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Square white canvases
          painted brown--brown aroma--
                    yellow pool fish--flush!

This summer's heat was worse,
problems are at their extremes,
burning, like undying embers.

Murmurs in government, in
public and private communities,
create chaos.

Repetition, initiates a desire
to walk away from what upsets
even for a while...some just

Laugh things off, too tired of
useless smiles and handshakes,
some get fed up, walk away, and

Go to the waters, to the shores
filled with voices crying for peace,
seeking justice.

Throughout our struggles...the
battles we fight, we always must
maintain a dignified silence.

We deserve some respect
no matter

Monsoon season has come,
soon...rain will pour and
shall inundate.

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
July 8, 2024
Cyril Jul 2
To be the wave that spills onto the shore.
To reach and to retreat, like dancing to the beat predicted by the wind.
Watch me as I gently ebb away from the sand, carrying your secrets safely to unimaginable depths.
1 am poem. Draft
Zywa Jun 30
Water is royal:

a king without water falls --

apart into dust.
Novel "The Enchantress of Florence" (2008, Salman Rushdie), part 1, chapter 1, and part 3, chapter 19

Collection "Low gear"
Thomas W Case Dec 2021
Tepid water
my toes,
I know
Here is a link to my recently published limited-edition book.  Rise Up Collected Poems and Short Stories.
Jeremy Betts Jun 26
A minnow that's forgotten it's in water
A buzzard who's forgotten it's wings
A primate with no hands and feet
A star with no mass

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