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3.5k · May 2023
falling to heaven
Maja May 2023
The ledge was slippery,
Like my mind at the moment.
A time in space
that didn’t seem to matter.
I fell,
I didn’t jump
- I was pushed.
I might have made the leap,
but I never made the choice.
I might have made no sound,
but I never had a voice.
I fell,
but the truth is still that
I didn’t jump
- I was pushed.
I silently drowned.

I had been dead for a long time
before I even hit the ground
2.5k · Sep 2021
Maja Sep 2021
"There’s too many”,
And they looked at me.
Did someone stab me?
It felt like it.
And then they said my name.
Did someone twist the knife?
It hurts.
2.1k · Mar 2021
It's the little things
Maja Mar 2021
It’s the little things
that makes us.

It’s that hug before bed
It’s those ’love you’s that are said

It’s the little things
that makes us.

It’s the smile from far away
The gaze that asks if you’re okay

It’s the little things
that makes us.

And it’s
the little things
that breaks us.
1.8k · Oct 2022
Maja Oct 2022
We are descendants of legends,
making our own ones.
1.7k · Aug 2022
A screaming cry
Maja Aug 2022
I heard that
Anger is a secondary emotion.
I want to scream
And tell them to look at me.
I want to beat them up
So they feel like I do.
But I think
I actually just want to cry
And stop myself from hurting.
1.7k · Nov 2022
The Meaning of Life
Maja Nov 2022
"Death gives meaning to life."
It makes me so angry, because,
How ridiculous is it not?
That we accept an end?

Death does not give meaning to life.
- We do.
And meaning is not something to be given
It is something to be taken.
With every breath -
With every step -
And every leap you take
You create your purpose.

"Death gives meaning to life."
Living does.

You do not read a book for the end
-you read it for the journey.
You should not wake up just to go to bed
-you wake up to enjoy the day.

You do not live to die.
You live to live.
1.7k · Aug 2021
Maja Aug 2021
barely a meter away
i can hear them
so why can’t they hear me
i can see them
so why can’t they see me
it’s like i’m invisible
it’s like i’m mute
in reality
i’m just me
and they are just them
and we are close
but we’re a world
of friends away
1.6k · May 2023
Dead in Time
Maja May 2023
To be looking for giants
And seeing nothing but dust.

Can we make our own legends
And tower over all

Even though the world is so big
And we are so small?

We are not heavy enough
For our steps to leave a trace

A whisper in time,
A forgotten face

So we will die
Please just remember
that we were here

Welcome to our home,
our birthplace and our grave
Hello and Goodbye
Welcome to planet earth
This is where our bodies lie
1.6k · Jul 2021
Maja Jul 2021
I don’t want to be alone,
and don’t want to feel lonely

I want to fly with somebody,
to rise with somebody,
to cry with somebody
to die with somebody,

To be able to be,
never alone,

And when I fall,
to have somebody to fall with me
1.6k · Jan 2021
Every motion
Maja Jan 2021
He was a mountain.

She was the ocean.

Reaching for the stars,
Bound by his roots

Still and storm
Black and blue

She was the ocean
Beating against his rock

He was a mountain
And waves could not a mountain block

A bottomless fountain
Breaking with every motion

He was a mountain


She was an ocean
1.6k · Mar 2020
You're only human
Maja Mar 2020
"After all, you’re only human,"
I’ll take that as a compliment.

A human can be anything,
if only you are competent.
you're only human. But what is a human then?
1.6k · Mar 2020
Let's talk
Maja Mar 2020
Let’s talk about the group that killed an old lady
and the fact that they escaped.

Let’s talk about the woman who was judged
for "saying she wanted" to be *****.

Let’s talk about the boy who was bullied
and that no one said a thing.

Let’s talk about the people who bullied
and that the boy hanged himself on a sling.

Let’s talk about the girl who was kidnapped,
***** at only four,

Why is everyone quiet?

because people are horrible
and sometimes it’s easier to ignore.
My heart is heavy and mind burdened with thoughts no child should have to ponder.
Why do humans have to exist?
1.3k · Nov 2022
life like fire
Maja Nov 2022
Human life is funny. I tend to think of us as candles.
And we flicker.
We’re small.
We die.

But, you feed that candle, it can be a fire.
And we burn.
We blind.
We remember.
1.3k · May 2021
The Sun
Maja May 2021
I was with you for so long,
you became a part of my world.
Like the sun that rises every morning.

Until you were gone.
And the sun didn’t rise.
And everything
got so
It's not until something is lost,
that you understand,
you had something to lose.
1.2k · Jul 2021
Fire with Fire
Maja Jul 2021
You don't fight
fire with fire

that makes it burn brighter

You don't pour fuel
to the flame

for it to tame

Anger leads to anger
it never leads to good

if a match is lit
don't give the fire

Don't make it hotter

don't fight
fire with fire

use water.
1.0k · Aug 2022
fear of hope
Maja Aug 2022
Is it hope
That we feel
When we stare into the dark
And hope something will stare back

Or is it fear
That we feel
When we hope for something
In nothing
914 · May 2020
don't fix me
Maja May 2020
life has its tricks,
sometimes, it’ll hit you with bricks,
but even if I crack, I’m still me.
Just because I’m broken,
doesn’t mean there’s anything to fix.
I just need some help to find myself. Not to create someone else.
890 · Jun 2020
I've been thinking
Maja Jun 2020
I write this,
completely in my right state of mind.

