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Why do I do this?
Write down my thoughts
Will you ever see this?
And know they are of you
The selfish part of me hopes you do
The restless part of me wants you to
Our conversations can be chaos
Pleasant sounding yet world crushing
But our written words can be heard
You've told me things I can't unhear
I've admitted all my biggest fears
How can you pretend to be amiss?
No one else has ever fit like this
I hope you know how much you've meant to me. I'm a different person now and I have to admit it's partially because of you, our conversations and the easy feeling I got with you. I want that. Happiness. With you, if possible.
A poem is not a poem without a writer
Sight is not seeing without vision
Life is not a life without a soul
Heart is not love without faith

No matter your situation
Its not about the worth
But the bone behind it

So remember without sacrifice and struggle

Dreams may never come to fruition
Make smart choices
Consider the outcome
Simply be yourself
Build a positive position

Never look back
Today is here for a new tomorrow
Heidi Franke Feb 2
Fate slips
As a fallen horse's
To prove there
Is a yonder, unwritten
Which we can not
With our fingerless hands
Stumbling through life
Gripping guideless
Tripping over a wish
Never to be ours
Fate did never
Love will write poems,
Long cold fall, poet days.
Remember publisher?
Find things, turn music,
Work years, empty morning, keep winter Christmas light(s).
Poets' song told,
Tonight, bed black walk(s) poetry.
Sea winds missing,
Men hurt, dark hold, coming hand(s).
Someday stopped walking, "Friends mind Mexico,"
Listen, staring, wonder, wait.
Silent waves, "Guess sad friend," asked Boy,
"Sand Lake."
"Save ocean sing?"
"Sing, slip, wishing diamonds shine! Silver Green tells, "Care   forever, pretty face."
Alas wind fingers,
Salty message!
Memories spite,
"Learn, Angel, young children fade."

Single sentences happen.
A new story, made of words I already said.
Jeremy Betts Oct 2024
I don't know how else to say it
And you don't care enough to lie
Like an over explained comedy bit
Where the attention has run dry
You hiss
I spit
We both bit
Always right about to get
Into an eye for an eye
Where we'll both find
It's far harder
To point a finger
While we're both blind
Though we'll both try

Sophie Jul 2024
The depth of his heart,
like a book shrouded in
I flip through the pages,
until my eyes grow tired,
and my hand aches.  
The end nowhere in sight.
Whenever I almost put the book down,
I get a tiny insight into his heart.
Playing me like a fool into
short-term satisfaction,
and long-term despair.
Jeremy Betts May 2024
I don't want to fuuck around
I rather not find out
I don't want to hear I'm not doing what I need too
But if I don't I might never win a bout
This isn't a warning or challenge
I don't want to prove what I'm about
I've gone toe to toe with life all my life
I wouldn't mind a little mid season drought

Jeremy Betts Apr 2024
How does it always find me?
It is me
At the very least it's in me
Darkness is part of this story
And it's not something to envy

James Rives Jan 2024
lips crisped cold, anticipation
building above and below
any seen surface.
months of waiting culminate
in an awkward embrace,
and two pairs of lips
branding one another
with tenderness and lust.
leeaaun Nov 2023
I play a role not meant for me

They want me smiling, but my heart's in strife,
Behind their words, a hidden world of pain.
In laughter's mask, I play a role so plain,
Yet tears within me, silent as the night.

Their expectations, heavy burdens weigh,
A scripted joy, in sorrow, I reside.
Aching truths beneath the smiles they guide,
I play a part, a role I can't betray.

Behind the scenes, a tale of sorrow weaves,
Unseen by those who seek a cheerful face.
Within the script, my heart finds no reprieve,
A tragic act in this relentless chase.

They ask for smiles, but tears won't be denied,
In scripted joy, my true self can't hide.
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