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J Wendell Coplin Dec 2024
Do I suffer?
Everything I do, I do wrong.
I can’t even get help.
I want to manifest my pain—
to bleed into your vision,
to force you to see me.

I hate that I’m an inconvenience.
I hate that I could be a problem.
I hate that I cause offense.
But please, please see me.

I need to be loud.
I need to be heard.
I need to be seen.
just see me.

I’m sorry to ruin your day.
I’m hurting too.
I hate myself.
I might do it.
I might finally show you.

My last laugh:
the silence shatters.
I will finally be remembered.
You can’t ignore this.
Adryta 2d
It was a beautiful evening,
A rare purple sky and empty-
And I was thinking of you.

I wish I didn't, but I did,
And I do, more often than I like.

I remember, I fell asleep,
And when I woke up again,
the evening I so loved was gone-
like you.
Everything is normal
so not much to sing or say.
No summer thunderstorm,
the snow was magical only for an hour.

Old men
aren’t removing women’s ******* with removable dentures.
A belly laugh now and then,
an empty belly’s holy.

With simple joy
mortals may forget to fear their deaths.
Simply put,
we do not survive. But what an adventure!

I heard an archangel cry
Don’t hurt the trees!
Also, save democracy.
Also, stop barking, believing in that higher power.

What’s Ken doing today?
Watching TED talk lectures,
planning next Spring’s garden.
It’s Death, not the Jewish king, in your rose garden.

As climates change
species escape predators
and predators chase down prey.
Choose sacrifice or blame.

I look at faces
and they look at mine, mute, animated spirits,
black wet rocks,
victims among flames.

I like my anonymity,
lost in my own city,
in the shade of a gazebo,
a mosquito’s acceptance of its position among a million mosquitoes.
The silence echoes, deep and wide,
Where once your presence used to hide.
A shadow now, where love never lived,
A hollow place, no warmth to give.

In every room, your absence cries,
A thousand questions fill my mind.
Why did you leave? Why can't you stay?
I waited for you, but you’ve turned away.

Your absence leaves a mark so deep,
A longing that I cannot keep.
My father disowned me.
Ellery Jan 20
The sky is bone-white
and guilty-faced,
and some horrible cry is preparing itself
between my two lips–
I have become lamb from sheep,
   regressed again;
I cannot stop screaming,
I cannot graze the land
without knowing that I am becoming
someone I have already been.

The things that make me happy,
that used to,
all exist in some other place:
   where I came from,
where I’ll never be again,
where the creek water is always warm
and the lamb-scream
is so deep inside of me
I cannot reach it with my fist.

- Ellery Rose
I’m tired

Of trying all the time

Even when surrounded by people

I feel so  a l o n e

A body without a soul

Leave it behind to rest

Let the world carry on

Without me

I listen to the same songs

Over and over again

Because nothing else

Is loud enough to drown out the pain

Oh, to be a kid again

With no need to overthink

To see the light again

Without drowning myself in the kitchen sink

I want to leave behind

This heavy heart

And fly away to my neverland

Living my life inside a hopeless daydream

I want to be held in your arms

As you talk with that calming voice

So I drift off

And fall asleep
I think this was a vent, woopsies
Why do you ignore me

Do my words mean nothing to you

I told you to stop

but you never did

if you have decided

to keep going

then go off your own way

and leave me behind

I want to scream

I want to cry

it was never my intention

to say goodbye

But even with

your intentions

that i never know

of they are good or bad

you made the choice so easy

We tried to ignore our differences

and leave the past behind

but no matter how hard we tried

we just couldn’t take it off our mind

You can say what you want

but why should i listen

when i showed you the darkest parts of me

you tore me apart

and left my heart

broken in two

I tried to be so open

but you just couldn’t accept

when i didn’t think the same thing as you

and tried to turn me

into another version of you

It doesn’t matter anymore

I guess it’s even now

you hurt me

and i hurt you
About someone I never want to see again
Struggling in school everyday,
Feeling like I'm behind.
Struggling with basic math,
teachers making fun of me.
Hurting deep,
Not receiving any support I need.
Why does my brain work differently?
Teachers, students bullying me,
Is it my fault?

The pain runs deep,
With no one to understand.
Why does my brain work in ways they can't see?
Am I broken? Am I stupid?

Laughter echoes when I stumble,
Words like knives, they cut me thin.
I wonder, is this my fault?

Students, teachers bullying me,
How long will it last?
actual story i have to go through everyday
vDreams Jan 12
How can you still be happy?
Oh,  if you only knew
what you don't see
if you looked under the mask,
which no one did,
if only someone noticed
my silent cry
listened for a while
if only they would stop for a moment and listen.:)
Maria Jan 10
Please, listen to me.
I know you’ve done it forever.
Maybe you’ve done it more than enough,
More than you should not now or ever.

Please, listen to me.
I swear to you, I will be silent.
And in my silence you’ll see my soul,
Which will be crying out of mind.

My soul’s alive.
It needs much power to go on living.
It simply wants to go ahead
Without guile, with only pure feeling.

Please, listen to me.
I know you’ll still do it forever.
But no matter what happens to any of us,
Please, listen to me whatever, whenever.
This poem is about soul's suffering
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