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I am
Human being.
And everything I am
Belongs to me.

Being ...
Being ...
Being ...

A part of the crowd.
I am.
And all of this is enough.
And all of this is plenty.
And all of this makes me
A normal human being.
Accepting oneself with everything.
We are clouds
and collective by nature
drifting into our eyes
and across our minds.

We cannot live in
photos or paintings--
inspiring, but hanging
dormant like billboards
and traffic signs.

We can awaken
when angry
fire and fury
torrents of rain
hail damaging

Then Zephyr comes
to appease our anger
  --god’s of the sky--
peace treaties pending.

Drifted in like an angel
ahead of a storm front
thunder and lightning her silhouette.
She brought in less
threatening clouds to
comfort her when storms
kept her angry cold and wet.

At times dark clouds look ominous
and high winds are surely threatening war--
Then out the blue
allies flank this enemy
blowing away
the fiery vaporous Thor.

We float into wintertime
into its storyline
Drifting in and out of space
and time through seasons
of wind hail rain or shine
(essence of
our collective and
connected minds)

Billowing Cumulonimbus.
Dark Nimbostratus.
Thin Sirius basking in sunshine.
Shapeless grey clouds of snow.
Cold drizzle reigns.

Funnel clouds
bursting through
atmospheric membrane.

We can be moody
boasting large volumes
but revealing far-less mass.

Passively aggressive
boasting less volume
but revealing a lot of mass.

We are clouds
drifting into our
eyes and across our
interconnected minds.
©2024 Daniel Irwin Tucker

We are clouds
In my journey through the depths of human emotion, I have come to understand the necessity of embracing the full spectrum of feelings. I have learned that to truly live, I must allow myself to feel every emotion, without judgment or resistance. There is no hierarchy of feelings; joy, sadness, fear, and pleasure are all woven into the fabric of my being. To reject any part of this tapestry is to reject a part of myself.

Through this reflection, I see that emotional wholeness is not the absence of pain but the willingness to meet it with compassion. When I honor the discomforts that arise, I am granted deeper access to the richness of life, and it is here that I find meaning. Avoiding pain may offer temporary relief, but it denies me the opportunity to grow and evolve.

This path requires vulnerability; an openness not only with others but with myself. I must release the need for control and certainty, accepting that uncertainty and imperfection are intrinsic to human existence. By surrendering to this truth, I find the freedom to be authentic, present, and fully engaged with the world.

In relationships, I realize that emotional intimacy flourishes when both individuals can sit with their own feelings and, by extension, hold space for the feelings of others. The bonds I seek are forged not through avoiding discomfort but through the courage to be seen as I am, in both light and darkness with in me.

I have come to understand that emotions are guides, not enemies. They are here to teach me, to lead me toward deeper understanding, connection, and transformation. It is through feeling it all; without numbing, without denial; that I find true liberation.


Each emotion has its space,
each one part of what makes us human.
I carry them all,
not as weight,
but as the colors of life.

In feeling them, I find peace;
not by pushing them away,
but by living through each one.

—Sincerely, Boris
Karma 6d
It is human nature to worship.
They go to their games,
As some do their churches.
They scream, the cheer,
They weep in both joy
And disappointment.
Who is their god?

It is human nature to feel.
They react to others,
As some do none.
They sneer, the smile,
They pray for both the rise
And the downfall.
Are their minds closed?

It is human nature to decide.
They experience life,
As some do not.
They see, they hear,
They determine both good
And evil.
Do they think they have the right?

It is human nature to sloth.
They move mindlessly,
As some just sit.
They worship, they feel,
They decide.
They need problems to function
And revelations of solution
Drive them.

If it’s so easy for humans to give up,
Why is it that when the easiest option is death,
They refuse?
Why is it impossible for humans to die,
Even by their own hands,
Without a fight?
What makes the spirit of a human

That’s easy, isn’t it?
It’s human nature.
there is nothing wrong
with human nature this is
just the way we are
Oh human how low can you be?
In your eyes, I see
A loneliness you cannot keep.
Why do you feel this way?
Must your soul linger in twilight's sway?
Or maybe I've been looking at you the wrong way?

Look closer and see;
Through this mirror, there's a limit to what you can be.
After all, what it means to truly see
Is by closing your eyes and then breathe—

One, two and three...

