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a raging storm can sing a lullaby
to those, whose hearts are caught up
in the fire.
the last pursuit before they learn to fly
away, but then they'd rather keep
on trying
to be destroyed by something more
than them; oh, what a view it paints,
that burning sky.
there is no after as there's no before
for those, whose souls are not afraid
to die.

the dawn stands witness of a brand new day
and mourns, so solemn in its silent cry.
the winds keep vigil at their shallow grave
and raging storms sing them a lullaby.
The Mirrors and the Reflections,
this fresh breeze and the sunlight,
these inanimate realities
and their oxymoronic existence
amazes inner child within me.

I am not a painter,
I am just a man
with a taste for colors.

I delve into them,
till the hues whisper words
that fly like butterflies.

I am not a lepidopterist(butterfly scientist)
I am just a man
with a thirst for writing.

I collect and nurture them,
till they look like a beautiful painting
made out of unseen words.

I am not a poet,
I am just a man,
with a love for beauty.

I just let the beauty flow,
like the never-ending seas
for purposes unknown.
yıldız Jul 6
In the depths of the soul, a spark ignites bright,
Two flames unite, dancing in the night.
Soulmates found, a connection so rare,
Like flames entwined, a love beyond compare.

No water can quench this fiery embrace,
Bound together in a timeless space.
Through trials and triumphs, hand in hand,
Together forever, a love that will stand.

In the glow of their love, the world fades away,
Two souls as one, in perfect display.
In the dance of the flames, a love so true,
Finding your soulmate, a dream come to fruition.
Maria Jul 2
Meeting you felt like a spark
Kindling catching fire.
The catalyst that started it all.

Sparking ember; light flashes
Delight and glee at the power of it all.
Life starting.

As we picked up speed,
We lost control
We lost ourselves
We lost the magic.

The twinkle of possibility
Turned into fear
Of what we could become.

The fire was not contained.
It kept spreading
We did not how to slow it down
How to stop it
How to control it.

Molten lava dripped down
Leaving behind a barren mountain.
Burnt trees and homes

You loved me so fiercely that I burned,
Now you’ll only be left with ashes.

I hope you learned the risks of playing with fire.
Prompt was incorporate the line, “You loved me so fiercely that I burned. Now you’ll only be left with ashes.” 40 weeks ago.
Styles Jul 1
Want me fiercely, hold me tight,
In your submission, I find my light.
Inside of you, our desires ignite,
In this symphony of control and delight.
yıldız Jun 30
In times of darkness, fear and strife,
Our guardian angel brings us light,
A flame eternal, burning bright,
Guiding us through day and night.

With wings of love and watchful eyes,
Our protector from the skies,
Forever by our side it stays,
In its care, we find our ways.

No storm can quench this sacred fire,
No force can dim its heavenly ire,
For in our hearts it will reside,
Our guardian angel, by our side.
A heart that crumbles with time,
Gradually fading into that familiar abyss
As my thoughts silently fade away;
Eroded by the chemistry of love- a love lost.
In a manner of desiring to express myself; it seems
Causing its own demise- words soon ignite.

And they become like embers,
Scorning a fire of anger, I kept hidden
Deep within my soul's depths.

The flames dance freely, without a care,
Like a child with matches, unaware.
I watch in silence, filled with dread,
Praying they don't consume my heart, turning it to lead.
Dive into my thoughts like a well-written tale;
to understand the part, you'll forever portray.
Embrace me in your fiery passion,
in a moment so divine -imagining it in
reverie the following day

And caress me gently; sweeter than
any dream that's ever been seen
Our love, a dream so surreal;
In moments lost, we find our appeal.
Kiss me until, we both wake up from that dream.
Man Jun 20
Get disconnected,
And find you are detached from life.
Your fight becomes for the trivial,
And what is obvious to others
Eludes your sight.
You are choked up and smothered,
The fire you started, snuffing out all oxygen-
No longer beneficial.
And then you die
Man Jun 17
Charcoal hands
To hold my ignited love,
The only reciprocity
Is to be maimed & scarred
With flames beyond the fire's control.
Gasoline loves a match-
Bright & hot, destructive, fast.
Burns out to within, and then
It's all exhausted;
Embers smolder to ash.
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