so disheartened, your mom's and dad's  are okay, you were truly special that's why God couldn't wait, for you to come back home and take up your rightful place, today we are mourning but we also celebrate the beautiful memories that we got to make, no no don't cry, dry your eyes and celebrate your life is now eternal we still have to wait. So please little brother, please prepare our place for we pray to meet you once again face to face.
Louis was only 16 when he tragically lost his life to mistaken identity. Forever broken
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