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Mishika 1d
The Moon was a quiet soul,
With not much to smile for.
But oh, the Sunny shade was no bore,
Of course, she was loved by the universe.

The love they shared capsuled
Them in their own galaxy;
The galaxy the little Star
Was oblivious to.

Oh, the Star
Quiet and awkward.
All she meant
Was trouble and boredom.

How she longed to touch the Moon,
To smile and be smiled at,
To love and be loved.
But of course she was too naive.

She was just a young Star,
Too absorbed in her reveries.
She was just a tiny Star,
Invisible compared to the mighty Sun.

When the Moon told the Star
Of his love, she flushed,
Thinking all his poetry was a
Reference to the tiny Star.
But alas, she wasn’t the only star.

Then the eclipse arrived
And the Moon and the Sun
Shared their beautiful kiss.
The Star, however, could not share
Her confusion, so she cheered along.

Of course the Sun was brighter than her,
The Sun was warmer, wiser.
The Sun was everything the moon needed;
The Sun was everything the silly star could not be.
m 2d
in dishes made for food
in cups made to drink
***** hands will hold them up to block the sun

like people forced to work
to soften clanks against their plate

a stair rail forced to break
sits kindly beside it’s well
exactly almost where it’s meant to be

like mom starts her shift
beneath her wheels will turn
and turn and turn

a worn down walking cane
pushed through door handles
assigned to keep it shut against the wind

a woman limps across
with all her weight she leans
between the handles, against the creaking crane
exactly almost where it’s meant to be

like when i go to work
the pull of chatting with a friend
you feel the forming group
exactly almost where i’m meant to be
exactly almost
exactly almost where I’m meant to be
m 3d
my arms are static
my legs are rocky air
my torso dips into
the skyward of mattress

I brought yesterday in my hands to set out in the sun
it didn’t take long to burn right up
my eyes trail the flecking ash in the air

there’s nothing i wish to hide

yet i sit like one car
parking lot tar matches the sky
at 3 am

is the static channel on the tv
still there when you turn off the screen

i think i see it when i close my eyes
She walks backwards from the setting sun,
barefoot in the fading gold,
watching light dissolve to dusk,
no secrets left untold.

The evening wind plays with her hair,
soft as whispers never said.
I watch her moving through the light,
with every step I too tread.

The golden glow clings to her skin,
paints her in its embered hue—
a fleeting masterpiece of fire,
Her beauty bathed in red-shifting blue.

I love her in this quiet hour,
when day and night stand hand in hand.
As she walks backwards from the light,
And I watch her where she stands.
May we learn to tread lightly on older and newer paths in our personal lives that lead onwards and upwards into the continuing
restoration of our inner worlds rising like Main Sequence suns to aid in replacing that which was lost in ever-darkening outer worlds.
The term "main sequence sun" refers to the phase of the sun's life when it's fusing hydrogen into helium in its core. This phase is the longest part of a star's life, and it's when the star is most stable. Our sun is still shining at its peak.

So, let's start shining or continue to keep on
shining into the darkness of this
world through our own
individual light.
You walk backwards into dusk,  
feet pressing softly into the sand,  
watching gold melt into violet,  
as if the sky itself were slipping  
into something more comfortable.  

I watch you, always watching,  
the way your hair catches the last light,  
how the wind tries to tangle you in its arms—  
but you are already held, already mine,  
moving toward me even as you drift away.  

You are beautiful like this—  
not just in the glow of the setting sun,  
but in every quiet moment in between,  
in the way your laughter lingers like seafoam,  
in the way your eyes hold the horizon,  
as if you could keep this moment from fading away.
To me, you are the sunset,  
the tide, the sky, its endless depth—  
and I could spend forever watching you.  

Isn’t love like this?  
Moving forward while looking back,  
trusting what’s ahead, knowing what’s behind—  
our footprints stretching side by side,  
even when the tide comes to claim them.  

We walk like this through life,  
not always seeing the road before us,  
but stepping in time, heart to heart,  
toward something we don’t need to name,  
because it is already ours.
Morning sun dawns new,
A glowing kiss on the dew,
Shining, just like you.
I start and end my day with her.
When there is an inner protest going on
The Mind is trying to weather storms

The cry in the dark - Shouts time to get out
Pack up Now  - Leave this House

Reset - No Regret - Its Okay

The Sun is out -There's no Cloud
The Smile returns  - That's what it's all about

Love does not Disappear  - It knows to - Reappear

Reset - No Regret - Its Okay x 2

© Debra Lea Ryan
Sing-Along @ You Tube >  
Night swallows the sun,
leaving only shadows tall—
we remain,all that’s left.
K 6d
The light hits my skin different
the sun would never
leave behind traces of love
I have yet to see the same artistic expression
during the day
This contrast
leaves blisters on my hands
Waking up under a spell
my feet hurt
Photographic memories of you
make love
to my soul  
Full of dreary absence
and dozy
my large tears brim
Let them fall
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