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Sof 5d
The heat of the sun shining upon my face,
a reminder of my unattainable longing
for your warmth, and shining aura of life,
that let even the the brightest sun
look pale in comparison.
I fight the urge to cower in dark corners alone,
and let the tears stream down my cheeks.
I did not deserve hiding,
ridding the body of distress chemicals.
While regret chokes me,
forever trapped by my own hand,
I stare directly into the sun until
my eyes start to burn and cloud over.
What a waste of time not loving you.
Blaring sun
pieces of skin left in the grass
-an aggressive game of soccer
i think about you every time i brush my teeth
you feel much more like home than this bathroom ever will
the reflection of the light in the tile matches the ones in your eyes
every single one looking back at me with smudged mascara

your absence burns the back of my throat
saliva trickling down my chin the way watermelon juice does yours
and it's a haze outside
i wish i could wipe it off for you

time slows the second you start laughing
the sound of your jewelry pulling me back like an alarm
so close i can see every time the sun has given you a kiss
calling me a coward from it's place in the sky

all these moments replay in my head like a broken vhs tape
all fuzzy and glowing
i'm afraid if i eject the tape i'll forget
but it would be a good excuse to recreate it from scratch
it's been quite a year. hello.
Anais Vionet Jul 2
It’s summer in Georgia, yeah, it’s warm.

In high school, they said Shakespeare
once called Georgia, "sulfurous and hot."
He wasn’t wrong.

The careless sky is letting in all of the heat.
We saw a TV news crew chasing a lone cloud.

The humidity is so thick, that the air is too dense for lungs,
but we bought a tool at Home Depot that cuts it into usable pieces.

Today’s ‘Webster word of the day’ is “glade,” which is funny, because
if you see an animal in a glade, it’s probably dead from the heat.

I saw a bird in flight burst into flames when it drifted from the safe shadows.

If you want me, I’ll be in the pool - or a friend’s pool. I taught Lisa
an old southern saying, “Lawdy Miss Scarlet, it’s hot out HE-ya.”

I love summer’s honest freedom.

My motto for the next two weeks is:
“Don’t give up on your dreams - keep sleeping.”
A song for this:
Don’t forget the sun by the explorers club
Don’t worry baby by Carrie Elkin
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge: Glade: a grassy open space in a forest
Sarra Jul 2
If you stare long enough

Your skin
Shall dazzle in gold
As the green spirits grow jaded.

And as the shy buds turn crimson,
Your cheeks too
Shall bloom vibrantly.

If you stare deep enough

Your horrors
might fade into shadows
As nature blends into the light.

And as the garden blurs into a haze,
Your scars too
might disappear
Beyond the Cave
Toward the Sun
Washed by Rain
Clothed with Love.

(c) DLR
Beyond the *** to I AM Grateful to see another Birthday with those I love and @ home & online!  All Good! I am Human!
He sails in his day dreams as the foaming crest crashes stars on the shore of his mind, whilst resting his gaze upon the lanterns of the night sky that are brightly akin to the songs untold by his lips, the quivering murmurs in the cosmos are in motion with poetry, thoughts, jazz and coffee, in the place of his solace, darkness is only the prelude to the arrival of the rising sun on the roses softer than velvet and the voyager.
Between the swaying boughs
Of two lonesome firs
Chirps a mother bird mocking the rising sun

“Why do you mock the coming day mother?”
Her baby chicks chirp
“Do we not need the light for warmth?
To fly?
To eat?”

“No my dearest, it is not the light I mock
But more so the rise that acts as a clock
Counting down the moments until you seek
And food
For yourself, leaving me an empty nest
Alone, between these two lonesome firs”
Moon Cherry Jun 23
Cold days are over
Shades on the Orchid’s petals
A gift from the Sun
What do you think it means?
When the Moon loves the Sun

The Eclipse of Hearts start

When the Sun loves the Moon

Love is always in Bloom

One Love!

DLR & ?
Romantic Notion  eh?  Dreaming!
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