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Bansi Adroja Jun 21
I talk about you to the girls like we're behind the music block
inhaling cigarette smoke
dreading double maths

As if love is all new
and it's the 00s

I talk about you in a way that makes me sick
because these days I'm far from young
and this is a story I've already told

An ending that I already know
thyreez-thy Jun 13
The title speaks it all so clearly, unlike I who slurs my words
To write down what a handful will see, but phrases never to be heard
From obligations to congratulations, it all starts to feel the same
How petty it is I blame everything, how I must feel ashamed

Things I said to prove a point
messages left on read I wish I never sent
The cold is blistering, so are my fingers
Tell me how you can forget yet for me it still lingers

People go on with their lives, wishing for the summer
While I sit hear wishing I didn't think everything was a ******
Its so easy to appreciate the little things in life
But so hard when you feel teardrops turning into ice

Everyone says to seek help, that it gets better as you grow
yet almost a decade later I have nothing to show
Spreading positivity, have no certainty
Of the people coming and going, who matters and who closes the curtain

Future careers, games, girls, what I fear
Further encapsulating that I barely feel like I am here
Stuck between adulthood and being a child
Stuck between a mild nature and a wild imagination

Stuck between what games to play, what role to play
Which school to pay and which job pays better
Payment is engraved in my mindset, my parents make sure of it
Little do they know I hate adult life and I am sick of it

Crushes like a giddy child, in this darned freezing weather
Is it sad I feel better alone, or I feel alone and barely any better?
How ironic my words contradict each other
but thats what we were to one each other

Am I just ranting over you, this existence, or the future?
Is this in general or has my heart finally ruptured?
This barely makes sense, and neither does this life
Play, work, pay then get a wife? Is this why samurai always held a short knife?
A quick poem that came to me, honestly a pretty nonsensical one, but perfectly shows how I feel right now.
Zywa May 9
Girls are looking so

enigmatic, smiling, and --

in expectation.
Novel "De opdracht" ("The Mission", 1995, Wessel te Gussinklo), chapter (1-) 2

Collection "Glimpsed"
Anais Vionet Apr 21
(inspired by ‘Dusty Rose Dreaming’ by vb)

We’re powdered city girls heading into a club,
bright orchids entering the hothouse,
spreading fun with noblesse oblige,
qua somethings suited for silver screens.

Our attention’s as uncertain as the stock market.

Experts at mixing trickery and disguise,
we’re but vague summations of nature,
as we sparkling preen, like excited atoms.

Rouged and kohled to unnatural colors,
dressed in silk-whispers to tease and entice,
in neon-light, broken by par-cans, scanners
and champagne flutes, we’re superhero-like
immune to societal judgment and aghast rebuke.

In our few, fleeting nights of youth
let our voices chorus in laughter.
What’s it to you? Tell the truth.
Songs for this piece:
Baby You’re a Superstar by NuDisco
Love Land by the Blenders
Nostalgie Du Voyage by Nightflight
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge:
Noblesse oblige: those with high social rank or wealth being generous to the lower ranks.
qua:  a substitute preposition for ‘as’
Zywa Mar 28
Girls giggle and they

keep shifting the position --

of their bulging calves.
Novel "De opdracht" ("The Mission", 1995, Wessel te Gussinklo), chapter (1-) 4

Collection "Glimpsed"
Louis Segoe Mar 4
Staying awake with just you to chill
Opening your eyes and just see the blanket
My heart is so naked cause nothing inside
Just my mom is on my side

Nowadays Love is something terrible
Just it's hookup or if not break-up
How to know with who where or when
Just my mom is on my side

As usual in morning the new day rises
Girls are about to wake and start shinning
The boys are texting the love SMS
And a girl respond every single one.

A boy's side hustle makes girl beautiful
A girl shines and call me without grammar
The new fool keep following a goldylook
Just her mom knows the truth.

The winter never stop coming.
My tea is served after asking her nonsense
My saves is spent for evening dinner
In the next morning my mom lost a bus bill.

Fool fool fool I call it those in bridges
My love story ends when my wallet do so
My love story reborn as I get to hit a bank
And my mom begs for cents.

Restaurants know how to serve
Jewellery shops are just advertisement
Girls know how to serve and advertise
And my mom is waiting for my cash.

Dog crys when boss do so
Boys cry when a girl turns back from room
Girls cry when a boy hit them
But my mom cries for having wicked generation boy.
Always boy run not on girls but what they hold and the girls do it so vice versa.
Toothache Jan 7
quiet high summer nights
waving off mosquito bites
and lips so dry
the tap tastes like nectar
a glass shared is sweeter, better.
soda like opal in the moonlight
should we order in tonight?
leave the window open. though it's raining
this is our little love remaining
B Oct 2023
Pinky promises
and praying to goddesses
a picture of your friends on the sagging shelf
and I know I love you
so much more than you could ever,
ever love yourself.
We plucked wild bluebells
and got sick in the winter-time breeze
I'll pick you up
when you fall down
I'll patch up the scrapes on your knees.

Sugar coated candy
turned into your mother's brandy
still over indulged
but I will be here
year after year
you'll always have someone to hold.
Takeout boxes,
a key in your locks and
always a place for me in your coral sheets
we roam the city in outfits too tight
we hold hands in the streets.

Only a fool
when I'm in your room, lose our cool
laughing as our middles concave
with your hand in mine
I've always felt so brave.
We were girls together
and that will never change.
Anam03 May 2023
We're sitting in our haven
cozy environment to
heal every crack
with you,
no lack

I caress you differently
from other times
so you pull me in
but guilt fills your eyes
"It's okay" all I say
half cry
you embrace me
doubts, shatter away.
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