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James Rives Jul 1
can i not bore into my temple
and remove the bitterest parts
of myself when they scream?

am i forced to witness their decaying
motions as they spoil and rot
every good thing I feel?

i say no, because i am worth more
than unspoken disdain, disgust,

fingertips to burdened lips,
I unsilence them and free the raindrop
words that ache to revive the good
behind the hurt.

paintbrush smattered in an ugly
paint of purely human creation,
no divinity in its intent, paints
a picture of a me that doesn't like me.

but it washes off in realization
that water is love is truth.
and that truth, beyond me
and in me, is good.
Orange Jun 29
Your ship,
Is not mine to sail,
I am only damaged goods,
And you're not.
I am unworthy,
To aboard your journey.
So sail without me,
Following traces to your star.
Guided by the wind in your heart.
On forth and find her sea,
Away from me.
Orange Jun 29
I'll hand over this flower,
Any day, any given time.
To remind you with,
The Magnolia in my name.


The Magnolia in my hand,
A gift for yours to take,
The symbol of our tomorrow,
Our forevermore.
May our love,
Be as ancient.
As long lasting,
Forever be.
Like a Magnolia Tree.

Debra Lea Ryan
(c) 10/06/2024

It can be!
Orange Jun 18
If I could turn back time,
If I could turn back,
If I could turn,
If I could,
If I,
If you knew me now,
Would you be proud of me?
Or would you still,
Compare me to them?
If you knew me now,
Will that wipe a smile off,
of your pale sickly face?
If you knew me now,
Would you still tell me,
That I took after him?
Knowing full well that I,
Take after you.
Orange Jun 16
I knew an old flame,
That once burn bright in frame,
A passionate flame,
That put others to shame,
I recognize your spark,
Similar to its scorched mark,
Will you hurt the same?
Or will you be more tamed?
Answer me.
Orange Jun 16
Your love is one of unkind,
A painfully beautiful one.
One that I don’t want,
One that I don’t need.
I grew to hate you
IP Jun 5
Do you love me?
I commit to you
From the core of my being
I commit to you
I commit to your well-being
to your good
in all its multitudinous facets
Emotion comes and goes as the wind blows
But, what is love if not a commitment of the heart?
Jeremy Betts May 29
Oh what a complication
Needs no invitation
Defies limitation
Beyond expectation
A relation
With my elimination
Only to silence the negative reflection

Zywa May 29
The Mystic Lamb moves

him much, so I keep looking --

at his emotion.
Painting "The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb", 12 panels / Ghent Altarpiece (1432, Hubert en Jan van Eyck)

Article "(Aan) Mannen e-mailen over *** pak. Is dat nuttig werk?" ("Emailing men about their suits. Is that useful work?", 2024, Walter van den Berg, in the NRC of May 25th)

Collection "Glimpsed"
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