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Traveler 49m
Do you know who’s on this site? People you don’t even personally know!!
Are you sure you can trust them?  

Well of course you can
After all they’re poets and poetess exposing their true self through their Art
Traveler Tim
Mark 2h
If loyalty were colour and then drawn
Across the void in clear blue canvassed sky
As grand to turn the sovereign artist's scorn
Into a star perched centre in his eye,
And clouds to be impurities of purity
Devotion is known when devotions not
The idle efforts of obscurity
Yet oh! How beauty needs each sweetened dot,
The colour best that loyalty could make;
Which need reflect the finest skill at play,
Within the chest that love does love it take:
The blushing red and purple to display!

And from a distanced look at canvassed true
To be then seen: that glory's sight of you!
She wanted to be loved so bad because she hadn’t learnt to love herself
I love you with all my heart
And I knew from
The very start
It was true love come true and
My love for you will never fade away
I love you so much every day
And I love you more than
Words can say and
It's true even ask our
Lord Jesus Christ too
And your my sunshine
And your my precious girl in life and
Forever in my heart you'll stay and you are My forever and my eternal happiness in life.
I Love You So Much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Zywa 17h
True love! After all,

the love potion was a fraud --

but who believes that?
Opera "L'elisir d'amore" ("The Love Potion", 1832, Gaetano Donizetti, libretto Felice Romani, based on Eugène Scribe's libretto of the opera "Le philtre" [The magic potion] from 1831), second act, final scene, Finale 2

Collection "Love Mind and Death"
In the garden of flickering neon trees,
where shadows dance with marionette leaves,
I met a man with a clockwork heart
and eyes like prisms, tearing time apart.

He whispered secrets in a language of static,
his voice a symphony of glitches and clicks,
telling tales of constellations uncharted,
and love letters written in binary scripts.

We wandered through a labyrinth of velvet mist,
where fish flew by on currents of twilight,
and the moon sang lullabies to sleeping stars,
cradled in the arms of endless night.

I found a river of liquid glass,
where thoughts flowed like mercury streams,
reflecting the dreams of forgotten gods,
and the echoes of interstellar dreams.

A carousel spun in an abandoned carnival,
each horse a phantom of forgotten lore,
and as I rode, the world unraveled,
a tapestry of surrealist decor.

In the distance, a cathedral of crystal,
its spires piercing the fabric of reality,
and inside, a choir of silent voices,
harmonizing in spectral duality.

When dawn broke, the mirage faded,
leaving only a trace of whispered winds,
and I awoke, clutching fragments of visions,
in the realm where the surreal begins.

:: 05.17.2024 ::
It's hard to imagine anyone loving me
When I hate me so completely
I'm sorry
But if I have to love myself
In order
To feel love from anyone else
I might as well put myself on the shelf
Out of reach from everyone else
I'm afraid love will never win
I have to keep battlin'
To even let it be allowed in
Due to my timeline being filled with so much abandonment and rejection
I'm sorry, even though my sorry means nothin'

In their woods; there is a love that is hunted with all
of its goodies in a basket- basking on all that we could
hold onto; as your cheeks blush became the main
protagonist, like a Little Red Riding Hood

Beware the bite of love; beware of the wolf- for the
goosebumps you feel, is a breath howling at your skin
And doesn’t that make you want to scream; in those cries
surely caused by the eyes ******* you in the world
we live in; making you out as its meal

You are so pretty and so wild; to the tragedy of a love being
so blind- as your true blessing is softly masked in a disguise,
For even as there are people who care for you, there are so
many to despise, so many that are truly, and completely vile
Those that treat you like a chicken lost in the woods- people
only interested in the breast and thighs

Love is no fairy-tale- neither anything close to a movie;
though heartbreak is nothing of fiction. Love is sometimes a
crippling addiction; the oxymoron of us always chasing after love
My dearest daughter, don’t get lost in its woods.
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