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If he's a she
& she's a he,
& y + x
is race + ***,
& men on Mars
observe the stars,
& Wuhan's flu
was made for you,
what is the price
of tea & rice
in China if
your neck is stiff?
No minds eye
No dream of a brighter night sky
No minds eye
Trouble seeing through most any lie
No minds eye
A lack of one inside but yet I still cry
Can't go face to face or eye to eye
How friggin' broken am I?

the inability to form mental images of objects that are not present
He is an alert child,
trapped in the predicament of
growing up,
swollen with a forceful,
armed heart,
sinking in an intensifying
neutral panic,
in the middle of innocuous paradise.
hungry for tranquility
among a ripe, fruity spring.
the time of peace is
in my mind only and i
Ylzm Jul 15
The heart and mind speak with one tongue
But for those of the rebellion as in days past

For these wars raged within hypocrisy without
Oblivious to themselves their nakedness

Entrenched and encouraged and flattered
Mutually and smilingly profiting and killing

Never knowing heart and mind always fighting
Their unknown demons within always losing

Following their hearts blaming their minds
Self mutilating, self abused, yet self loving

Proud of their filth encrusted grotesqueness
Mistaking for beauty that unseen in the dark
Luna Pan Jul 12
In the heart of the university maze,
We found each other.
Laughter echoed through lecture halls,
Jokes and secrets within those four walls.

We shared dreams, fears, and plans,
Unconditional love.
In the library's hush, in the campus green,
Your presence was the best I'd ever seen.

But last month, the world went still,
Your absence, a void nothing can fill.
Butterflies now bring a silent tear,
Sunflowers bloom, but you're not here.

Brownies we ate with bittersweet care,
Your laughter, a whisper I still hear.
Memories of you fill my days,
Memories of you warm my soul.

In every butterfly, I see your gaze.
In every sunflower, I see your smile.
It feels like Someone flung open a Window
A Window in my Mind
To Release me from the prison of Time
Now I BE.

It is what it is...
When I smell Old Spice it takes nose back
Think of being close to your skin
Was it your sweat as our pulses raced?
We were producing promises to win
Homemade pizza promptly devoured
Flour handprints on ****
Bedazzled jeans
Holes in both knees
Blond hair perfectly cut
I remember admiring freckles
Couldn't take your eyes off my smile
Inebriated night after night
Dreamed of walking the aisle
When tasting Smirnoff *****
Always think of our start
Hearing laughter in my mind
No matter how long we have been apart
It's crazy how little things can take you back in time

Written 3-3-21
Mark Wanless Jun 28
creation in form
is infinite creation
in mind infinite
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