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My wife agreed to marriage counseling before the great divorce,
and of course, she picked the counselor.  This is it; one session, one shot at redemption.  I waited with bated breath for the day to arrive.
It did.  We met at his office, where hope was dashed to shreds like a ship
on a coral reef, like dreams of domestic bliss made of glass and shattered on the kitchen floor with no broom to sweep them up.
We shouldn't get lawyers and go to court.  We should have a funeral and sing, Rock of Ages, because divorce is the death of a family.

The room is nice and cold as ice, and he's friendly, boisterous, and bold, but here's the clincher, he wore an eye patch.  Maybe he had surgery or some type of injury, but everything he said was drowned out by the voice in my head that screamed, "He looks like a pirate, and no ******* pirate is going to tell me how I should have been a better husband."  I quickly scanned the room for a cage where he kept his parrot, which usually sat on his shoulder and sang old songs of the sea.  I glanced at his right hand, but conveniently it was hidden by the desk.  Now I was sure.  It wasn't a hand at all, but a hook, that he used to scratch his ***, or to spear the shreds of broken lives left over from a long day's work.  His hand was probably a casualty, lost on a voyage to a shark he tried to advise.

I leaned over and whispered in my wife's ear, "Where did you find this ******* nut. Long John Silvers?"  The humor eluded her like the sunken treasure did the old sea dog that sat across from me.  I swore if he said, "Aye aye matey."  I would smack him, and jack his ship, and maybe my wife and I would sail south to the Caribbean, not to the ride at Disneyland, Pirates of the Caribbean, but to the islands, where we would lie **** on the sandy beaches and drink Pina Coladas, or some other fruit-filled umbrella drink, until we were so drunk we couldn't see straight, and all our problems would sink like the setting sun into a brand new horizon.  But the old scalawag had no pirate lingo, so the hour came and went, our money was poorly spent, and it was lunchtime, and I was bent on seafood.
I wrote this many years ago.  Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Ironically, I do this from a boat. lol
FS-30 2d
I look up to the sky
Are you really there?
Or are you around me?
Are you everywhere?
Near or far
I just know
I want to be
Wherever you are.
I melt like ice on a hot plate
Like a candle to a flame
All I know is pain
Though it now sits as an unforgettable stain
The receptors were never meant too sustain
The onslaught like constant rain
Proving to be too much to maintain
I now feel nothing,
Teetering on the cusp of insane
Not unfamiliar terrain
I recognize fears domain
Spent a lot of time on that plane
Where a single step forward is a strain
And one look back can reattach the chain
Scars from a dangerous brain
Are the only parts of the original me that remain
If need be,
Look for my face in the wood grain

Smiling as we groan
A nation filled with hatred
The poor feels the pains
As the plebeians labour in vain

Who can salvage us?
The souls of men wane
Crying for the liberty
Why the hatred of the conscientious?

People dance to the public naked
Animals bemoan the sufferings
The sky bleeds blue blood
Why do men hunt their fellows?

Silencing the souls of men
Marching orders of vagabonds
Hatred of the cries of the victims
Why honour the stained boots?
Liberation without consequences is worthless!
Sof 6d
The heat of the sun shining upon my face,
a reminder of my unattainable longing
for your warmth, and shining aura of life,
that let even the the brightest sun
look pale in comparison.
I fight the urge to cower in dark corners alone,
and let the tears stream down my cheeks.
I did not deserve hiding,
ridding the body of distress chemicals.
While regret chokes me,
forever trapped by my own hand,
I stare directly into the sun until
my eyes start to burn and cloud over.
What a waste of time not loving you.
a raging storm can sing a lullaby
to those, whose hearts are caught up
in the fire.
the last pursuit before they learn to fly
away, but then they'd rather keep
on trying
to be destroyed by something more
than them; oh, what a view it paints,
that burning sky.
there is no after as there's no before
for those, whose souls are not afraid
to die.

the dawn stands witness of a brand new day
and mourns, so solemn in its silent cry.
the winds keep vigil at their shallow grave
and raging storms sing them a lullaby.
Viktoriia Jul 18
what love may give
love shall take all the same,
the joy it brings is fleeting and uncertain.
a stolen kiss behind the heavy curtain
and every breath is on the precipice.
the one who yearns must yearn forever more,
the one who dares must learn to throw the game.
when bodies touch it's there to keep the score;
what love may give
love shall take all the same.
Violet Jul 11
How naïve was I?
To think that I could cease bleeding-
Bleeding into words like it healed me somehow.

How I thought the warmth of love would stitch the pieces of my heart,
And my heart would stop bleeding sad poetry like it used to.
But it did.
It stopped long enough,
False promising a forever.

But how naïve was I?
To think that I could go much far from home-
Far from the comforting grasp of my anguish tearing into black inks of beautiful despair.
- Life wanted me feel the sensations so that I could start creating  in the reminiscence of the memories.
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