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Agnieszka de Lods
They closed their thoughts.
Genuineness is unwelcome in this world.
Their purpose and cause remain hidden.
Smiling ironically with their sharp hearts,
they tied disappearing ethics with golden threads.

Now they invite you to the feast.
The milky blood of a thousand voices is served,
at the table's abundance of emptiness.

Who are they? Survivors,
shaped by silent consent,
walk through the vast field of lost values,
tainted with soulless conformism.
They are afraid, so afraid of their dark shadows

There's still an imprint of
your hand on my face,
from the day you first struck me-
a love story between
paper skin and
iron fists.
It's been long since the redness faded
(long, not gone)
a bruise visible to not another soul
but mine.

It smiles back in pictures
mocks me in mirrors
follows me on the street.
You created the mark
but I gave it a life,
a name- a structure
and decorated it with my self worth.

Bruised knuckles smeared in betrayal
𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 đ˜ąđ˜” đ˜¶đ˜Ž 𝘯𝘰𝘾
Snake infested waters
𝘐 𝘾đ˜Șđ˜Žđ˜© 𝘾𝘩 đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜„ đ˜„đ˜łđ˜°đ˜žđ˜Żđ˜Šđ˜„.
Did you ever
a dandelion pick,
blow each seed
and make a wish.

Was that wish,
a wish for wealth
or was that wish
a wish for health?

Or was that wish
a wish to see,
a field of gold
in front of thee.
Marshal Gebbie
Hanging in a leaden sky
Gulls, in tight formation, fly.
Heavy snow's cascading flare
Sodium sharpness filling air.

Heaving waves carousing fen
Ocean's scent, aloft.. .and then
The skiff with oarsman pulling tight
Materializing from the night

Braving, now, a heavy sea
Puffing pipe, irreverently.
Oblivious of mounting gale
Abandons oar to set a sail

Skimming sharp to gravel beach
Shrugs aside hazards reach.
Wading into pounding foam
Smiling thought of ***, at home.

Not trying to one up you, fellow mariner....I felt I should tell you of the other old salt doing his thing, just around the corner  in the next stormy quay.
Inspired by Anais Vionet's beautiful rendition of maritime drama: "Harbor Snow".
Nick Moore
I want to be
Entangled particles,
You and me,
Wherever we are
I'll know how you feel.
Subatomic 'twins' photons created by splitting a single photon in half.
They have been waiting
since knee high
for romance -
even before they knew
what it was about

waiting to be cared for
and attended to,
danced and romanced
moonlit evenings year long,
little surprise presents
flowers sprinkled with jewelry

it never ends
whispers of love
always so gently

it is all so beautiful
truly a wonderful notion

I just can't bring myself to spoil it.
My expectations
Embrace nothing, is something
Simply and fully
Anais Vionet
I watch the harbor through the falling snow
the sky and sea form one vast, gray tableau
the sun is nothing but a weak, background glow
the scene draws me, as if hypnotically.

Five mile’s lighthouse warnings go unvoiced
its strobes not lashing out, so what’s its point
it stands majestically but disappoints
replaced electronically

A tiny lobster boat makes its landward way
towards the inlet from the wider channel bay
a powdery blizzard is underway
which melts into the mirror sea.

Ospreys still hunt round the lobsterman's pride
snowflakes stain them as they soar and glide
other seabirds huddle side by side
shivering and crowing lividly.

Through the narrows the lonely boat steams
past icy Luddington Rock and East Breakwater's breech
its berths and moorings, within minutes reach
and sadly, it’s time for me to leave.
Songs for this:
Far Far Away (Charles Tone Mix) [feat. Brenda Boykin] by Tape Five
Nobody by Mitski
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 02/15/25:
Livid = angry, indignant, or enraged.
Clay Micallef
I was on a train from
Paris to Amsterdam
and with an empty page
a sad smile and a pen
she was looking out
the window across
the apple green fields and
into the valleys of cobbled
villages and ****** churches
and as the dead air of Paris
was leaving my mind
I began to read the reflection
of questions in her eyes
I wanted to tell her what
she already knew
that the answers are in
the rhythm of the rails
and to only underline
the words that matter ...
voracious reader, nearly a book a day,
she loves Rushdie, Ishiguro, E. Stout,
and so many, many more, a daily add
to an ever growing list of auteurs, all
venerable and venerated, my little bits
pale, don’t even qualify to compare,
so what’s a poet to say, or feel, beside
tears in his eyes, so hereby withdraws his
awarded accolade, HGF,
His Greatest Fan

now that there is a vacancy, looking for
fufillment, now that there is a hollowed
hallow plus a clogged artery, side by side,
both within,

an officialized fossilized a
doctor declaration of “chronic heart failure”

who knew docs still diagnosed love sickness?

