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Styles Jul 18
earning for your touch,
Your taste,
Your tease.

Desire ignites,
I crave you.

Yet here I sit,
Penning this verse.

Why are our worlds
So near,
Yet so distant?
Styles Jul 18
Wonder, what sparks this surge,
Fingers twist within, desires emerge.
A gush of pleasure, a gentle urge,
To be loved, admired, in passion's dirge.
A Squirt, still, how it works, I ponder and verge.
Keara Marie Jul 10
She is not who you “choose”.
Her invitation is intuition.
She seeks,
She hunts,
She chooses you.
Keara Marie Jul 10
Of course you lust over me. You are hungry for the man, that I need you to be.
Ander Stone Jul 3
her lingering gaze.

If only I could bathe
in her greying clouds,
in that black vortex
hidden in the storm
of her restless soul.

her warm embrace.

If only I could swim
in her pale downpour,
in that chilling curtain
hiding the world
in her summer storm.

her mouth caressing.

If only I could drown
in her torrential descent,
in that ephemeral beauty
hiding nothing
of her thunderous lust.

her heaving breathing.

If only I could sink
deeper into her,
into that fathom
hiding so much
of her carnal delights.

her thrumming hips.

If only I could float
atop her wanton storm,
into the crackling light
revealing the droplets
on her undaunted curves.

her body on mine.
Styles Jul 1
In our secret haven, where fantasies entwine,
I craft my words for you, in moments so divine.
A tantalizing dance, where pleasure meets tease,
In the dim glow of our sanctuary, we find our ease.

With my fingers tracing, you start to explore,
A touch so precise, craving always more.
**** music in the air, setting the night,
Watching ****'s soft flicker, igniting your delight.

The rush of desire swells, an unending wave,
In the realm of edging, where you’re bold and brave.
Your body, a symphony, responding to the tune,
Every teasing touch, making your senses swoon.

The build-up is exquisite, dizzying and sweet,
Heightened sensitivity, making your heart beat.
You're constantly turned on, a wet, eager flame,
As I guide you slowly, whispering your name.

Hours drift by, lost in the sheets,
Craving my touch, where ecstasy meets.
Each touch a jolt, electrifying and pure,
In the dance of edging, patience is the lure.

You writhe in bed, under my command,
Craving the moment, where pleasure will expand.
Every touch, a shockwave, intense and grand,
Your body yearning for the strength of my hand.

When the crescendo hits, an explosion of delight,
You let go, surrendering to the night.
Satisfaction washes over, leaving you empowered,
In our shared ecstasy, where desire is devoured.

In this dance of self-love, a bond we tightly keep,
Our bodies in harmony, in desires deep.
Trust in the journey, the thrill of the ride,
In the playful pleasure, where our worlds collide.
Kai Jun 16
In the dimly lit chamber, we set the scene.
An owner and his pet, a game of primal and prey.
She kneels like an eager dog, a collar around her neck.
He stomps his feet and keeps her obedience at play.

The owner, like a magician, keeps tricks up his sleeve.
He wants his pet to learn— to be his student and please.
Commanding her to crawl, to fetch and beg.
Waiting for him to call her a good little pet.

She barks and whimpers, a puppy in passion.
Spins three times and licks her master’s feet without a whine.
The pet surrenders to her master’s might.
She delivers his sturdy leather boots in a straight line.

With a flick of the whip, the pet curls in elation.
Her master chuckles at her sounds of temptation.
Submitting to the cynicism of ******* and discipline.
She is flogged like a plebeian, forgetting she’s a citizen.

Pet and master, a bond so strong.
The two are bound by zeal, craving one another.
She wallows in the comfort of her belly rubs and treats.
And runs around with a rush of red in color.

She goes through treacherous training.
And yelps if she’s ever caught complaining.
Waiting for a tasteful gift: the eternity collar.
When she is ready, he puts it on with honor.
Exploring pet play.
The conflict rages on
Beyond the mind and into the heart
Where minute paper cuts
Cause ****** embolisms
Choking the steady beating
Into a painful attack
Every time eyes meet
Sharing a similar thirst
For contacts first rush
Knowing that forbidden fruit
Is just outside of reach
Gently brushing finger tips
Looking for any excuse
To move just a few inches closer
So that our energies can merge
And two lost souls can feel whole
Long enough to heal hearts wounded
By the minds lack of foresight
As it struggles to come to terms
With having chosen the wrong
Eternal love
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