Take a look inside,
Where nothingness and darkness abound.
Then came a cosmic bang—
Matter racing, light spills across the sky,
As the universe burst to life

Day by day, this universe expands.
Through stars, we meet
And moments we make stand.

Dreams to fulfill in the bloom of your prime,
Steady and bold, like mountains climbing high,
Values sculpted by the passage of time,
And desires stretching beyond the endless sky.
Home to myriad of galaxies,
Where stars like waves crash in cosmic seas,
Holds the wisdom of ages long past,
A race known for eons to last.

All these years of existence welling up inside,
Hidden truths unseen by the naked eye.
So for a fleeting moment,
embrace the tide;
For you are more than a label or a guise.

Just like the universe, forever in motion,
Born from the void, a spark of creation,
You are not just a mere flesh in the trials we bear;
You hold galaxies within you, infinite and rare

An ever-expanding universe, that is who you are.

✍️ P.Earl

🖼️ No Game No Life
Nat Lipstadt Aug 2013
"Nothing is so healing as the human touch."

Started:    June 21, 2011
Finished:  August 14, 2011

"Nothing is so healing as the human touch."

Purportedly, the final words of Bobby Fischer, the reclusive, oft bizarre-acting Chess Grandmaster, whose life deserves your examination.  

I wasted decades of my life in a loveless, sexless, miserable marriage. I read his dying words, and the poem~notion was born, but the words had their own timetable and it made me crazy.

All the facts you need to read this old poem are now in your possession.
Mos­t poems used to just tumble out,
Sudoku words combos,
Gunslinger I was,
poetically licensed to shoot
from the hip (the lip?).

Then you go mute, until that second,
When once again,
machine gun stanzas fall like
spilling all over the kitchen floor,
as they always do at Two Am
when quietude is in high season,
And the whole house is sleeping.

Once in awhile,
the title~idea recorded,
but the poem unwrit,
just won't come.
*** but no ******.

The words smack you,
write me, I deserve it,
a challenged duel glove
goes kissy kissy on your face,
but the words,
the choice of weapons
eludes for weeks, months.  

So Bobby,
your challenge
long ago accepted,
but my reply imperfect,
has lain bound and gagged,
a poem-in-progress
hid in the trunk of my heart,
unable to escape, even when
escape attempted, unsuccessful.

From June till August moon,
your dying words have been
a cancer growing, within,  
hiding from my bullets
invented to radiate,
your final words, explicate,
Explode and expose.

Your life,
an essay on life in solitary,
anti-social would immodestly describe your life best.

How came you then to exclaim,
re the glories of human touch?

Ah a dying man's last regret,
a simple cri du couer,
nothing extraordinaire,
a basic 101 shoulda/woulda
of "I coulda done it better,"
what's the big deal?

Until this exact second,
Sunday rain jolted body from bed
do I instant understand my obsession,
the import to me,
the need to capture
the haunt of the healing
of your dying words.  

Life is small, miniaturized
when numbered in decades -
five, six, seven,
eight nine or even ten.  

How came I to pass so many,
discarded whole decades,
of the few we garner
without the sustenance of
Human Touch?

How came I to allow this
disaster to pass?

How did I advance to the next grade/decade
when a failing grade was scarlet tattooed
In ****** scars upon my chest?

Would be easy to dismiss
as just another
whiney rant
that is no longer relevant
to you,
lies I told myself,
no longer resonate,
over, now.


Everything matters.  

Summation.  Accumulation.

Day Counter Totals
reveal gaps of years
that cannot be refilled
so your accounting
must include a retelling of the
wasted days and acknowledge
with your dying breath,

Nothing is so healing
as the human touch.

Thank you my love.
Thank you, Mr. Fischer.
We chose to be caught,
Swirling in this vortex,
With our crystalline eyes
Closed, or open—


I remember clearly,
A flirt. A touch. A kiss.
I flew with my mind,
I loved it wet—

but you couldn’t love it then,
you couldn't even hate it,
you hate it now, looking back

We found ourselves
Spinning in the spiral
Of something we chose—
It was our own will,
Unbreakable by anyone,

though it had happened before:
you were torn apart like paper.

and now you are here,
gluing with gold the shattered pieces

Of the beautiful being you are,
Of the beautiful thing you swear to be,
Of the beautiful child you see,
When you look into the mirror
With your eyes wide open.

(Open your arms towards yourself and towards others, because love is always open arms)

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