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Ken Pepiton Mar 14
Fluid time, fluid stone, fluid light
all right, solid nothing,
nothing at all, a solid wall,

with a clustering of curious curio types,

messengers messaging between
whole and part, paid tuition
ars intuitus
rare anachronists insist, words evolve.

Words expand, as children into sage
or wastrel conformed and conditioned
expanding the idea of wedom,
breathing, statistically half in, as half out
what manner of man am I, wombed or un?

Were there ever men such as we, who can
share context across history, at earth level.

Considering the ant is no childish passtime,
Fulfilling aristocratic duty to learn then teach,
Considered here, linearly, on a thread

one thought wide, picked from circumstance,
to consider sidereally distant, sent from Mars,

between three and twenty minutes of time away,
on an arc affected by cohesive force, eh

grave-definite down, down, down
to the core of our communication organs,

signaling scents accepted as thought projected,
kindly lines, minds attuned as thought accepted.

Consider ever, from your vastest sense,
of the gravity bubble we exist within,

you and I, my hearing, seeing, knowing
me and you, my guardian guiding will,

to which I choose to submit, under no threat.

General Common Sense, beauty recognition,

test to tell if the word lord means any true -ing,

Greek men, pure, indeed, wisdoming wedom

mob minds and freedom do not mix,
oil and water, sure as Hell.

Freedom from all forms of tyranny, what holds
our we shape, in our minds? Common sense,

under all the stories contained within this
Goldilocks zone of unintended circumstances,
working out, fine, just iusta think
is no real answer, it is a code, a social norm set
said, fine, I'll say it, as a code for so small
we'd need ants eyes to see it…

and, lo', we have those,
we have predictable macroscopic images,
graven deep into our idle time drifting state

watching art mock life, and learn life laughs.
For you to use in any way you can imagine perfectly fine with me.
Lux Apr 2023
I'm fine, perfectly fine,
you all trusted that lie.
Seemed so happy laughing all the time,
hiding my true self inside.

Clothes covering all the lines,
darkness holding my silent cries.
Pain fighting pain,
making me lose the trust I´ve gained.

Brain offering me two bad choices,
knowing even some fighters lose to their voices.
Life giving me blades instead of lemons,
sending me all its demons.

Fighting a battle I don´t want to fight,
waiting to see the final light.
Cold steel becoming my best friend,
helping me find the end.
WickedHope Mar 2022
She's fine she's fine she's fine
Don't ask her cause she'll lie
She isn't sure who she is anymore
Been playing pretend so long
Who knows what is real for sure
She never sleeps
Because when she sleeps she's alone
And she never cries
Because when she cries she admits to pain
And she always smiles
Because if it reaches her eyes then it looks real
She's fine she's fine she's fine
Just don't look too deep inside
What if we weren't important to anyone and could just lay facedown in a cold body of water?
What if we got them all to miss us so they'd know pain like we do?

I want to **** George.
Broken Pieces Dec 2021
Why can't I find the right people?
It feels like I'm stuck in this loop.
Everyone always seems so evil,
My life is one big fluke.

Can't I just be alone for awhile?
I can't keep living like this.
Can't I just give up the smiles,
But life just makes me commit.
dailythoughts Oct 2021
who wouldn't do whatever it takes to be fine
You make me fall in love alone all-day
But I was risen by the sun
I grow up with happiness and fun
When I fall in love again
I know the place I never get the pain
Every day you make me fall in love
By your beautiful shine
Staring at me
Until everything will be fine
Indonesia, 1st April 2021
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
Broken Pieces Mar 2021
My emotions are stable, at least they appear to be.
For some reason I feel as if it's still not me.
I keep telling myself I'm happy and I'm fine,
But am I really on that line?

Enough with the ******* rhyming nonsense,
I'm really not okay and this is my cry for help.
I want someone to save me but I don't know how,
Will someone come and take me away from this town?
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