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I do not remember
how it is that we forget
when and why we got here
and how we ever met

I do not remember
what we both can’t recall
words that we would say
or didn’t say at all

I do not remember
what you also do not
what we said we never will
and what we both forgot
An awesome colleague, you are
To me, are you quite dear
Such a sweet voice, do you have
Talking with you, is something I greatly love
You are **** helpful
And in spite of having your hands full
Always, do you support your teammates
Like diamonds, are your words of advice!

An awesome colleague, you are
As a friend, are you even better
So happy was I, when we finally met
Your enthusiasm was so hard to beat
Really, did we have the time of our lives
What would I not give
To ensure we meet again soon?
Indeed, are you a beautiful person!!

An awesome colleague, you are
And my friend will you be, forever
May Jesus bless you and your family
With every bit of love, happiness, peace, success and prosperity!!
Dedicated to Smita, a very nice colleague and friend of mine.
Zelda Jul 18
I've got my rose-colored glasses on  
And skies in my eyes.  
I've got stumbling thoughts in my head  
And a few choice words (for you),  
Trapped in the back of my throat, (just for you).

I've been sitting at the piano,  
Staring out the window,  
how strange it is... that;  
Well, blue is associated with sadness  
When the sky is so beautiful,  
Like you  
When you're laughing  
Because of  

We never really say "good morning", do we?  
It's only ever 🫂 (a blue hug)
We never really say "how do you feel, today?"  
It's only ever "I need coffee."

I'm trying to find the expressions,  
But the keys keep playing the wrong notes.  
It ain't right

Blue skies
Aren't empty
They hold
Clouds, resembling objects,
Always drifting, changing
Making me feel
I'm always free-falling
What if it falls apart mid-flight?  
Will we survive?

The sky has never been so blue
My vision has never been so blue
I don't think I was made for blue skies

I'm not an Obrina Olivewing butterfly.  
My blue isn't true;  
It's just the way I see light right now,  
A false perception
A state of mind

but I...  

I've got my rose-colored glasses on  
for you
just for you
My one and only

Ashwin Kumar Jul 18
One of the truest friends, you are
Selfish, are you never
Greatly, do I value our relationship
And always, will I clap
For anything and everything you achieve
Because, you make me believe
That every problem in the world can be solved
If we thoroughly apply our mind
You are a very kind soul
And strongly do you feel
For anyone and everyone
Being associated with you is really a boon!

One of the truest friends, you are
For your family and friends, deeply do you care
You were also a wonderful colleague
At that time, was my ego getting big
But thanks to you, did I manage to mellow down
And learn a valuable lesson
Something that I will remember forever
You know, you can seriously make a good teacher!!

One of the truest friends, you are
You and Vivek make a rock-solid pair
It was a great honour to visit your home
Both of you are truly gems
When it comes to character and personality
No wonder, does everyone love your family
Especially your lovely little children
From whom, is there a lot to learn!!

One of the truest friends, you are
And will be forever
May Jesus bless you and your family
With every bit of love, happiness, peace and prosperity!!
Dedicated to Rene, a close friend and former colleague of mine.
anita Jul 14
beautiful boy with the golden eyes
please don’t make me cry
the weight of your words changed my life
these feelings I have
I’ve never felt til tonight
in this moment it’s like suicide
taking my life
the decision’s all mine
I suppose it’s a toxic love
that’s really all I know
but I’m in it til the end
I won't let go
can't seem to quit you.
Elliott Jul 12
I've always been drawn to inanimate objects. Call it my ADHD or just general neurological fuckery...but I've always understood objects more than people.

Spoons are safe, plain and simple.

Spoons are spherical devices with no sharp edges and a low probability of hurting others.

I never took them for much more than the pragmatic things they were. Spoons are a means to an end, a vessel of delivery.

Yet for some reason I now see how vital spoons are to my very existence.

Always forgetable, spoons are easy to take for granted due to their immense accessability. Yet, they bring about waves of panic in me when I can't find them...especially when I need them most.

You know those know, the weirdos that collect spoons as trophies and tokens to be revered on shelves. I've always kept spoons on shelves before...pretty...and completely impractical.

Because those spoons were never meant to be ate with, never meant to be used to sustain myself. No....I want a beautifully dented spoon.

A spoon that's been ran through the garbage disposal by accident at 3am....a spoon that's been dropped on the floor and licked by six cats at once.... a spoon that just needs a little polish and a whole lot of love.

All my life...I've eaten with forks, knives, and sometimes even just my fingers. And while I've learned there is a time and place for all utensils in this world....I would be lying if I said I didn't hold a special place in my heart for spoons.

I know not much in this universe...but even in the hours when my brain goes dark and the lights begin to dim I know these three things to be true.

Spoons are safe.
Spoons are sustainable.
Spoons are worthy of love.

And I vow to spend the rest of my days....eating soley from my spoon and I will always be honored to be yours in return.
To my favorite sustain me always. I love you.
stillhuman Jul 10
You got to know
the taste of my skin
and sometimes
I still feel your scent on my sheets
It left a mark, like an imprint,
the aftertaste of a rose flavoured wine
mixing in with kisses and tongues
and your tears that I would dry
and salty sweat that tasted so sweet
I still picture You there
brush strokes shaping
to mimic your shoulders falling and rising
and your voice shaking
tension high as I would love You
once starved, we could finally be sated
when I am running on fumes
you fill me up.
igniting my engine to throttle a bit harder.
A bit faster.
you rev me up regardless the number of bumps,
regardless the amount of twist
and turn, in the road ahead.
my heart belongs to you.
propelling me towards the sunset.
the reason I speed down the street in this passionate flight.
Not afraid to jump any unsuspecting hill.
most might think that I am crazy, the way that I drive.
if they knew the reason why, they'd press the pedal down
as well.
when I am running on fumes, rev me up, rev me up.
Darling rev me up.
I am a well-oiled machine with a place to be.
whether towards the moon or the sun.
you're the gasoline that ignites the spark
that pushes me to go a little further.
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