I’m not insane,
But I’ve concluded that is not the case of all mankind.

Why do we exist?
would it not be better with us gone?

I’ve been thinking,
and I think the line has been drawn.

I’ve been thinking, about us,
and why where here.

I think, all things considered,
we should just disappear.
Seriously. Humans.
851 · Jan 2021
You can't.
Maja Jan 2021
You can’t hit me and hug me

You can’t hate me and love me

You can’t ask me a question
And ignore the answer

You go either left
Or you go right

You can’t pull me
In both directions

You don’t.

You can’t.

Yet you do
If you drag me in opposite directions
I'll be pulled apart
834 · Aug 2021
Maja Aug 2021
it’s okay
no, i’ll pay
even though you bought it
even though you said it
what I did was clearly wrong
no *******
but i’ll play along
826 · Jan 2021
To do
Maja Jan 2021
Things don't
get done

Unless there's someone
doing them
809 · Mar 2020
just a joke
Maja Mar 2020
It was a joke
he didn’t mean to lift his hand
he didn’t mean to bring it down

he didn’t mean to raise it a second time
he didn’t mean to commit a second crime.

He didn’t mean it.

But if everyone got pardoned
for the things they said and did without meaning,
everyone would hit
and no one would mean it.
Again, actions speak louder than words, and ironically, that is because you can't say them.
Trust the first fist,
not the apology that comes after when the deed is already done.
780 · Aug 2024
turning cold
Maja Aug 2024
her tears fell
salty like the sea
in which she drowned
her feelings out
so she cried
and her heart shrunk and dried,
it turned from soft to bone
because you can't
squeeze blood from a stone
666 · May 2021
Maja May 2021
Life was
like being dropped from a hundred feet
then asked to run on broken legs

was like being told to drink acid,
then asked to speak without a tongue

Life was
like being set on fire,
then asked why

you’re burning
615 · Mar 2020
drip drop
Maja Mar 2020
It’s silent when I’m alone.
But why is it still so loud?

That voice doesn’t scream,
when I’m with a crowd.

Why does it keep,
and keep on screaming?

Why doesn’t it ever stop?
Why is it,
that when I’m alone,
I can hear every single **** raindrop


it doesn’t ever stop

Do you also hear the silence?
Why is it so loud?
594 · Sep 2020
Stormy night
Maja Sep 2020
See that flash of light,
white, hot rage
Hear the roaring thunder,
the rattle of a cage
Feel the wind
blow up a storm
Then know the sun,
embrace so warm
578 · Mar 2020
die twice
Maja Mar 2020
I heard you die twice,
once when they bury you in the grave
and the second time is the last time
that somebody mentions your name

- Glorious, Macklemore Ft. Skylar Grey
From: Glorious by Macklemore Ft. Skylar Grey
574 · Sep 2020
Being an Artist
Maja Sep 2020
The thing about being an artist.

People only look at the finished work.

Not at the soiled hands which made it.
You don't know how low I went,
to write something deep

You don't know the things I had to do,
To find my material

You don't know how I broke my hands,
to create the art before you
570 · Oct 2020
To hold up the halo
Maja Oct 2020
I took ten lives
to save a thousand

I lost a battle
to win a war

To hold up the halo
I got my horns,
because I cannot take the rose,
without taking all its thorns.
Does the end justify the means?

can the means justify the end?
529 · Mar 2020
first things first
Maja Mar 2020
I wanted everyone to like me
without giving them a reason to

I wanted them to like me
without even trying to change their view

I wanted to be good,
without doing a good deed

I wanted to succeed
but to grow,
you need to first plant the seed.
518 · Sep 2020
The brighter the darker
Maja Sep 2020
The brighter the light,
the darker the shadow.

The brighter the smile,
the darker the mind.
It's the brightest smiles that hide the darkest minds
506 · Mar 2020
Do I need a reason?
Maja Mar 2020
I’m completely fine,
because when I said that I was not,

they responded with,
"You can’t be sad, just look at what you’ve got."

All they did was doubt,
they said,

"You don’t have anything to be sad about."

they said,

"Just look at all the friends you have,
and family around."

that only made me sadder;
do I need a reason to break down?
You don't have to live a depressing life to be depressed.
495 · Oct 2020
broken art
Maja Oct 2020
I was born a blank canvas

Now I’ve been painted with scars

Scars in my mind

Scars in my heart

I was born an empty sheet

Now I’m broken art
I was born, empty like space
meant to be filled with stars
Instead, my skin is littered with scars.
486 · Mar 2020
the higher you climb...
Maja Mar 2020
The higher you climb, the further you’ll fall,
With a mindset like that,
you will never stand tall.

