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Lydia 14m
does everyone get this unhappy?
like the kind that just takes you out
changes your whole mood
the entire fiber of your being just goes
to ash and void
sometimes I wonder if the only times
I’ll ever get to know true happiness will be when I’m old and alone
maybe those will be the days I get to really truly do what I want
the way I’ve wanted to my entire young life
somehow, have always ******* left it behind for…
someone else’s dreams
someone else’s life
someone else’s needs
I’ve spent my entire life giving to others
and yet have never really seemed to give a **** what I actually want
It’s official. What I want today, I hate tomorrow
In the heart of Africa
Lies a land of beauty and peace
Called Kenya

And the Kenyan people are 
Proud and strong
Guarding Kenya
All day long and the history
Is Super great and the people are loyal

And Nairobi is the place to be
And the warm sun is shining so brightly on me and the little birds are so colourful And there singing soothes
My soul and warms my heart

And Kenya the land of
opportunity and the Kenyan people are fun and loyal and there
So kind and there super proud

And they have hearts of gold and they Will always stand up and be
strong and be proud
Kenyan people all day long
A beacon of hope for all to see and
Kenya is truly a beautiful and
Magical place to be.
Kenya 🌹🌹
The drought has made July linger.  The air smells of sewer *****, sweetgum, sassafras, fescue, concrete and asphalt.  

On this long summer day when the light and heat decide to linger— parents let their children play well into the night on the community’s green.  

Their laughter and the croaking of frogs in the rention pond, just beyond, overgrown with cattails,
has my dog thinking the sound of fireworks and wanting to go back home.  I see the flickerings of the early late night news peeping through the half-drawn curtains as we head back.  

I imagine the children dreaming dream after dream in the hot mist of sleep after the last door has shut.

In that moment I see the first lines of my new poem, full  of that living hurting nostalgia that everyone likes to star and comment on— a poem, that I imagine, might be found after my death by my executor.  It would be one of those critically disdained viral odes charming and popular enough to be embroidered on sofa pillows that comfort the aching backside of old widows. A poem with a hint of despair but not written in despair.   One that knows the substance of July summer nights.
Bangladesh the land of beauty and grace
Full of peace and love
In this precious place

And Bangladesh is the place
to be as the sun
Is shining brightly down upon me
And it's a glorious day and
I'm having so much fun today

And from the busy
Streets of Dhaka
To the magical hills of
Tazing **** and
Each Bangladeshi
city tells its own precious little stories
And the city of
Sylhet magically beautiful

And the smells of spice in the air and sweetness
Of the food is blowing everywhere and it's so tasty and
Bangladesh is the place to be and the sunshine is shining brightly down upon me

And I'll never forget
My wonderful time in
Bangladesh and
The love we shared
Along the way
And peace I felt every day
And Bangladesh is the place to be and
Bangladesh will always and forever stay inside my beating heart with me
I'll always and forever
Remember my special time in beautiful and peaceful Bangladesh.
It's your birthday today
And may it be full of happiness and delight
Kissing the love of your life and
With each moment that
You spend together
Make your birthday so
beautiful and so perfect today.
Happy Birthday 🎁🎁🎁🎂🎂
Brave and strong
Irish men and women march on
Fighting and dying
For good old Ireland
In the face of evil
The Irish have shaken the empire with
Their hearts full of valor
And our Irish souls so pure
And we are the ones
Who look up to our brave
Irish hero's
Who have gone before us.
Everything is momentary to a monumental failure;
Monetizing the currency to a means of life
All in the means of life being momentaneous of one’s strife
And it honestly takes a lot of strife, to inspire my own self
To continue on to write — some days, it feels like it’s all coming
To be my very last moment, of forcing myself to inspire
Someone; anyone willing to connect through the wire
Building fences around the ideas we all seem to like:

We all like to be heard; as countless failures to listen
We all like to be anchors of advice; less the ones to gain wisdom
We all like the appeal of more life; dead cold to life’s experiences
We all like the good cards we’re dealt; but would prefer the odds
Of ourselves being the one’s quietly dealing it
We all like the idea of a superhero; something that supersedes faith
We all like the hope of us being connected by love; but what’s
A wicked heart, if it doesn’t sometimes love to hate

Everything we try to do, everything forced into my eyes
Shows me everything we want to do, is often just a waste.
A ****** ****** and
Blood stains the
Hands of the killer
****** leaves scars
So deep and the familes weep.
The wind is gently
Blowing scented flowers
At springtime and it's
Nature's sweet embrace.
Little penguins
Waddling on the ice
Black and white
In perfect harmony
Little penguin's dancing
All together under the
Penguins 🐧🐧
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