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Anxiety disorder
Manic bi-polar
Every joint arthritus
Chrones disease
Avascular necrosis
Strep Skin disease
Cross eye lazy eye
Degenerative disk disease
Bone spurs
Fractured lower lumbar
Cogenital fusion
Enlarged lymphnodes
Fatty liver
High blood pressure...

Im gonna stop there...

Theres a reason
A reason
Why i fight
Why im strong
Why it hurts
Why its not easy
Why im different...

My motive to wake up
Wake up and find happiness
Happiness thru this darkness
For me my family and you
To see thru
Be the man im supposed to be
To stand true...

Even tho its a daily struggle
Im here because of you
You are my reason
Fake or real
I hope my smile
Kindness and love
Helps you
Your love helps me...

Thank you...
Everday is a good day to be alive
I'm a demolitions expert of renown
Star of the show, the talk of the town
A destroyer of worlds they say
Or at the very least a destroyer of one

Voices rang inside my head
When things were good in my life
The urge to sabotage, the want to destroy
The desire to go off-course, the desire to stop

It has been there for as long as I can remember
Guiding me to the dark path
More often winning than being ignored
It was something I blamed for the way things are

But that was just me, my subconscious, my insecurity
Molding my decisions to be as suboptimal as possible
I need to accept, and got to learn accountability
Face the consequences, and fix the broken crucible

I want to destroy no more, for destruction is already here
Already suffering for the mess I have made
What I thought I deserved, I definitely do not
Now I have to make do with what little I have left

Let it stand as a lesson, let it stay as a warning
Beware when you light the fuse and watch the sparks
They may shine beautifully, but they are searing to the eyes
And if you do continue, give the big boom my regards
Self-destruction and sabotage is a struggle some people cope with daily.
One way or another some people think that they don't deserve all the good things that go their way. So they do some action, or enact upon a decision that will harm the self in ways beyond the physical.

Then **** happens.

There's also the self-fulfilling prophecy of some people thinking they deserve bad things, and do get them one way or another. The law of attraction is a *****.

By some people, that includes me. Self-awareness is a pain that one must endure.
Khoisan Jun 23
Zywa Jun 17
My teacher hits me:

remember, blows, time and time --

poor people get hit.
Novel "Victory City" [Vijayanagar >> Bisnaga] (2023, Salman Rushdie), part 3: Glory, chapter 14

Collection "Low gear"
Bansi Adroja Jun 16
I'm just a shell

Made up of components that sound pleasing to the ears

Sweet words scribbled on napkins in cafes
Fleeting memories in photographs hidden away

Small enough to keep in your back pocket

Small enough to disappear

Never one to stick around
No reason to stay
Bea Rae Jun 11
Fate has decided

To make us nothing more than

A distant memory
Bea Rae Jun 10
Loving you broken me
Yet I still find myself
Missing you
Bea Rae Jun 9
Maybe, you are right.
Maybe, I am why you cannot love yourself.
Maybe, I am the problem.
Karijinbba Jun 8
If you feel sad depressed anxious breathe walk drink water, squeeze lemon in it bit honey relax. Ask the universe creating powers to show you what you cannot see and what it wants you to see to understand.

Just repeat: "This too shall pass, "rejoice true love never really leaves us it bonds with us if we let it and keep doors open.
Be thankful for what it is there's always a karmic reason for the pain a loss causes. Opportunity arises though when least you expect it.
Only make sure you know what you want for yourself, present and future.
If you fail to visualize the future and write it down,make goals, check points crossroads avert slippery ***** if it drags along.
Do not despair. If you feel threatened
You are a winner if aware if such evil lurking.
.how do I know this !? Because I didn't understand the warning signs and lost it all slippery ***** style. Don't let it happen to you..
I've never owned a house but made a home for my girls and me nothing though had permanence but one can build bonds in heart mind and spirit soul that last a lifetime.

The dangers of possible slippery ***** for my life was once upon a time fortold in our book of my true love warnings about it.
I was just too naive and young to avert such tragedy..
I was saved by my Photographic memory chip; reading all the love bestoad to me did keep me safe.

Love feeling loved, stopped my slippery ***** even though all that's saved is my life,as  everyone else faded away.
Like a candle light are our dreams and in the vast universe we are but candles in the wind spelling Love.

Beware if you notice your life is being robbed by jealousy envy and greedy entities. Turn the tables.Do something do move, fly away, don't be a sitting duck, for those who envy you wish to destroy you. Don't wait for evildoers culprits yo change by your loving them in their wrong doings
Lead loved one but leave them to choose their path.
Awareness action correct speech and understanding with comoassion is key..
Moral lesson: For all us heartbroken,-Choose a heart of gold a forgiving heart for a lifetime mate beware of kind men many are there but are evil within. The unkind ride playing hard to be are the real ones owning a heart of gold they hide. Fight for love inside your heart & understand who left you behind and why, so you can fix it, and don't sing like me,  "Fall to pieces."
By: Karijinbba 🌲🗽👪💔🛸🗿
Mark Wanless Jun 7
no awareness time
is meaningless as i think
random perceptions
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