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Pax 7d
Here I am
of a farfetch reality
sometimes they call it - lucid dreams. I can't say I have those, because whenever i wake up, it will just be lost in though as you get back to reality. Before i tried writing it down but then i just lost it, and never caring anymore, maybe because some of it has some bad endings. It appears more frequent than the good ones. I like these dreams, its like i am living a different life, wearing someone else's body, and living a totally farbending reality. You can say some of it is futuristics and some reoccuring horror stuff like zombies, i don't know why, i stop watching those series long before, haha.. Now you've reach this point on the authors note,  and i thank you for lestining. and one last point, a dream is just a dream, never lose your touch to reality.
Jeremy Betts Jun 27
Like house siding I stack the facade till a barrier grows
It adds curb appeal and social value I suppose
But for me it's a false face to hide the lows
Getting me through this reality that blows
A life time of running into doors with a sign reading "sorry we're closed"
Hanging next to the mandatory posted notice of demolition proposed

Zywa Jun 17
My teacher hits me:

remember, blows, time and time --

poor people get hit.
Novel "Victory City" [Vijayanagar >> Bisnaga] (2023, Salman Rushdie), part 3: Glory, chapter 14

Collection "Low gear"
Viktoriia Jun 16
it's always something, isn't it?
something that was once yours,
something that they took
and then convinced you
that it never really existed.
it was something important, you think.
something that you gave up,
something that wasn't even worth keeping;
anyway, that's what they told you.
"surely, you will be better without it, sweetie."
now that you forgot your own shape
wherever you look - it's all the same,
a convenient fixture to cover a lie.
but does that brief ache every time you smile
ever make you wonder
what that something was?
something that once
used to be yours.
Zywa Jun 11
Characters, even

lifelike, are only alive --

within the story.
End of the novel "Quichotte" (2019, Salman Rushdie), part 3, chapter 21

Collection "Low gear"
Jeremy Betts Jun 8
Everyone that has ever said that they love me
All those who've mentioned that I'm their one and only
That their desire is to be with me, hand in hand for our eternity
All those who've told me that they care about me deeply
But have otherwise only ever proven to be phony
Compassion is something never aloud to me
History is rewritten by present and past company
Because when it comes down to the nitty gritty
I'm just a stepping stone obviously
I mean hell, just look at my track record then back at me
Don't even need a degree in forensic diplomacy
Actions speak loudly
Leaving me stuck in an unwanted and completely unnecessary purgatory
But no one cares about a no guts, no glory type story
No one cares how their actions have affected my energy
Turning me, molding me into the evil reflection that won't stop staring back at me
All sides have proven extensively that I am unworthy of being wanted, forget loving unconditionally
All I've ever wanted was to be somebody's somebody
But everybody says the same thing to me openly
No friendly faces and behind their smiles is a judgement and verdict of guilty
So I struggle with the fact that somehow they all agree
If the problem isn't me it at least resides in me
I've got a penny, two maybe,
We'll find the appropriate line to walk eventually
I just hope there'll be someone left standing next to me
Because an eternity is a long time to spend lonely

Hawley Anne Jun 6
How many times can I write a break up poem?

Just screaming into the page that this is it,
I'm finally

But then I still don't leave.
Is this what its like to be crazy?
        Am I'm insane?
Whos to say?

I guess I could be in an asylum right now, rocking back and forth in a corner,
just talking to myself.

How would I even know?

So maybe none of this is real. ...

...Maybe HE'S not real...

Maybe we never fell in love,
never had our child,
never planned our future together.

But that was all before the abuse.

                       ...The abuse..... 

                        Was that even real?
   Maybe it wasnt.
Maybe, we never even met.

Well if thats the case, and we never met,
I guess thats good.

Because never meeting me, is what you told me you wished for right?

                    I don't  know.
Did you?
Zywa Jun 2
There is a strange smell

in the city, of olives --

so it's not a dream.
Poem "over het werkelijkheidsgehalte van de werkelijkheid" ("about the level of reality", 2023, Erik Bindervoet)

Collection "Truder"
Zywa May 26
It's unreal, the world

of the screens, you live in it --

like Don Quixote.
Beginning of the novel "Quichotte" (2019, Salman Rushdie), part 1, chapter 1

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa May 25
I wake up. But hey!

How many hours did I sleep? --

Where am I? And when?
Novel "Quichotte" (2019, Salman Rushdie), part 2, chapter 9

Collection "Low gear"
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