What you should instead remember,
when you fight against time,
is that the best view
comes after the hardest climb
Two ways of thinking. Both true, but which to choose?
Don't choose:
just try to become a better self.
478 · May 2020
love or hate
Maja May 2020
What is the most dangerous, between hate and love?
They both makes us blind,
one makes us ignore,
the other makes us find
455 · Oct 2020
Bend or break
Maja Oct 2020
There are different kinds of fragility
One that bends,
And one that breaks

Step on a flower,
It withers

Step on a bomb
It explodes
Be careful with both,
a bomb may be dressed as a flower,
but you won't know until it has blown
425 · Mar 2020
truth or lie
Maja Mar 2020
It depends on who is looking;
whether a picture is truly true,

The picture can be a lie when looked at by someone
who has a different view
we all see things differently.
416 · Sep 2021
Maja Sep 2021
it's not about what you get
it's about what you do with what you get
414 · Oct 2020
good intentions
Maja Oct 2020
you fought with good intentions
but for all the wrong reasons
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"
404 · Mar 2020
Happy Birthday
Maja Mar 2020
Happy Birthday, my dear mother,
your smile makes me as happy as one can be,
there are no words that I could use,
to describe how happy you make me.

I cried whilst writing this,
but I cried with a smile on my face,
because you’re so special to me,
my heart reserves for you a place.

You are the cause of my happiness,
the source of my laughter
you make every day worth living
you are my happily ever after.

There’s just no one else like you,
you are unique - in every way
and I want you to know
that I really mean what I say

when I say that I love you
I really do love you.

You are so strong,
and when you hold me, you make me calm
your embrace is so warm

I love you, mom.
I was worried it wouldn't be enough for someone like you, but mom. You deserve everything I can give.
402 · Mar 2020
Maja Mar 2020
You can’t look past someone's flaws
and ignore who they are.
If you do, you look past them,
and then you’re not looking at all.
.real friends.
Be proud and even if you're not, accept yourself - because you're not changing.
398 · Mar 2020
Maja Mar 2020
It’s okay that they hurt me
because it was a joke.
They were just kidding,
when they kicked and spoke.


It’s not okay to hurt someone,
not even on a joke,
because a joke is supposed to be funny,
and if that’s funny,
then I don’t want to ever laugh again.
I don't know if it's similar to the other one, but it's another one so I don't know if it matters that it's similar.
393 · Jun 2020
the moon
Maja Jun 2020
The moon isn’t meant to be warm
it’s not meant to be bright,
the reason we see it,
is because of a reflection of the sun’s light.

The moon isn’t meant to be warm
The way it shines is cold
a silver light,
not fire and gold

You don’t compare,
night and noon
the sun is the sun
and the moon is the moon
391 · Mar 2020
understand, not know
Maja Mar 2020
One can know a lot of things,
but knowing doesn’t mean a thing,
if you don’t understand.
389 · Mar 2020
It's just...
Maja Mar 2020
I know I’m not that pretty,
and I know I’m not that loud
But I still have some feelings
and I do make a sound

Just because I don’t drink
doesn’t mean that I am lame,
it’s just,
I worry about myself,
and my mother the same.

Just because I don’t dress up,
doesn’t mean I don’t want to be pretty
it’s just,
to be pretty,
I would not be myself,
though that would not be a pity

Just because I don’t cry
doesn’t mean that I don’t want to
it’s just,
I don’t think anyone will care,
even if I do

And just because I don't speak up,
doesn’t mean I don’t have anything to say
it’s just,
no one asked me,
so I don’t know if talking is okay.
376 · Feb 2020
Before dawn
Maja Feb 2020
it's always the darkest before dawn
If everything feels bleak and dull and painful, and you have finally hit rock bottom- remember, it can only go up from here on
373 · Sep 2020
A muscle
Maja Sep 2020
The heart is a
And to grow
A muscle needs to
Through hurt, you heal.
You break, you grow.
What doesn't **** you, makes you stronger.
365 · Mar 2020
stay with me
Maja Mar 2020
Stay with me.
For a second or a minute.

For an hour or a day,
I don’t care,
but please just stay.

We can rest under the stars,
look at the sky we lay beneath

Just let us be like this a little longer.
Just let us take a break and breathe.
just breathe...
364 · Sep 2020
look at the sky
Maja Sep 2020
”look at the sky - it’s crying”

”what for?”

”well, why does anyone cry?”

”because there’s too much inside those clouds.
it’s too heavy for them to bear, so the raindrops have to fall.”
359 · Jun 2020
Maja Jun 2020
Goodness comes not from your heart, which is an *****,
but from the memories and choices, you chose to do
Not from the heart as some say. The heart is merely an ***** that everyone has. Both bad people, and good people. Having a heart does not make you a good person.
Doing good deeds for the good of people makes you a good person.
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