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Fold me like you always have,
Run your nails to set the creases,
Shape me to the form you crave,
Bend me into the art of your wishes,

My form forever yours to toy with,
I conform to your will and desire,
Expose my surfaces, above or beneath,
I will always be there for you to admire,

I can be flexible or I can be stiff,
That depends on what you want,
I am here to help fill your rift,
The one who says you can when you can’t,

Craft that which you seek of me,
I am but your art, your origami.
Yonah Jeong
person's truth
present not
in rejoicing but
in mourning.
Paint a bitter picture
with a letter full of truth.
Let it be offensive.
Let it be uncouth.
Even if it hurts me
Have your feelings be outpoured
because I'd rather be
than to simply be
Gant Haverstick
i met a girl in the grocery store parking lot
i could tell she liked me an awful lot
i felt like a real winner
when she invited me for dinner
but now my toes are boiling in her ***
Gant Haverstick 2024
S R Mats
We do not have to agree.  
We truly can still remain friends.
Yet, if we really care for others,
We'll help to lift the fog
Which holds good minds down.
Corrupt is bad but corrupt and crazy
Is simply straight up insanity!
People, you are on the wrong street.
You seem to be on Insanity Street!
Take a walk down Reality Lane
healing hands
careful heart
but at what cost?
any nurses out there? this last semester of nursing school is ruining my personal life
The older I grow,
Parents, once heroes, now seem
Just like me, they are.
Sorry I haven't been posting much. I've been really busy lately and I've been wanting to join a club or something.
Sia Harms
Open my heart, Lord—
You do not need to
Surgically split it,
Or probe the pieces—
You know it inherently,
Without looking,
Every breath’s origin
Lies in you,
And it beats steadily
In your cupped hands—
I have never felt more
Peace in this world
Of broken smiles
And warped intentions,
Than when I trust in your
Image and your plan.
David P Carroll
Rest in peace
My true love and
Your gone from
My sight but not
My heart and your
Love forever intertwined
In my heart you'll forever shine.
Life And Death
hazem al jaber
My letters and your eyes...

The letters were not...
To dance between my lines...
And they were not...
To last...
With the sparkle of gold...
On the pages...
If it weren't be ...
for your wandering eyes...
in every morning...
Waits for my words...
To perfume your heart ...
With it ...
To sprinkle its fragrance ...
From your breath ...
Until ...
to reach me ...
Dewy ...
At morning ...
To be ...
A flavor for my coffee ...
To enjoy it ...
With every sip ...
Until the bottom of the cup ...

Good morning ...
Oh lover of my letters ...

Hazem ...
Mystic Ink Plus
If you want to
Feel pain

Fall in love

If you want to
Feel happy

Fall in love

With whom
That only matters
Genre: Observational
Theme: Matter of time
Nat Lipstadt
perhaps it is less than great,
maybe a poor mediocre,
but such as it is, is mine,
unique, and it gifts me
easy expression of my
experience, conveying
my excitations, aliving,
freely divining what’s
within and without,
and to exhale said
thoughts and

si so

we can be apart and together,
touch without touching, e v e n
love each other with our e v e r
meeting and that miracle presents
and is a present, this presentation
of my cells impressed upon yours,
thus fashioning newly creative

this is what I am thinking,
this is what I am divining,
this is what my reasoning,
permits, encourages, creates
and with your reading this,
cements us in ways unseen
all the b u t s…and hesitation
marks that disconnect us,
are sundered and we are
a forever till reason no longer
matters, or our cells can no
longer divide and recombine
and reproduce our memories,
which are our connective tissues…

Are You Ready for a Brain Chip? It’ll Change Your Mind
I frequently eat noodles with a fork when I'm forking around
with a bowl of pork, fresh from a pig, a lifeless pig, a pig
of no consequence, a swine with no name. Oh Monster
Rogers! I never liked Joe Negri. He made
my grandmother's *** tired.
Salmabanu Hatim
We had black tea,
Because we could not afford milk,
We could only have one meal a day,
The rice, chapattis, curry and pickles all mixed together so it would be enough for seven mouths.
Now, I see people  have black or green tea and one healthy meal,
Either they are on diet or to maintain health.
jeffrey conyers
Proud to tell you and challenge you too.
That your lady, your woman doesn't measure up to mine.
Well, least not in this man eyes.

