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Lazlo Mehl Jul 10
started like every other relationship, just friends but soon I found myself wanting and longing for me, with every gesture of eye contact I found myself falling deeper and deeper into a love lust for someone who I could totally not be with, how can this be happening I thought? Every moment apart I just felt more and more hopeless, I am mad this is insane, after all these years I had butterflies and it wasn't for the man I fell in love with, so many moons ago, but this feeling are and is wrong.

Well most of you are probably wondering how and when this all started so let rewind to the beginning...

About a year we started visiting some friends, not to far from where we resided, most weekends were spent hanging out and getting to know each other at first there was absolutely no gesture of feeling but soon after things started to change atleast for me, I found myself staring at him, dazing off at the idea of me and him... Now let me describe him, cocasion male, not very tall dark hazel green eyes with full lips (I swear it's the lips that got to me) manly hands, neat and tidy.. he was perfect. Now as our friendship grew so did our trust towards each other I became his close friend, the one he called early in the mornings and  messaged late at night it was like we were made for each other, I watch as his girlfriend at the time grew more jealous of our relations, but was that a good thing or a bad thing I kept thinking and playing all these different scenarios in my head of how things would end for us, but as i became more and more comfortable with him the more our feelings for one another grew, I knew he felt the same way, I could feel it, every inch of my body craved his attention. But at the same time I also had someone to think about, my partner the person I accepted as my person was it wrong for me to feel for another man I kept thinking.
Book thoughts true feelings that cannot be shared, love at a safe distance. Love is complicated, please like for more to this story of romance
igc Jun 4
How can I claim to love you with everything in me and it still not be enough
I want a love straight off the pages
For you to look at me  
To see me for everything that I am and
that I want to be and that we are
A love you cannot stop thinking about
Gaze longingly at me and know with everything
in you that I am it

Instead I beg, plead
with my eyes with my tears with my closeness
I can be ruthless  
Show you the pieces of me I keep secrets with and leave them as gifts at your altar
Hide away the longing to feel burned as your palms near my skin
Concede with bitter acceptance that I do not feel scorched in return

Perhaps it is me that is broken
Want is not enough I need
I want to feel your hum from inside my veins
I need to know you want this too

When I bring myself to peak at night
it’s not you I see
I do not crave your skin or smell or feel
I do not need your eyes to translate
words you never say
As I run a hand over my own flesh imagining
what it’s meant to feel wanted
I remember how you don’t, how you didn’t and how in spite of me knowing this you insist that you do

I have been there before, and it scared me
Enough to push the tightness away giggling
as I remind myself this is no hard cover
      That words can’t leave imprints on skin
      That touch doesn’t tingle or buzz or burn
Petrified me in place as I begged for just one more kiss with the slightest shift of my gaze to yours
      Held my breath for your consideration
      Gasped at the slightest touch of you against me
Consumed so much these days you can still hear barely above a whisper me pleading for it
Jeremy Betts Jun 13
You make me feel like I'm...
A test dummy
A punching bag
An excuse
The reason
The fault at fault
The wrong one
A mistake,
Possibly your biggest ever
The bet you now wouldn't take
The "if only I hadn't..."
Bad in hindsight
A wrong you had to right
The time that's never right
Time you'll never get back
Someone you need to get over,
Move on from
And leave in the past
The pain in your a§§
The last time
Never gonna happen again
Someone who benefited from you being in the wrong state of mind
Your weak moment
Your young and dumb years, if you will
...shall I go on?

Jeremy Betts Jun 10
If I where to ever get around to it,
There will be very few who would care
Okay, maybe a little bit
But they will roll their eyes
There will be scoffs and sighs
They will try to disguise the smirk
That comes with the pride of being right with no surprise
Because "todays the day"
They will finally be able to say
"I told you so"
"I told you he was a monster"
"I told you he didn't care"
"What did I tell ya, huh? He didn't want to be here"
Nope, not true
But what do they care?
Had they ever?
What's true is I will no longer be there
To wave like hell to clear the air
And attempt in vain to clear my name
I will have proven them right once again
By not being able to prove them wrong
Just another loser's dance and song

Jeremy Betts Jun 4
Forever slipping, sitting at the bottom of the top of the food chain
Trying to stay dialed in, working on removing my latest stain while older ones still remain
Struggling with another rebuild from the ground up, "job well done" but never paid
One crucial thing was forgotten, no foundation laid
I've played and been played, gone when I shoulda stayed
Had my faith destroyed by the faithful though I've recently prayed
My mental health convinced me to refuse medical aid, at least by anyone trained
Stood and faced the death brigade firing squad and I'm the idiot who brought a blade
Witnessing the beginning of the end, acid rain on my parade
No wrongs righted, song and dance quieted, exposing the charade
A tailor-made masquerade, face the price when dues aren't paid
I fell to the fray, had to say, "today's your day Satan" but not to be a renegade
But because I'm pretty sure I make the man upstairs afraid
He hasn't answered any of the calls I've made

Styles Jun 1
Every time I see you, it’s like a bad dream
Thinkin’ ‘bout another man, caught in between
Like, ****, why you gotta be a thot
My homie said he saw you, right there on the spot

I was ready to commit, put you in my life
Went from "I love you" to "you ain't my type"
Tried to make you wifey, but you played the game
Now I see the real you, and it’s such a shame

Gave you my heart, gave you all of me
But you threw it away, now it’s clear to see
Thought you were special, thought you were mine
But you were just another, wasting my time

Now you just a memory, someone I forget
Thought you were forever, but now there’s no regret
Gave you everything, thought you’d be my queen
Now you’re just a lesson, part of a bad dream

Tried to see the good, but you showed your true side
Now you’re just a face, lost in the tide
Shawty’s dead to me, no more lies
You were a chapter closed, in the book of my life.
Jeremy Betts May 31
Me against myself against I,
I am not alright
This darkness can not be conquered by light
I keep my feelings bottled tight, out of sight
Why do I hide?
Me against myself against I,
But who is right?
All I gotta do is make it through another night
No time to address it, I don't wanna fight
That's why I hide

Nigel Finn May 25
I haven't wrote in quite a while,
So I thought I'd make this song,
But it's possible I've lost my style,
And my rhyme schemes gone all wrong.

The cadence is no longer there,
And the melody's gone flat;
Iambic's left without a care,
And this poem's turned to tat.

But perhaps it doesn't matter
Just as long as I have fun;
Though my words may clunk and clatter,
I'll be happy when I'm done.
Jeremy Betts May 23
Something doesn't feel right, could be that my head isn't ******* on tight
Could be that, try as I might, the absence of light shrouds the line between wrong and right
Hiding in plane sight but fright often forces the eyes closed, a blind plight
Never found the passion to ignite
Didn't think it possible to gaslight ones self outta spite
Never shined bright enough to conquer or at the very least scatter this proverbial night
Narrow vision and bad eyesight was my faley alright
Hit and fell through my rock bottom with the force of a meteorite
Bobbed instead of weaved and lost the fight, but not contrite
Many issues I'd like to extradite back to their day of origin, with new insight I'd like a full rewrite

Malia May 8
I just don’t know
How to live a life
Thinking that everyone
Is bad all the time.

Everyone’s wrong,
Inherently wrong,
Ever so wrong,
Then who’s good?


No, I am far
From the best person
I know.

To believe otherwise
Would be to put myself
On a very high horse
On a very high pedestal
On a very high hill
That I am 𝘯𝘰𝘵
Willing to die on.
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