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Pavel 22m
when i write
i am just adding
to all existing false moments
when i write
i am only advocating
for what is long dead
in my heart
skipping the exposition
of a love story
and just cutting to the foreboding part

to confess my sins
in case something happens

to spend every sundown
at the graveyard writing
to feel just as dead afterwards as you
and that i'm sorry
i am sorry for something too
You are the siren to my song
Your hypnotic gaze
Is so ethereal
And eternal

I surrender
To your embrace
My mind is twisted
The song guides me
And I’ll follow you
Towards calm ends

You sing the sweet lullaby
Of eternal damnation
It sounds so ******* sweet
I need it
I crave it
So badly it hurts
It’s excruciating…

Or maybe that’s the water in my lungs
I just had to get this out
Why err on the side of caution when I can
Breathe in vast amounts of cold air without a jacket on
So I intentionally freeze
At midnight;
Get back home and invite the bed bugs to bite?

Why err on the side of ******* caution when I can
Talk to strangers in the dark and
Walk home along the train tracks,
In the hopes a spark will shock me back to life?


I just want to feel something.
To feel anything other that the weight of my duvet,
Holding me still, but threatening to pull me back to rock bottom
As time draws in and tells me
“What a waste”.

As the Eternal Footman looms over me and peers into my soul-
He laughs.
This is not a life worth living, but it’s also not a life worth taking.
Prufrock I’m sorry but I think it’s time to get a grip and embrace death already
I'll bring you stories,
of the one heart beating,
an end to thumping,
then the one dying,
the burial of daffodils,
and all of the roses,
story of sorrow,
the one of tomorrow......
Dark waters claim the lily pads,
Delicate greens shatter, blacken, and sink—
Deeper, deeper into shadows they wade,
To be alive in their mortality.
As cold twilight wraps them in tender embrace,
A mortal heart cannot love what cannot decay;
To love, to lose—such fleeting beauty lies.

-Sonja Kettunen (@sojafoxpoetry)
Wrote this today while gazing at lily pads. :)
Noor 2d
A world in which we swung among the clouds
Now has been overridden by the image of you in shrouds
We'd sing songs of warmth and hope
Now I pier over your body, dressed in a despairing cope
We'd skip along the flowery hill
Now I'm paying your casket bill

I don't understand what the point was
To make your own life come to a pause
But I will respect your wishes
As I burry my beautiful missus
When it came to that dog's heart, his owner's death sure did break it.
He lost his master and his best friend and he simply couldn't take it.
He stayed at his owner's grave and he would continuously howl.
When I tried to move him, he snapped at me and he would growl.
I gave him food but he wouldn't eat and he starved to death.
He couldn't live without his owner and he took his final breath.
A veterinarian tried to help the dog but he growled and snapped at him too.
The vet wanted to save the dog's life but sadly, there was nothing he could do.
The dog was miserable and he was determined to die.
The vet and I couldn't save his life but we sure did try.
Now that dog is with his master in Heaven above.
He couldn't go on because he lost the human who he loved.
Did you come here to pass the time
that would not pass without you?

Did you come here to move the time
that would not be moved without you?

Did you come here to meet the others?
To ask why they were leaving?

Did you come here when summoned
Is that summons what you believe in?

Did you come here of your own free will
before there was a you?

Did you come here from chaos?
Did chaos come from you?

Did you come here to dream a dream
that touched no one but you
And tell no one but always act
As though that dream were true

Did you come here from want or will
And all that came before?

Did you come here not knowing
Did you leave not knowing more?

Did you come here to pass the time
That would not pass without you?

Did you come here to move the time
that would not be moved without you?
Searching for Galileo,
    the race to be first home,

In a sea of patients
    we climb the probability tree,
    walk upon the shore collecting
      memory shells,

We win the little wars,
     lose the big fight,

These windows are breathing apparatus,
     this ceiling, a blur of tungsten sky,
     rain, tears, weep,

To rest near to you,
     the technicolor sleep,
     and I died with you,

All farewells are sudden.
She worries about
real and imagined,
"what if this? What if that?"
I watched my
worry herself right
into the
grave one disastrous
December night.
My girlfriend doesn't care.
She wants me to
worry right along
with her.
And when I don't
gets angry.

My Dad said,
"They can **** us,
but they can't eat us."
I share this with her.
worry, worry, worry.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
I have combined my fishing adventures with poetry.  Good times.
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