When I found her?
I found a wonderful prize.
When I found her??

And I'm proud to point out to anyone right now and forever
That no lady upon this earth measure up to mine.
Least not in my eyes.

There's no other woman on this earth better than mine.
No other
No other
No other woman better than mine
South by Southwest
Ran out of hugs
Ran out of kisses
Ran out of loving

the way it always goes
I am just led to superimpose

There is a way
that the sun
glows gold

There is a cup
that will overflow

There is a good moon
just before the dawn

An owl that
doesn't give a Hoot
out on the lawn

A broken heart that
no amount of kintsugi
and gold
will fill the canyons
of cracks and
eliminate the epicanthic soul
epicanthic - a prolongation of the upper eyelid that partially blocks the inner corner eyesight .
Kintsugi - The Japanese healing power of laquering broken pieces of pottery together and painting the seams with gold or silver paint .
If existence is one,
We’re all connected
By a string of love.

If love is the ultimate
We are meant to feel,
Then why does ego
Block love’s flow?

Why does it stand
In the way
Of what we are meant to know?

You speak but not with words

Your mouth says little
But your eyes say much
Your eyes they tell me secrets
whispering the "I love you"
your too afraid to say
Asking if I could really be yours.
Your eyes say they want me
Long for me
Need me.

What you don't know is that
You speak just not with words.

I wonder if you can hear
songbirds playing in mine
or the butterflies that explode
when I look in your eyes.
Do my eyes speak to you?
Do they tell you my secrets?
Do they whisper the things I'm too afraid to say?

What you don't know is that
I speak just not with words.
I know this for a fact.
I won't leave you.
No side of you could push me away.
No truth.
No fact.
unless you push me away
Amanda Kay Burke
You have my heart in chains
After all these years
The mercy of your affection
Hand that wipes my tears

You're mesmerizing beyond measure
Smile leaves me paralyzed
The sole word you have to utter is "Come!"
Legs move to my surprise

I obey each wish and command
Your approval I seek
All you need done to hear me talk
Simply call out to me "Speak"

You are not aware of power
Love feels like a restraint
Pulled me along by your heels
Never guided me straight

I am obedient pet
One that knows how to sit
I am too happy to lie down where I'm told
When you tell me to "Stop!" I quit

The fact is I keep heart locked up
In pound waiting for you to change
After all this time
Remains in your ribcage
Written 3-8-19
winnie the poem
I read a story in the dark

I lay down my box of matches
When I heard the silent cry
Of the skin of a wooden
stick that scratches

I could feel the heat sitting on the wick
Ready to make his way
through the candle
And it was just at the tip of the wire
Where I could see a tear
dripping into the fire
Peach Pietersen
the wrong one
will find you in peace
and end up leaving you in pieces

only the right one
can find you in pieces
and guide you to peace
So, what is my life:

my existence, being there --

plus my history.
Novel "The Road" (2006, Cormac McCarthy) - Incomplete thought: "You think when you wake up in the mornin yesterday don't count. But yesterday is all that does count. What else is there? Your life is made out of the days it's made out of. Nothin else."

Collection "Over"
through all the nights i spent
utterly smitten for you and searching for the
longing of a life with you that
intrigues even the simplest of ideas that
plays over and over in my head.
please love me.
Jennifer DeLong
Wanting your desires to change
Wishing you would fall for me
I can't help but want it to be
Wish as I might I can't make it so
Do I let it stay this way
knowing it won't last
It's temporary
Can I give up more time
For something that won't last
Time is to costly
I want to find someone for me
To be with
To spend time with
To fall in love with
So a decision
I must make
Cause falling for you
Will only hurt in the end
© Jennifer DeLong 09/2024
We’re not in the movies

But when I look into your eyes I see blue and purple static

If I stare long enough I get lost in starless pools of deep blue

I could drown in them if you’d let me
It was dark
They filled her heart
With poison
Disguised as a kind act.

