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Styles 1d
Tonight, that longing is a hunger,
A missing piece of my soul calling me back
Styles 1d
The fragrance of her essence
Dances upon my senses.
Her desire stirs;
as do I.
Styles 1d
Fingers trace the
curves of his bare chest,
Every touch, a deliberate exploration.
In the quiet moment, I find my desire,
Styles 1d
I part the sheets,
Softly, as if unveiling a sacred truth.
Your skin, a canvas of devotion,
I trace each line, worshiping every inch,
A believer reborn in the grace of your touch.
Styles 1d
In shadows cast,
fingers roam,
Tracing lines on skin and bone.
Sheets part like sacred tides,
Reverence felt in love's confines.

A surge,
a gasp,
a whispered plea,
In the dark, desire set free.
To touch, to feel, in passion's blaze,
Lost in the fervor of love's embrace.
Styles 1d
In shadows deep,
where whispers dwell,
Fingers trace, like ink in a spell.
On ribs exposed, secrets unfurl,
A dance of touch, in passion's swirl.

Parting sheets, like sanctified rites,
Skin worshiped under moonlit nights.

A surge of wonder, hearts converge,
In silent pleas, desires emerge.
To be adored, in moments tender,
Lost in the reverie of love's splendor.
Styles 7d
The scent of her sweet essence
Tickles my nose.
She is aroused,
So I arouse.
Styles 7d
Last night,
When I touched you,
I felt something I yearned for,
But never knew existed.
Tonight, I crave it,
Like a missing piece of my soul.
Styles 7d
Wonder, what sparks this surge,
Fingers twist within, desires emerge.
A gush of pleasure, a gentle urge,
To be loved, admired, in passion's dirge.
A Squirt, still, how it works, I ponder and verge.
Styles Jul 9
Her body's speaking in tongues,
and I'm captivated by love.
Her vibes
fit me perfectly,
In my mind,
we've already made love,
my size,
fits her like a glove.
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