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Friday’s Fumble: writ/wrote (needs work)

the WR juggernaut
of wordy derivatives, vast
complex, the crossover
from notion to lively potion,
the ****** of completion,
a tricky *******, 1st an
enticement, inevitably a
first unsatisfactory shot,
the dispiriting recognition
that what you got ain’t good…

a dissolution of resolution,
the look back~try again,
picking off the fleshy morsels
from the valley of the bones
that demand a really funereal
and t swift sea burial,
thus energized by seawater
or the *****+ dirt,

comes re~energy burst of a covert
coverup, then comes a gleam,
the light of a gleam in the seams
of you fingertips, a repeating
secretion of ideas that refuse
to give in to a ceremony of
deletion, a prescrip for a sad~
glad emotive repast, a look back,
longing glance, but a new hope of
rejiggering, the sticky secretion ‘pon
enervating dancing fingertips,
spewing gobs so fast of wordy
batter, throwing in some Heath
bar crumble, and soon enuf the
oven baking, and the aroma of
over~heated sheets of paper
crisply deliver cookies extraordinaire,
but alas, ‘twas all in the mind and
the recipe, ashes of a burnt dream

and the tenses clench/de clench
when the writ is wrote, but never,
not ever, is it ever just rote…

*@nd that’s what ya get when you writty wrote

Washed in the image of noon; hoping to meet by five-
waiting patiently in a bus; so empty that different spaces
exist, not to be used. Can’t be late; seated in a dead silent
bus ride, as all manners of conversation are late

My own scent betrays me; foretelling the amount
of a day’s work; as the weekend is a fondest dream,
There’s still yesterday’s coffee stuck on my shirt,
stained in the privacy of four walls; where I get to see
touch, and embrace you once again

…the only true reason I look forward to
the end of the day- my woman, my lady.
From Publius
To Livia

I'm writing to tell you
I will no longer work your fields

For too long my sweat bled to make you look good
Mine harvest fed the entire eternal city
For months!

Yet you'd eyes only for the leadened ***** of
It's a wonder you haven't gone blind yet

Or mayhaps you have?

It would explain your complete and utter ignorance
Of the goings on right outside your window!

Those furrows
I plowed
That terrace
I built
Those grapes
I grew

I nurtured this land long before you
And Marcus

It was just myself and Gaius
Charged with taming wild Ceres
Transforming forest to field
Then field to farm
A cornucopia of plenty

Then you came along
Your drooling dog in tow
Salivating the discord of Discord
While gorging yourself on Gaius' selfish lies
Taking credit for mine own efforts
And treating me as a mere shadow on the wall

Invisible to all

I prayed to the Capitoline Triad
I offered a white bull to Jupiter the king
And asked him to command radiant Sol
To shine bright on your shade
And bless me with brighter horizons

I begged jealous Juno
To send windy ****** to blow you off course
Along with your precious pets
Hopefully you'll crash on Sicilian shores
With only furious Polyphemus for company
For this I burned frankincense and myrrh

To ****** Minerva
A libation of mine own wine
So she might reveal your true arachnid self
A punishment for your self aggrandizing arrogance
Thinking yourself wiser in the art of cultivation
Than the goddess of wisdom herself

Dear Livia,
You should be worried

Already my horizons brighten
As yours begins to dim in mine absence
And slowly, your guise of perfection is slipping
Revealing six sinewy legs, dagger tipped
And fangs dyed red with innocent blood

The Gods have heard my prayers
And your web begins to unravel

Praise Olympus

Nat Lipstadt Jul 5
(so many revolutions provoked, this is just the first cut)
this rabbinic saying, is both disarming and yet awesome,
the interpretations are many, but I find them stained, strained,
and I welcome the “pshat,” the simple mystery of the
what YOU think
is plain meaning of the words,
that makes it so sensible to us,
formatted into our own personalized

for the nth time when the poetry won’t come,
or arrives warped, spoilt fruit,
incapable of being repaired
and walk away
with ease
though tinged by
being ill at ease,
but properly snap the padfolio shut…

(but smile on, for the
revolutions are
(1j Rabbi Tarfon
“You are not required to finish your work, yet neither are you permitted to desist from it.” This is from Pirke Aboth, or “The Ethics of the Fathers” (sometimes called “The Sayings of the Fathers”) a collection of wisdom from the Jewish Talmudic sages, in this case, Rabbi Tarfon, who lived and taught
2,000 years ago

first cut/ first version..simmered for awhile
Mark Wanless Jun 17
artist hard work is
internal external not
relevant the now
From Publius

To Gaius

Gaius, how long have we worked together now?