They promised her
Life will be full of colors
But they made her blind
Too fool to see
the hidden plans

She drowned
She begone
She hates mankind

But the poison
Lives with her
With a heart as pure
As a silver
She returned

The rebirth
Kindness is gone
In the poison
They shall swarm

Under the innocent face
Is a revenge
You cannot erase
What’s it like
To be a nutt bust muse?
Does the force send over vibes
When I’m busting a nutt
While thinking of you?
Nutts in shells
Will sort of do
Frederick le Roux
Dont underestimate life
"Death and life is choices made"
Sia Harms
A shipping container
Filled with traffic cones
and stifled murmurs;
How long would they
Have to wait
to be put on a field,
And play a role
In the game they didn't
know the rules of?
Sharmila Juliet
I'll stay
In your embrace
Forever -While
You complementing
My presence - with
Your precious kisses
My Love!
I pick up
he screams, I don’t know what
he threatens, he spins thread
I plead. I say sorry, I don’t know why

“have you taken your medication?”
wrong question, wrong time

I receive a list of tasks to perform before sundown
1. remove these friends
2. admit to these things
3. give up my dreams
3. …give up me

swallowed by the waves, never to be seen
smiling when he chose me
I recognized it—that other soul was yours, dipping near mine,
Rare like the moments when stars brush the earth.

I’ve taken you into me, as much mine as my own skin,
You breathe with the glimmer of a falling star.

You brushed the earth once more in your quiet brilliance—
Such a constellation you are to me, and more.
Estive morrendo por dentro,
tentando libertar uma alma,
correndo atrás de uma sombra.
Isso sequer faz sentido?

Estive tentando, mas me diga,
como se toca uma sombra?
Movo meus braços em sua direção,
Mas ela desvia no mesmo sentido.

Qualquer tentativa é inútil,
ela conhece meus movimentos,
Como posso abraçar
algo que não posso tocar?
Lay next to me
Don’t say a word
Touch me everywhere
Everywhere but there

I want to know you
Let me peer into your soul
Don’t ask me about myself
Anything but that

Let me share my life
With you, with my work
With my cat, and my friends
Sometimes and on weekends
Can’t I have it all?
Nat Lipstadt
Some poems never end,
Nor were meant too.
Alliterative phrases, invitations,
Add a verse, a word, even a sound,
An exclamation of delight,
A stanza in its own right.

Unfinished work, forever additive, collaborative.
Modify mine, pass it on,
Free to steal it,
For ownership passes to you,
with your first reading,
And lost when you close it,
Stamp it and release it into the atmosphere.

But some poems do. End.
Unique and distinct,
Pockmarked-faced at birth.
Owned by my initials,
Never to see the shelves of a
Lending Library.

Like this one:

Cannot remember a single day
When suicidal thoughts
Were not heard clearly above the fray
Of jingle-jangled, responsibilities
Demanding my immediate attention.

The end.

I hope the grey of the season calls a blanket of comfort to fall around you,
as the mute of the sun encourages our shadows to surrender.
We are lost souls
But just for tonight.

Lost souls aren't able to find in each other salvation,
Our embrace is not our final destination.
В ушах от тишины звенит стекло,
тон звуков скроен строем мнимой гаммы.
Последнее осеннее тепло
зажал параллелепипед бледной рамы.

Беззвучье разорвет дождя триоль,
он соло выдаст дробное на жести.
На месяцы вперед сданы окрестья
температурам, деленным на ноль.

Знобит, но разве нам не привыкать:
мы большей частью в холоде без света
и стала бы наградой пряность лета,
когда б мы не могли ее терять?

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