loss of love could manifest
itself so decisively physically,
and yet I blame her not, and
thank her for the inspiration,
for all the poems birthed in
her presence, and what swill
will /may follow will never be as good,
for memories inevitable yellowing,
discoloration infestation inevitable,
earn my pallor palest poverty
and like a used car, good enough
for daily trips to the office, but not
for cross country trips,

and perhaps
that means,
only smaller,  
used up,
and  e v e n
not only,
only love poetry

open to direction
road trip to
Sweet Sorrow Land
my life is yours
all the happiness
all the sadness
they're all yours.
because you know me.
my usual coffee order,
what makes me laugh,
and how I get flustered.
I'm thankful
that I met you
and I just wanted to say
I love you.
Nancy Maine
My lover has crossed the sea, the great blue sea,
where the waves rise high and the gulls fly free.
With salt on his skin and wind in his hair,
he left me standing, silent, bare.

The tide it pulls, the tide it sways,
stealing the light from my weary days.
I trace his name in the shifting sand,
only to watch it slip from my hand.

The moon whispers secrets across the deep,
as I sit alone where the cold winds weep.
Does he think of me when the stars ignite?
Or am I a shadow lost to the night?

Oh, sea so wide, oh, sea so tall,
have you no mercy, none at all?
Carry him back, bring him to me,
my heart is adrift, lost at sea.
A M Ryder
Their names and
Story are lost
To time but
They clearly meant
The world to someone
It's dangerous
But gorgeous
Nature's beauty
Filled the minds
Roaring, scoring buzz
Scratching, crawling hum
Soothing whispers of gale
Shadows dance on ancient bark,
Whispering tales of the woods' dark.
A little girl with braids in her hair .
Her sparkling eyes, and joyfull smile .
She sits in a garden teaming with life .
Her guardian  angel sits by her side .
She raises her hand to touch the breeze.
And to her surprise a white dove flys down to greet .
A peaceful creature ,her new best friend.
It lays upon her hand with grace.
A timeless bond a fleeting sight .
A moment wrapped in gentle light .

As stale as day-old bread

Much gray as year-long dread

Lie down your own messy bed

In which you are as good as dead.
You are dead to me. Yes you are.
Steve Page
what could be harder
getting up before the dawn
beating a lone path

climbing into your cold cab

what could be cooler
sitting high above the snow
clearing a shared path
Thanks to John Scalzi for the idea.
I took a chance

Told you I was not perfect

And yet you love me

I told you my hopes and my fears

Scars and insecurities

But you still stayed here

I want your hand in mine til the end of time

And I heard Queer Time works differently..

Wonder if you'll ever marry me?
Queer time represents an asynchronous temporality, where aging and experience don't align with normative expectations.
i am all alone
please don't lie and say
i am loved
because that's simply not true
life is pointless
why would you ever say
there's hope for me

(now read bottom up)
owls at dawn
do you not feel your death?
do you not feel your immortal persistence?

you cannot escape the scales of justice
held in your own soul's hand
Charlotte Pillay
It is but two more days,
till the end of my longing will come to its demise.
It is but two more days till my heart can express the pain it endured.
It is but two more days till I can return to my reality of the unassuming or rather its disguised encounters.
Two more days, till my breath is caught, by the other,
Never to be released till we know no other.
It is but two more sleeps, I'm counting...
It does not follow
that I am weak
or timid,
or small

Your logic’s amiss
I’m not swallowing this

It does not follow
that I am cracked
or broken,
or torn

It’s flawed generation
from any foundation

It does not follow
that I am less
or nether,
or low

I don’t care where we were
-what you try to infer
I prefer
You’d concur
These are non sequitur

BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge (secular) date 16th February 2025. A non sequitur is a statement that either does not logically follow from, or is not clearly related to, what was previously said.
if I take anything
to my grave
whether it be shallow
or deep
let it be
that I was loved
the way I asked to be loved
I have not stopped repeating that in my head since first hearing it on ‘The Last of Us’
Blair Devine
I don't regret meeting you,
I just wish that I had knew,
what distance from you would do.

Even after just one date,
absence forms when it gets late,
wishing I could feel your weight.

My dream placed you in my arms,
we kept ourselves safe from harm,
you had me lost in your charm.