Three, four years?

Are we not as friends, whose sweat salts the soil?

Whose blood still stains mine alter?


And mine yours?


Have you forgotten your oath?

As brothers have we not sacrificed for the work?

In shared turmoil we toiled with miniscule minutias,

Always working together to make solutions

From pesty problems.


Yet, since you hired Marcus you have been different;


The work once shared has now become mine own.

No longer do you seek success in teamwork,


Languid you have become with the work;

Heavy have mine shoulders become as a result.

Marcus is a joke.

Sure, he makes a fine comrade

Suitable for long binges of wine and women,

But his intellectual capacity is found wanting.


A detriment to getting the job done.


Still, you insist upon toting him around,

Holding his hand like a little lost puppy

Whose eyes water with weeping greed,

For more and more favoritism and need.

While, I, sit here and continue the work;

I am here finishing what we started, Gaius:




Has never ceased to pour forth to the land,

While you reap the harvest, leaving bare kernels

For your so called 'friend' to pick at.


Scraps as a reward for rearing another bountiful crop.


While Marcus lounges in your atrium,

******* plump figs,


That I have grown,


Spending more time in the lavatorium,

Than tilling the soil or plucking and picking.

No, dear Gaius, you can have the work.

Enjoy it with your dear Marcus.

He'd make a great Antinous to your Hadrianus.


Together, may the gods see you buggered in failure.


For this, I will make an offering of frankincense and myrrh

As I set off for new fields and greener pastures

To ply my trade.

One that you will find wanted in the days and months

To come.


I've new fields to plow

Seeds to sow

Crops to reap

And seedlings to grow


Like them, dear Gaius, I will thrive under noonday sun,

While you will wilt with your work.

Without me.


Bella Isaacs Jun 5
I was ever most faithful to my labour,
A duty that I never paid to man:
And even now, I am stripped of this favour,
No more am I my workplace's loyal fan.

I wish I could say our romance has cooled off,
That I'm not stirred by spreadsheets' disarray,
Alas, those items firmly must be ruled off,
And here the reasons be for this decay:

I was profoundly lucky in employment:
I worshipped bosses justly - they were gods.
I worked hard, in this toil I found enjoyment,
Because my contract listed all the odds.

I did not sign to slavery, dear Master,
I did not sign my health and bloom away,
I did not sign that you could be a b@st@rd
When things were simply not going your way,

I did not sign to poverty and worry,
I did not sign to papers gath'ring dust,
I did not sign that you cannot be sorry,
For I have rights, and note this down you must:

I did not sign to shoulder all these burdens,
Because they are not written on the page!
You cannot simply smile, and draw the curtains,
You cannot make us objects of your rage

When you yourself do run the ship so poorly!
I pity you, but pity is not love;
And thus I sign myself, proudly, and sorely,

A woman pushed to crashing by your shove.
I've come to the end of my tether at work.
Spicy Digits Jun 4
I was the idiot clown watching the well-suited circus

It was at the 14th tooth whistle that my brain said goodbye

So many words had died and were forced to the front of her mouth

I scanned her face with intrigue

Such formality had caused deep ravines to form around her eyes, her lips

She had signed and surrendered her personality for this job years ago

Perhaps it was the price she paid to be found worthy of listening to

I wondered if she in a small corner of her home loved to turn inside out. Dance.

I wondered

Before being interrupted with another ambiguous, impossible question

But I couldn't care, just as her voice couldn't care

The circus was still in session.
Nathan Wells May 27
Everyone’s the same
on the bus
Yes everyone’s the same
on the bus
Rich or poor
either or
everyone’s the same
on the bus
The bus is not
about character
one could be brave
or one could be meek
nor is it about where
you’re headed
and if you’re going
to shout or to sneak
and if it isn’t about
where you’re headed
then it isn’t about
where you’ve been
and it isn’t about
what you’ve done
and it isn’t about
what you’ve seen
Everyone’s the same
on the bus
Yes everyone’s the same
on the bus
Weak and tough
Posh and rough
Everyone’s the same
on the bus
On the bus
none of it matters
a man could be
in sickness
or in health
  on the bus
he is simply going
from one place
To somewhere else
The bus is the great equaliser
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