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Lydia 31m
does everyone get this unhappy?
like the kind that just takes you out
changes your whole mood
the entire fiber of your being just goes
to ash and void
sometimes I wonder if the only times
I’ll ever get to know true happiness will be when I’m old and alone
maybe those will be the days I get to really truly do what I want
the way I’ve wanted to my entire young life
somehow, have always ******* left it behind for…
someone else’s dreams
someone else’s life
someone else’s needs
I’ve spent my entire life giving to others
and yet have never really seemed to give a **** what I actually want
It’s official. What I want today, I hate tomorrow
Mark Wanless Jul 10
the journey started long ago
or now i really don't remember

i fell down in icy snow
crawled up to higher ground

felt a sleep of memories
oh so comfortable

the sky touched me
Sometimes I  want to disappear from view
You know to work on what I know I need to
Like being in the Breeze of What is Me
Without questioning  if this  decision is an  extreme

Perhaps I hunger for more routine in life
Free  from the sufferings and strife
To experience the sense of nothingness
And flow more mindfulness!


A Chess Set

Books to Read

Cups of Tea


And a Sea View

For  WHO and ME?

On Mondays!


Then WHO will plan the rest of  the Week?

I know!

Take it as it Flows!


(c) Debra Lea Ryan
Communicating to my Sense of Self! Ha!
Raven Mc Chim Jun 12
Hard to be me
Will i ever be me
I am loosing myself
But I want to be myself
Even for an min
I need the peace in
I am not who you think
I will not be the way you think
You can't force me
You cannot be me
I just want to be happy and be me
Atleast for once
Your clutches are too right
It is hard to breathe
It is hard to live
It is hard to control emotions
Lemme breathe
Jeremy Betts May 15
Hear ye! Hear ye!
Know me and hear me
Oh but please don't look over here at me
What a thing to say, but see
I don't want to be seen, my plea
It feels kinda cheesy
I thought it'd be easy
But it just got so messy so quickly
And the harder I try the more it eludes me
You can't live a life heard but not seen and not be seen as a cautionary
A tale of a someone broken mentally trying to use hurt and pain creatively
Never taken seriously,
Kinda gimmicky
Ultimately a one trick pony
I know it but it hurts still when it's throw back at me
I can't handle the cheeky hostility
So openly hidden in the commentary
It can't be avoided but it's also not necessary
Maybe this isn't for me
Or what's more likely,
Is it's probably not that bad actually
Ah, gee,
Yeah, nevermind, sorry everybody...
I just noticed it's only my insecurity ripping at me
My apology

Lydia May 10
when the alarm goes off I hit snooze two too many times
now I’ve overslept by twenty minutes
I look at myself in the mirror and run a brush through my hair and think
Well at least my hair is behaving today
Lydia May 10
to see the parts of me that are melancholy and depressed
as beautiful or bewildering
would be too much of a compliment to myself,
the words sing to my soul,
describe me so perfectly I rename myself with the formations of these letters until I become them,
I have spent my whole life as the color blue, melting into puddles every chance I get,
I’ll look down just in case
so you don’t see me,
my eyes give me away, by
reflecting the blue on the inside that drowns me in my feelings
Pulling this one from my drafts. Sorry all of my poetry is so depressing
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