I awoke from paradise,
to find the room cold as ice,
you might be my truest vice.

Wishing you were really here,
I find a truth you should hear,
you make my fears disappear.

I've said my words, time is scant,
I'll wrap up my little rant,
Happy Birthday Arthur Grant.
Even if it can only end in tragedy, every moment I've known you has been filled with love in a way I never thought possible. I can't remember life without you, and being with you feels more right than anything else I've ever felt. The time we had on the bench proved that no matter where we are, you are my home. I love you.
David P Carroll
In a garden so beautiful and bright
Little tulips grow in the sunlight
Their colors bring joy every day
With petals so bold
In pinks red and gold
And there all dancing in a row
Then they bowed to the sun
Before the sun sets.
Tulips đŸŒ· đŸŒ· đŸŒ· đŸŒ·
Are we home yet
Is it even possible to feel the grand finale before the show has even begun?  I wonder.  You have cracked a door to a wardrobe of plenty, my clothes yes, never worn.  Hmmmm
You carry my heart between your teeth,
trapped in front of warmth and
bathed by breath.
Sharp incisors clenched,
piercing flesh, breaking surfaces.
Sweet red blood across
sweet red lips.
I might develop this into a longer piece later on??
Larry Berger
when I encountered you,
you didn't know to jump to the next line,
you just stood there, and
asked me if I was for real,
I am, and before,
I only had a small
perception of what
I was doing
Maybe not trenches
maybe just graves
Where I've laid all
my treasures ,
memories and rusty knife blades .

When I'm flying at 30,000 feet
All that separates my life from death
is the silvery skin and my dubious breath

Roman candles or Greek fire ?
My curosity dares me to inquire

What happens in the night
stays in the night
Mari Chubinidze
I was taking the elevator when the doors opened, and my neighbor’s pitbull appeared.
I got confused and held my key chip to the sensor so it would go away.
I love dogs, but I wasn’t expecting such a sudden encounter.
Dr Peter Lim
You might not
be a star
it's enough
if you like yourself
as you are
John Prophet
Thick fog.
Much to
there is,
in fog.
to part
the way.
Gaze into,
All information
the light.
a dent.
Mike Adam
I see a Pyramid
In your Eyes

It contains Who
I used to Be
When he saw his love for the first time he knew.
Deep in you it’s rooted. This love.
Long before meeting.
The one has already arrived in the mind
while the eyes are still blind ,
the heart still searching.
This loved one stays with you forever.
You will do anything ,
Wait till end of days
travel through time
cross timelines
just to meet, to live and love.
Forever and ever.
True love is written in the stars.
It’s meant to be like in a fairytale.
I know I’m dreaming but that’s the way it should be.
Don’t wake me up,
let me dream my dream of dreams and meet my love.
Over and over.

Love, like a  misplaced flower on a snow mountain
like a comet  traveling through time.

Shell ✹🐚
99% accurate
if you're the one it didn't work on
it becomes 100% inaccurate.

giving it a rating of six on the chaos scale
and six for me in anything is an automatic fail.

Happy Monday said glumly at twenty minutes to six
and six factors in quite readily when you're thinking
about next Friday.
Aquesto dixo El Ebrio, una vegada.
Aquesto dixo con su voz cansada.
Aquesto dixo por la madrugada.

Yo dello non sé nada.

Bebamos en las crĂĄteras de oro
que laborĂł el cincel benvenutino,
champagne, bulbente y bullicioso vino.

Bebamos en las ĂĄnforas de barro
doria hidromiel; en el panzudo jarro
blonda cerveza, y en las cristalinas
frĂĄgiles copas el anĂ­s sonoro
asĂ­ como las finas
mixturas sibilinas.

Porque es dulce olvidar.

Bebamos en las crĂĄteras de oro
el lĂ­quido tesoro
que enloquece las mentes
y elide los deseos,
y que sume los sueños impotentes
en helados Leteos!.

Porque es dulce olvidar. ÂżAlgo esculpido
quedar merece en el cerebro? Nada!
Porque es dulce olvidar...

El viento azota
la cima de los ĂĄrboles, tedioso;
vacila el corazĂłn ante la rota!
El espĂ­ritu vago!
ÂĄLa voluntad errĂĄtil
es un tortuoso Yago!
y el soñar aterido...:
¥el soñar aterido y nó vibråtil
ni altanero!... y nostĂĄlgico, anheloso
de una distinta vida...

Los jardines romĂĄnticos
horros estĂĄn de idilios.
Y son hueros los cĂĄnticos
jocundos de Himeneo!

