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K 1h
You have him take specific pictures
I pleasure her to the max
you turn on candles
wear a bathrobe
become a damsel in front of the mirror
I take drugs
to stop the sea of thoughts I
drown in
you get lost in the salted rim
I lose control on the rocks
you start dreaming in art
I deeply phantasy in poetry
late at night
I saw you fly to Venus
next morning
you watched me sail
at sea
It was real
I know it's so scary,
But you can find safety here.
Lay soft in sleep,
I will guard the bed.
Make a sword out of my pen,
So I can slash at the night terrors.
I'll be a warrior in the dark,
If it means you can live in the light.
If I am not to pass on the safety I was given, who am I to have it at all.
As a child
I hid under my covers,
Fearing the monsters of the night
Lurking beneath my bed.

But now they live in my mind,
Crawling through the cracks,
Festering— even in the sun’s warmth.

No blanket can shield me.
No lamp, no lullaby.

I close my eyes
But still, they linger.
The worst monsters
Aren’t under our beds
But inside us
Who's knocking at my window?
I hear you while I sleep!
Who dare disturb my own slumber!
Oh, it's just the birds,
The wind and the trees.
Still I resent my bed,
For the world wakes us for a reason.
Every startle in the night, every knock with no one there, and every call of your name in an empty room is the very soul of this world trying to keep you on the right path. You just have to listen.
If you'll take the time,
I have several lengthy thoughts,
So many I need to get out,
I'd pay you to listen to me talk.
Not therapy,
There's no doctor that could understand,
The level of this.
When the dark crawls through the corners of the night,
I find my eyes making their own light,
Because I know what I need to write.
But will it be valued,
If nobody takes the time to read it?
I doubt you'll pay attention to them,
So I'll keep my long thoughts in my head,
Because there's not enough ink to ink them all down.
The world moves so fast, nobody has the time for little things it's awful.
night drapes
day spreads
stars emit light
moons conceal dark
around the north star-fire
away from the south moon-water
stars journey
moons remain
in their wake
at their rest
stories extend
stories retract
Night Portraits
And Night Landscapes
Leave shadows for us to fill
Or to leave full of potential
Viewing paintings at a local art space.
The night is born prematurely,
Becoming one in blistering winds,
The dark crawls,

And the snow falls.

The gallant wings of beauty,
Besieged by winters bellows,
Left to death as the crow calls,

And the snow falls.

The lonesome oaks tremble,
Bare in the white of creeping cold,
Creaking as they are raked by squalls,

And the snow falls.
Not a lot today.
Maria 5d
I turned out the lights in my room.
I tightly pulled the curtains.
Your wilted bouquet is on the table.
Its dropping petals are so uncertain.

I’m not waiting for you anymore.
I closed my doors firmly.
If you call me, I won't sadly come.
It didn't work out. I'm lonely.

I'll make black coffee without milk.
I'll be up the whole night.
Now I have to find myself.
I said "Goodbye" to you last night.
So many hotels and monuments,
Nobody looks anywhere but the statues in DC.
But as for me and you,
We look up.
To the stars,
Through the rain,
Far beyond.
I don't know a single soul,
That day dreams about seeing stars in DC.
Though, as for you and me,
We look up.
Beyond the veil of space,
Straight to the sparkling sky diamonds,
Flickering above this stone city.
The greatest vacation.
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