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What keeps the dark away?
And keeps the wick alight?
Let's create a poem a day
It is not that difficult to write

Doesn't need to be a masterpiece
Just need some time and consistency
It doesn't even need to rhyme
Just meanings upon meanings, and words within words

Use puns, irony, simile, or hyperbole
Tools to use at your disposal are many

Free form or haiku,
Just write, time and time again
Embrace consistency

Write without hesitation, but be sure to re-read
For mistakes can be made, and improvements can be done
Not chasing for perfection, just a product pleasing to the eye
May it contribute to the reader, more than it did to the writer

Now come on, follow that blinking cursor and type
Grab your respective writing utensils and weave the words
These poems ain't writing themselves
And the day is not done
The say being a reader is the greatest treasure.
What about being a writer ✍.
To have the power to create and destroy at your hands.
To write you must be knowledgeable and a committed reader.
To write you must have the gift.

~Mid July thoughts.
When it calls write.
You can't write the word "fight" while fighting someone-using a pen against them while they fought using a pencil! Even if you have a piece of paper in the other hand.

What would happen if someone figured out how to? Well, the pen could never be able to avenge itself unless it somehow found a way to "write" back...

One question, though, before you go: would the pencil's wits be sharpened during the battle?
It's gonna make sense! Thought I would do poetic war with this one. What you think?
Nat Lipstadt May 25
in my private conversations, so many
emiploy this phrase, arms on chest folded,
a whispery plaint, and I too am folded into
too pieces, as well, my understanding fulsome,
for the struggling is well familiar, I under stand
beneath you, arms upraised, holding your shaking,
throbbing, wistful hearty sighs, constant tumbling,
floor~falling, see rose petals of sighs, all quiet screams,
my weak remedy is urging you to express
with the skill, known in you possess, to give
it forth, give it out and let us love your burdens
shared, and thus the be the firmament of our ties…

selfishly, I plead that you stun us with the
insight inside, hopeless hoping you surrender
and share in the only way I know that expiates some,
the grief, some of pained shame, and for a momentary
gasping, allows us grasping you, through you poetry,
the value you can bring forth to others humanity,
helping us to make us a better~both, with written creating
sums far, far greater than the to~us whole…

May 25

Silver Beach, Shelter Island
I always wondered
What is the purpose?
All the written words
An expression of oneself
On a piece of paper
Dotted in black ink
Which makes me feel better
But if often leaves me wondering
What is the purpose?
Maybe a collection of memories
Of what once was
Something important for me
Maybe I know the actual purpose
It is a place for me to heal
No more wearing any mask
And express what I truly feel
No talking Yeet Yeet
They know


Wasnt me!
Ladies Gasp
SANA May 8
why do u always look up when u are sad ?
at least the starts will look at the tears
that people failed to see
You were enchanted by the mystery,
You thought it was love and pursued me.
Been excited to discover every part of me.
Touched me like a book, what an interesting story it could be.

I am just ordinary,
people might see me as an old book that could not be understood easily.
I am just nobody,
but you brought me up to life where my existence has been saved from a tragedy.

You have stolen my heart that made my feelings to ramble.
'T was confusing...
and for a moment, I never thought that this will cause me to slumber.
'T was frightening...
A nightmare when we became lovers.

We both made this story, a fairytale.
In the end, it's ourselves that we fail.
Fantasizing each word, trying to mend the aching wounds.
It's not the sword that cuts, but the lies that's ripping us 'till we hear the rhythm of the heart that pounds.

I have never lived my life through your expectations.
Still, we tried to chase everybody at their romantic phase,
while being deceived by our own illusions
As I turned the page, showing fears that I couldn't face.

I laughed when you told me that, alone, I can write it beautifully.
like the songs with a perfect melody.
You think that tearing me apart could turn into a perfect art,
Leaving me afraid and lonely.

I was left there, hanging.
In every page, horrible scenarios are ranging
I was left there hoping,
Just in case there still be a happy ending.
Piotr B Apr 10
I have tried to quit writing
many times,
but I couldn't.
Even if I could,
I wouldn't.

I have been writing
since I was twelve.
Asking me to stop
is like asking me
to **** myself.
Heavy Hearted Mar 29
chests heave-
in the dark,
Breathing throughout
Each exhale.
The soundscape
a sleepers tone;
the clock's
      Tick tock,
Counting each second;
Becomes infinite-
The midnight's
"What we've become is the price we've paid to get what we used to want".
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