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Wide awake counting sheep
Gotta be up to infinity
So, any day now
I'll finally get to see what my dreams might be

Even before
My feet hit the floor
I'm short a dollar
And a day late for what's in-store

For a moment we’re in perfect harmony.
There is no fear. No worry.
Finding purpose in each other.
Whether the shadows creep through the night.
Or the sun lives out loud during the day.
There is but a moment
Followed by an embrace, then a click.

Unlocking parts of you that I only anticipate.
Though circumstances may vary.
This moment I relive, even away from you.
The way that you sigh, the way that you
Twist and the way that you turn.
No matter where I’ve been.
You tumble then you click for all to hear.

A sigh released into forever.
Echoing down its hallway.
No matter how tight you squeeze.
I am here.
No matter how stubborn you may become.
I am here.
Until the day I no longer exist.

No matter how many hands I may pass through.
I can never replace the way that you hold me.
SANA Jul 3
I want someone to love me in the same way
that James Arthur wrote "Say You Won't Let Go."
and all of his other songs
igc Jun 30
I couldn’t hear half the night but I didn’t care
The chatter ebbing and flowing
floating over the conversation our conversation

She laughed soundly at another joke and they passed the chowder knowing we just had to try it
I smiled so hard I had to look away

This is a poem about friendship
The tingles you feel on the side of your face when someone’s trying to catch your attention
Smirks that transcend tabletop landscapes

Crowing madly at memories a decade old
We gather another round of courage
Debting any consequence of today to tomorrow
Tonight we make up lost time by sharing a past
SANA Jun 28
is it really over ?
it shouldn't hurt so much
but why does it hurt this much
do you still remember it all to well
does it hurt you the way it does to me?
SANA Jun 28
i wish i can disappear
sometimes .... too often.....
i really wish that
Moon Cherry Jun 23
Gazing eyes to eyes
I longed for an endless night
The days I looked for
I really wish for forever with the people I love
Jeremy Betts Jun 20
I don't dare to look in the driver's side mirror
Objective issues seen seem closer than they appear
The warnings always been there
In black print on the bottom from corner to corner
Trust me, I've spent most of my forever
Glued to the rearview mirror
I wouldn't say one over the other is safer
Both lead to the inability too steer
Leaving the inevitable outcome to each pretty clear

Jeremy Betts Jun 17
I can not change a past future
And it's lookin' ever more likely I can't alter tomorrow either
I might not make it through today's slaughter
If something doesn't go in my favor
The odds stack higher and higher
Then are topped with a dumpster fire
It's forever getting harder
To change the mindset of, "why bother?"
I desperately search out shelter
To begin another attempt at a repair
Go figure,
Once again it's a hopeless endeavor
It has me grasping at any answer
Like gasping for air
No thoughts of grandgure here,
Just a father in battle worn armor
But a desperate depression's taking over
Still holding a glimmer of hope, just a sliver
And a half-hearted prayer not to falter
While they tell me I can't possibly know what's in store
I beg to differ...

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