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He deserves a dead beating
For justice sake
Everything I hear about him
Makes me want to punch his face
Not just once,
Not twice,
But as many times as it takes
To put that guy in his place
Some dudes act so rudely
Because they've never been beaten
I have been,
I know pain,
I've been defeated,
AND above all, I have learned RESPECT
So let me tell ya,
If I ever see that boy
He will become my punching bag
My fist his wakeup toy
Sof Jun 22
He’d aged a lot more than six months.
Wrinkles marred his gloomy face.
Eyes sunken, surrounded by dark circles and looking at me as though he didn’t know me at all.
Too-pale skin more fitting for a corpse than someone alive. No, he was already dead!

To my surprise, he smiled suddenly—a very familiar thin, apologetic smile.  “It’s been a long time since I saw you.”
More drugs, more, more, more, and just more pain. I wished I could turn back time. I’d save him from bringing ruin to himself, from loving drugs more than me.
Elena Jun 3
wires in my head
acid runs through my veins
my body moves by thread
thy got me
they got me
they got me
now i am like the rest of them
lonely marionette
In 6 months when Trump is president
This will all be over
Our government are treasonous
By constitutional law
How dare you
How dare you
If your troops step 1 foot
1 foot
I will make the call
You and all enemies
Foreighn or Domestic will perish
I dare you
I dare you
How dare you
You are a **** up
Hiding in your house
Unable to make responsible choices
Behind every blade of grass will be
Fully automatic weapons
We have been mistreated
Lied to
Now our home is not a home
6 months people lets pray
Dear united nations stand down
Have faith
Believe in freedom
Before its to late and lost
They want our taxes guns and rights
We the people will prevail
We the people
Has been denied unseen
U.n. u wont win
Itll destroy all of us
More people will starve
And billions will die
Bc im King
King Z
Blades of Grass
Zywa May 21
If dead were to dream

they would definitely dream --

of death all the time.
Novel "Shalimar the Clown" (2005, Salman Rushdie), chapter Kashmira, § 2

Collection "Low gear"
Jeremy Betts May 17
I couldn't tell you why
Sometimes I don't try
But I'll look you dead in the eye
And swear I can not tell a lie
Which of course, in itself, is always a lie

They Tryna **** Me
If I Said it So
I Said ******>THEY TRYNA **** ME
MetaVerse Apr 19
Ah!  Timor, timor mortis,
Mortis conturbat me!
     Ah!  Ubi sunt?
Mortis conturbat te!
A M Ryder Apr 3
You scramble amid
The shattered
Jagged facets
Of yourself
A circus show
Of a hollow soul

You caught a
Falling star
In a dead field
And it twisted
In your grip
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