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it's judgment day
and i'm answering
for every sin

each time my heart
beat for you
took a notch off my life
my chances of salvation
cannot be salvaged
yet i'm still frantically
digging in the dirt
to find you

the pain is agonizing
so i numb it with
falsetto dreams
and broken windows
because i don't wanna
see the world anymore

i scream into my pillow
the very one you laid your
head down on next to me
living an imperfect existence
we played royalty and
i was your princess

those nights
we held on to each other
like the world was ending
and kissed as if it were
our last goodbye
every time

every time


it's judgment day
no stone is left unturned
i knew they would come for us
pitchforks and fiery stakes
piercing our core
tearing us apart

apologetic forgiveness
to the Powers that be
i beg for second chance
sacrificing my place
in your arms
to save your heart
(C) L.Lynn 2024
I'd fall from hands a million times
So many occasions you've let me down
If knowing better I'd stay away
Keep giving me the runaround
And think I'm a glutton for punishment
When willing I am somehow charmed
Into the worst situations readily dive
So person you pretend to be is unharmed
Sees fireworks and calls name
Moment suspended in time
Everything is heaven in your presence
I would crush myself if it meant helping you climb
And sprinkle wishes on surface
It made you proud of me
And laughing stars lit up the skyline
Filled you with identities I couldn't flee
You were young when you tumbled headfirst
Defenseless to varying degrees of pain
Wouldn't even stray from my side
My heart what drove you insane
Laying on beautiful grass
There to wipe fine tears from my eyes
Roads visible from the windowsill
Been forced to inhale the dust that flies
Before you stepped from your spirit
I imagine you longed to be free
Just want to understand if I'm right
Sparkle assuming to silently agree
Like remnants of ground clinging to clothes
Eruption of dirt and desire
Gave birth to traveling attention
Upon future danced waiting to tire
Like edges aren't real if they aren't addressed
Our bodies make excuses
Just long to come first in your book
Heavy world plays games and uses
Hanging from cliffs by fingernails
Not the palms of your hands
To me is no permanent solution
A little lighter and minutes may understand
I yearn to be thing you need most
Pushed against wall so tight
Straining to support my body standing
Further from your sight
So life doesn't wear you out as much
For you straighten it's curves
You have to admit it takes strength
Deep breaths feel like what I deserve
And do little to change my circumstance
It is me who chose the easier route
Heights the obstacle blocking achievement
Be your back-up plan when in doubt
Because it is not what I had planned
It's giving up and caving in
Chance to come with new ideas
And willingness to hide within
Burn and do wrong in your haste to cover tracks
The universe shows your mistakes
Listening and looking for signs
I think life will relieve the aches
This is an inch from cataclysm
Chamber loaded in gun
My lips are wrapped around the barrel
Giving you opportunity to run
I hope you find what you are searching for
Sky where stare is fixed upon
For you I'm writing this
And I believe you are better off with me gone
Written 3-3-21
undefined Jul 3
i wish that i could lose your number,
wish i didn't know you exist.
if i could just lose your number,
maybe i'd never have to feel like this.

if i didn't know that you love me,
i might not be feeling so sad.
and when you say things to hurt me,
i could walk away and never look back.

So, I wish I could just lose UR Number,
Wish I didn't know you exist...
And if I could just lose ur Number,
I Wouldn't have ta Feel  like this.
song write today
I am conscious this time of year is hard
Heart is broken and badly scarred
Joy scarce
Only regret found
Negative thoughts in head spin around
Heavenly sensations sought in vain
Where there was possibility there is now only pain
Swallow mistakes but stick in your throat
Suffocating without antidote
Minutes slip by struggling to breathe air
Poetry is to make you aware
Hiding confrontation will never succeed
This a reminder that life you do need
Ghosts are real walking amongst the living
Dream of getting rather than giving
Who battle demons lying in bed
Propaganda spread throughout their own head
Excuses readily kept at hand
When things do not work out as planned
Drinking despair like alcohol
Until problems seem so small
Under dissection truth discovered
Full well knowing the damage not covered
Give explanation flimsy and weak
In the daylight may as well not speak
Called out on ******* you shift your gaze
At silence I am always amazed
After our history still stare at the sky
Ashamed to tell me the reason why
Honesty makes you seem naked and scared
Vulnerability contained you refuse to share
Manipulation and blame tactics you use
Tools implemented to deceive and abuse
I once was unsuspecting and naive
Dangerous games taught not to believe
But deep down I decide it's because you've been hurt
Past is why you treat others like dirt
Passing heartache painstakingly along
The agony remains
Increasingly strong
The harder I try to **** it the worse it becomes
Mister J May 29
Staring into the midnight skyline
Underneath the faded starlight
Cold winds caressing my face
Wooly blanket warming my shoulders

