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Umi 1d
Where are you now ?
You who proudly stood beside me,
Drifting farther away like the waves on the sea,
You were taken away, by the depths of misery,
Time is still moving,
But now only
Without you.

Through its bend.
It hangs on to a promise.
One that hasn’t been fulfilled.
Its colors now dull,

Cascading from behind the clouds.
Bruised yet, fleeting in the blink of an eye.
It searches. Finding reason to smile.
The sun peeks its head out from behind the clouds.
Catching a glimpse of its beauty.

Love won’t feel so constrained.
Giving it something to wrap its arms around.
Through its bend.
A brighter day is just around the corner
Harry Jul 14
day one, same again
Monday morning, hazy head
early yearnings;
coffee, ***
and cigarettes for breakfast
Níla Jul 18
It's not gonna last forever
I can't seem to decide if it fills me with delight or terror
Do I long for a sickness to shorten the days I've left to live?
An excuse so I'm not at fault and there's nothing to forgive?

It's not gonna last forever
I could cry for days on end
Not because I bleed and hurt
But because I'm so sick to pretend
That I don't
Níla Jul 12
Being sad is a constant
it's there for me when happy can't be
but I think I've grown a bit too much to its company
now it tries to steal the stage when I'm happy on my face
I let it drag me to bed and commit to being sad
Mrs Timetable Jul 11
There is no why
For now
Only goodbye...
For now
For Logan. Rest well young man
i ain't crying, no, no sir,not me
no tears streaming down my face
no quivering voice, no trembling chin
i am steel, unyielding, unbroken

i ain't crying,no sir,not a single drop
no sorrow staining my cheeks
no heartache echoing in my chest
i am stone, immovable, unshaken

i ain't crying, don't you see?
no weakness in my eyes, no surrender
no surrender to the pain, the hurt
i am fire, burning, consuming

i ain't crying, not now, not ever
no matter the weight on my shoulders
no matter the battles fought and lost
i am warrior, fierce, indomitable

i ain't crying, for tears are for the weak
they may fall like rain, but not from me
i'll stand tall, head held high
i am resilience, unyielding, unbroken

i ain't crying, i refuse to let it show
for within me lies a strength untamed
a spirit unbreakable, a heart unbeaten
i am defiance, unwavering, unbeatable

i ain't crying, and that's my truth
no matter what life may throw my way
i'll rise above, unburdened by sorrow
for i am unbreakable, and i ain't crying.
If tears could express my pain i would have cried to ocean .
was I not there for you my love
when the touch of night set in
when the smiles turned dark as storm clouds
and the nightmares would begin

your eyes were open
yet your heart would close
while the ghosts of childhood
come to prey
I tried to shield your soul from them
but the night is where they play

savage are the dreams that lived
in the heart and mind of my precious Eve
I'll find you in the light of day
when my nightmare takes its leave
where the ghosts that took you from me
cannot touch this sacred place
until that night
I'll feel you right
beside me
the ghosts of the past
Sof Jul 6
The depth of his heart,
like a book shrouded in
I flip through the pages,
until my eyes grow tired,
and my hand aches.  
The end nowhere in sight.
Whenever I almost put the book down,
I get a tiny insight into his heart.
Playing me like a fool into
short-term satisfaction,
and long-term despair.
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