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Ole to the beautiful flower hidden underneath
a shadow- a beautiful flower in bloom, alongside
a naked truth. Sensual images, picturing gentle
moves to drive love so pure and never felt;
its eyes a flower garden of unspoiled- felt so heavenly.
Permit me to kiss you evenly by heaven’s sweet entry;
flowing in sync; we’ll rest in a lily field of complete

And she replied to him:

Our first meeting of first feelings- never felt before,
as I waited in the shadows; longing for the needs
within us, for one another. Aroused in my inner core
to touch and explore love in treasured completeness
and wholeness. Share your life with me and within me;
darling fall into my arms, and allow me to feel my inner
spirit for you within- burning endlessly from my soul’s

                                      Shall we burn together.

Let me love and care for the art piece
of your body- every pulsating touch of your
spasms. Jumping wildly; while washing
me in your spring water on top a mountain
of passions. I’ll spurt within you, from its tip.

And in kind; let the wetness of your lips
sooth my skin. Kissed by your sensual soul, as
it echoes every word of thirst, running down your
throat; chasing after every breath we lose in
a moment.

                       Still, let us not love in haste.

Amazon Queen

I gaze at you, as my sprouting rose in
bloom. But not something so delicate; she is
tall, shapely, and sturdy— my Amazon Queen
that keeps me in the centre of her rainforest.

As she lets my words water her floret by
their tip- its warmth and gentleness spoke of
a love so deep and fulfilling.


Oh, how she stimulates my eyes,
as I make out with her eye’s persuasion;
my mind often rehearses how I’ll love her
in it’s imaginations- my mind’s perfect

For our desires are much sweeter,
by every bite of her smooth chocolate skin
I adore her more than I would have
yesterday- to quietly bless each step
she’ll take tomorrow. And a reason for me
to kiss her feet.


Surely as the night is washed by the gentle rains-
I have these saturated thoughts, pondering how
she’ll drown me over another night’

As she could never
have the most without I in the middle;
her underwear feels so moist.

Climactic Prelude & Conclusion

Would you love to experience a climactic
prelude; a middle so sweet in its time;

While my eyes ripen at the sight of your
ripening fruit,

Oh, so sweet in its time, let me capture
and savour that juicy fruit,

For yes indeed we had fallen in love-
but let not that fruit eventually fall;

From its tree, to rot off its vine; let me bite
you as mine- to taste your heaven’s ecstasy;

In this climactic prelude; I promise the middle
is filling, and its conclusion won’t be short lived.
Your lips, a frozen fire that burns within
Your touch, a gentle warmth that never dims
I crave, oh how I crave you endlessly.

When you're not here, my heart aches, longing
for your touch, your presence. Memories of you
linger, haunting me like a bittersweet melody.

Your words, now distant echoes, still send shivers
down my spine. In my mind, you're a queen, a
goddess, above all else. My love for you is
unwavering, like a regal crown upon my head.
Kellin May 31
Beneath the fiery sun's passionate gaze,
Lies a beauty adorned with grace untold,
In her presence, my spirit forever sways In the stillness of night's silent reign, Echoing desires, sweet and arcane With tender touch, in twilight's caress, I unfurl the fabric, a whispered finesse, Each delicate fold, a silent confess,
As I undo her dress, a love's duet, no less.
Vivek Raj May 29
You make me feel different,
Leaving me in constant bewilderment,
Where others get to greet you once every day,
You make me wonder straightaway,
As you welcome me twice,
Once in the morning when I wake up,
Right before the start of my day ahead,
And, once at night during my sleep,
When you embrace me in my dreams.
Vivek Raj May 28
How could one feel,
Both powerful and weak,
At the same time,
In front of your smile,
A feeling best explained,
As the best part of my life.
Vivek Raj May 27
Like the light at the end of the tunnel,
You came as a glimmer of hope,
Raising from the dead in me a feeling I thought was buried,
Resurrecting a missing part of my life back into existence,
Bringing back emotions I believed disappeared long time back,
With your smile that could mend any broken soul,
Lift up any person's shattered heart,
And, make me seek you and never go apart.
Vivek Raj May 27
A question,
Long left unanswered,
What makes you so desirable?
And, the answer popped up to me,
In less than an instant.

A curiosity,
A one of a kind wonder you are,
And, no wonder man searches you,
In the twinkle of a star,  
To be left spellbound by you,
Like an enchantment,
In spiritual and cosmic realms afar,
Only to realise,
You're no fantasy,
But, a phenomenon and a certainty,
As good as across all realities.
Vivek Raj May 25
To my weary eyes,
And, my shattered heart,
Your arrival,
Remains a big welcome.
Vivek Raj May 25
If I'm at war with time,
If I'm enraged with fate,
I blame it on one reason,
Along the lines of treason,
To have not met you before we first met.
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