Dormita ya el Deseo!
Ya dormita el Amor!.
Y yerra -enloquecida-
por sus ludies exilios
de Dolor,
l'alma pura de Ofelia,
mientras Hamlet, moroso y taciturno
sepultose en sĂ­ mismo!

Ya no existe
la verdad, si ha existido... Ya no es nada
la belleza, y lo es todo! y la tristeza
ÂĄcĂłmo es asaz ****** y adocenada!

Yo bucéo un abismo
y el tal abismo es hueco!
Todo es superficial, mentido y triste.
Todo: el Amor y la Naturaleza,
el Mar, las Nubes, la ideal Belleza:
sĂłlo restan cinismo,
rutina, y el enteco
sentido de lo prĂĄctico y la cĂłmica
metafĂ­sica vĂłmica!

Es preciso beber la sangre cĂĄlida
de los magos elixires!
Complicados brebajes, quinta-esencia,
sudor de las retortas y alambiques;
todos los filtros quĂ­micos y alquĂ­micos
el dĂ­ctamo, el nepentes,
sĂșmanme en la demencia!

En el absintio quiero que se esconda
-tras de sus de sirena glaucos ojos-
mi espĂ­ritu arbitrario,
mi corazĂłn, y toda la amargura
de abolidos despojos!

Es preciso beber la sangre cĂĄlida,
sangre morena
o sangre blonda!
En el absintio quiero que se esconda
-tras de sus glaucos ojos de sirena-
mi corazĂłn, y toda la amargura!

La azul locura pĂĄlida,
soberana locura,
se asile en mi cerebro solitario!

Bebamos en las crĂĄteras de oro
todo el licor que corre por la vena
de la prĂłdiga uva;
y hagamos la serena
-la serena o la loca-
vida del que en sĂ­ propio no se toca
y que en nada se halla...:

-BĂșdico sĂ©r en Ă©xtasis,
JaiyĂĄm bajo los astros,
Edgar en la taberna,
DiĂłgenes en su cuba...
Desdeñosos e impåvidos,
mirando la batalla
sempiterna, mirando la batalla
de apetitos, la gresca y el estridir de dientes
y el ****** forcejeo
para ascender, para medrar, para vivir...

Nosotros -sĂ­, nosotros-
olĂ­mpicos yazgamos sobre el trĂ­pode sacro:
claudicantes e irĂłnicos,
sonrientes espectadores del simulacro,
sin recordar, sin añorar,
sin anhelar,
ÂĄsin un solo deseo!

Brtiña el trågico véspero
con sus hĂłrridas lumbres
dĂłre el amanecer con vagas lumbres
y medias-tintas de atediada suavidad;
o aljofĂĄre la luna
del bebedor la cabellera bruna
o la blonda o endrina cabellera
nimbada de doliente claridad,
y bebamos el vino,
y bebamos el vino,
y bebamos el vino!

Aquesto dixo El Ebrio una vegada.
Aquesto dixo con su voz cansada.
Aquesto dixo por la madrugada.

Yo dello non me curo. Yo dello non sé nada
Sunny J Selmoh
i lost a friend today.
not to death.
almost to death.
i called the police as they attempted.
they have stopped talking to me.
they are angry

i lost a friend today
i wish i had done better.
they almost left.
without a word.
i wish they hadnt told me.

i lost a friend today.
my friend attempted suicide today and i called the police. they told me to ******* and die.
i want to hurt.
Nature can be cruel
But beautiful too
The sea can be a demon
But beautiful too
The waves are endearing
But beautiful too
The sun can be so harsh
But beautiful too
The snow can freeze your nose and toes
But beautiful too
The rain can be a pain
But beautiful too
Bijan Rabiee
There is no insight
In illusion of stories
Beclouding your universal mind
Machination excavates
The earth of character
Breaching tenor of vision
The burning candle weeps
Tears of unfulfilled sapience
In the stillness of night
The fabrication of perception
Disempowers awareness
Compromising clarity
It was yesterday
When roads were unpaved
The spirits untamed
Wise ones were held in high regard
The birds displayed the way
And the Earth rolled unfazed
But today
Today is the face of tomorrow
Promoting future's paradise
And demoting present's purview
Today is the remnant of yesterday's joy
And the prelude to tomorrow's ploy.
Jasmine Marie
compose my composition
for a golden ratio shimmers anew

a whirlwind woman whipped by wisps
transfigured out of a precious spiral
reframed to behold a glorious ascent
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