My thoughts wandering in the abyss
Skipping among the wispy clouds
Trying to reach for the brightest stars
Only to fall back into the expansive void

My heart is in melancholia
My mind in aching nostalgia
My chest tightened in a knot
My eyes in a sleepless trance

Take me back to the olden days
The days filled with loving warmth
When I melt from your every kiss
And I succumb to your cozy embrace

Take me back to the bygone nights
The nights filled with untethered passion
When you touch stirs my broken soul
Mending its tangles, soothing its core

Oh how I pray every night
Pleading with the Powers that be
Asking Them for your return
Even if its only in my dreams

Oh God, please take me back
To the eyes that were my mirrors
To the arms that were my hearth
To the love that was my home

Please bring me back
Bring me back to my home
To my love that was taken away
To the missing half of my soul

Please bring me back
To the love that quenches my thirst
To the heart that yearns only for me
To you

I miss you

Haven't written in a while.
Feeling nostalgic

Here's a piece. For old times' sake.
Bowedbranches May 14
So you finally
Got the guts
To migrate...

To give a guy
A chance
When you know it
Ends the same..
As the song before

Told you to knock
Down these walls
And build a door
Instead ya didn't
do a **** thing

But diss
And disappointment me
Did I expect
It to explode

With all your
Odes and empty promises
Love bombing
Cuz you wanted me

Now it's
"Our views are just too different"
You're "confused" and your too distant
To the point where I'm


On You
Yet again
Reimers May 14
Nakahiga, tulala na naman sa kisame
Tuloy ang daloy ng panahon
Ngunit ang mundo ko'y nakatigil
Kamay sa mukha, luha'y pinipigil

Inaalala ang mga sandaling puno ng kulay
Paligid ko'y umaapaw sa tawa't saya, dahil nariyan ka pa
Ngayo'y nagpaalam na tayo, ngunit puso ko'y nakakapit pa
Libutin man ang sansinukob, ikaw pa rin ang nais makita

Kahit anong pagsusumikap na limutin ka
Lalong lumalalim ang sugat sa bawat alaala
Sa bawat pintig ng puso, hapdi ang nararamdaman
Umaasang ang ating landas muli'y magtatagpo
It's rare for me to write in my own language. But this is the best way for me to freely express my raw emotions.
Is this how love is smothered?
I am misunderstood
We go at war with each other
Will we lose fight for good?
Again hear bombs exploding
And again smoke fills air
Emotions been eroding
Battle isn't fair
How many times have surrendered
Slipping away from the past
Pulling from the image rendered
Drifting from touch too fast
Everyone moving forward
Can't find strength to lift my feet
Where I am stay not speaking a word
We make-up
Never afraid to say how you feel
You don't like it reinvent
Feelings are not meant to be sealed
Here if you need to vent
Energy gathered great and wide
Horizon bright where we stand
The new storm starts brewing inside
Working it's way through the land
Deep colors found above in the vast sky
Shades compressed into one
Emanating a beam from up high
Outlines traced with sun
Life came warming bodies slow
Electricity poured through our veins
Muscles rested to properly grow
Took eons just for force to regain
And heart discovered independence
Still yearned for what we had before
Longing I felt restless and tense
You didn't need me anymore
Written 2-26-21
Mrs Timetable Apr 29
If your heart is divided
And both sides break
What is it called?
Psychiatric cardiology notes
This actually rhymes this time
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