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fame is a double-edged sword,
the greatest of earthly temptations;
if you are the one they adore,
you're also the one that they hate on.
you change so they wouldn't get bored,
but they always run out of patience;
it happens too quick, it takes you too long,
it makes you look weak, yet somehow too strong,
and all that you give them, no matter how real,
they'll deem it a cheap imitation
and say it's a shame
that you've fallen so low.
can't say that you haven't been warned;
fame is a double-edged sword.
Everyone is
Barred and nobody
Ever goes inside and
The Isolated
Kingdom's pride
And the silent whispers
Every night
And the North Koreans hide.
North Korea.
FS-30 3d
It was never going to take long
For the world to show us it’s colour
What was once blue and green
Just gets duller.
The say being a reader is the greatest treasure.
What about being a writer ✍.
To have the power to create and destroy at your hands.
To write you must be knowledgeable and a committed reader.
To write you must have the gift.

~Mid July thoughts.
When it calls write.
Zywa Jul 8
The past heroes rest

in the dilapidated --

inn that the world is.
Collection "Rubáiyat" ("Quatrains", 1100, Omar Khayyam), quatrain "This worn caravanserai", in the 1898 version by Edward  Heron-Allen

Collection "Stream"
Zywa Jul 7
Do pretend it is

normal, yes, very normal --

it ís, all of it.
Poem "De mensen" ("People", 2019, Pieter de Bruijn Kops)

Collection "Thinkles Lusionless"
yıldız Jul 6
In the depths of the soul, a spark ignites bright,
Two flames unite, dancing in the night.
Soulmates found, a connection so rare,
Like flames entwined, a love beyond compare.

No water can quench this fiery embrace,
Bound together in a timeless space.
Through trials and triumphs, hand in hand,
Together forever, a love that will stand.

In the glow of their love, the world fades away,
Two souls as one, in perfect display.
In the dance of the flames, a love so true,
Finding your soulmate, a dream come to fruition.
The future foretold
is now passing before us
who is there to blame?
A Senryu written in late '21.
George Krokos Jun 28
Technology and mass production
may be the cause of man's destruction.
From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early 90's.
Traveler Jun 24
Sure, there is scripture that backs genocide.
Do us all a favor,
close that book and throw it away!
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Where in scrip you ask, in the book of Samuel who anointed Saul as Israel's first king. But Saul proved unworthy
I read it at least seven times when I was young and impressionable.
(Saul wouldn’t complete the genocide correctly)
P.s Don’t throw god away with the book!
Or the baby with the bathwater.
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