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JW Jun 15
In times before, I brushed against death
Different place and time, longing for another
Fractals of horrible thoughts infinite in repetition
But thankfully, she was next

I look back at him, not sure of who he is
So different and chained never to be free
Hell-bent on self destruction and isolation
I can't believe that this was me

Scars don't fade, but I take a breath
Different country, different day, I found my other
Euphoria on repetition through my brain
I am thankful that she is next to me
Thank you, my Destiny
Been awhile since I wrote anything here. Life is crazy, but I am blessed that I have my Destiny.
Enjoy little things in life
While you can
Before ended by Death's knife
Interrupting plan

I used to hide all day
Escaping problems that pursued
Leaving behind obstacles in my way
I am the one surroundings exclude

There is no shortcut to happiness
On this earth tread upon
We pass on a great big mess
To bury after you're gone

I will claw through tunnels
Until I find rightful place
Help you with your struggles
Cradled in my embrace

Until my wick rekindles yours
Reanimates you
Makes heart pound
Will crawl through soil and explore
Dig you out from the ground

The tomb intended for me instead
Buried you to save my soul
To end madness in my head
Thoughts swallowing whole

I walk this road of ruptured dreams
Softness fading from fingertips
Savoring warm remnants of bright sunbeams
Light out of my grasp slowly slips
I worry I will seize the moment right when it is too late to do so... jobs
mace May 11
she grew up with a beach of sand next to lake
i grew up near a beach with jellyfish & sweet salt air; home.

so one day i will take her to where their eyes remind me of

a honeyed landscape of granual sediment,
millions and millions of years of erosion,

just to look soft & warm to the onlooker

the tide pulling in and out. the seagulls flying above, cawing, while a cool, sunny day shines upon the sparkling waters frothing with movement.

her voice is my ocean breeze.
love poem for my partner <3 late april 2024 i believe.
You will have lots of adventures together
from dealing with life, to maybe visiting Rome
But no matter where you go, for always and forever
You will have this person as your home.
Mrs Timetable Nov 2023
Something about the light of day
Going away
Makes me yearn for
Something more
Puzzled what it could be
Those minutes maybe?
Already missing the warmth
Your smile gives
Filling a heavenly void
I just saw you yesterday
But now you aren't here
Why do you break my
Fragile heart
Every day?
Please dont go
I wish for once
You would turn around
And see my sadness
There is a tense relationship between the warmth and a cold void- Comment contributed
(Collab on the title)
Mathieu Aug 2023
Your warmth brought me the courage to face my fears.

Your embrace brought me to tears.
Brant Jul 2023
You move without grace
or ease of temperament,
But your soul is light with air,
Devilish and warm
Man Jun 2023
Scalding my palm
On her rosy skin.
We are young, with a love that's warm
In it's infancy; honest, open, and giving.
I burn for her,
A wildfire of desire
With no forests' end.

I yearn to be the
One she does, when
She learns to love again.
Celine Ngo Jun 2023
my anchor when i’m drifting out at sea
bringing me down to earth when i fly too high in the clouds and forget to leave
someone who accepts me as I am, flaws and ADHD
yet you’re still able to see my potential i hid underneath

my favourite and sacred novel i’d never want to lose
with meaning beyond the surface, metaphysical, spiritual, and so divine
not stereotypical or ordinary, not one about vices like drugs and *****
so darling, let’s have our past, present, and future intertwine

my sunshine illuminating the best in me
rays so warm that everyone can’t help but smile even if you’re far away
but even the sun can be obscured on gloomy days, so as your moon i’ll reflect your sunshine back so we can be a brighter we
i want to be by your side for the rest of our days

my rock by the riverside of a forest,
one that i can always return to
the soft and warm fire in my heart
that burns no matter if we’re together or apart

my guiding light showing me the way
taking things slow and steady
when other boys i’ve known just want to play
november 2021
Simran Guwalani May 2023
As comes the night
And the stars shine
We sit in our balcony
And switch on the fairy lights.
We talk all night long
And maybe banter in between,
A smile playing on our lips
Never seeming to disappear
Yet remaining unseen.
It's relatively cold
But we don't feel the chill,
Because our hearts are warm
And our eyes so bright,
That would dim even the moonlight.
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