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Behind these deep blue eyes
Like the deep blue tides
Is a mystery
Somehow even to me
Behind these blue eyes
Like the blue skies
Is not a safe place to be
Not even for me
Behind these faded blue eyes
That prove time flies
There's been too much tragedy
Far too much for me
Behind these closed eyes
That's seen their last sunrise
I have found tranquility
And it has found me

Zelda Jul 18
I've got my rose-colored glasses on  
And skies in my eyes.  
I've got stumbling thoughts in my head  
And a few choice words (for you),  
Trapped in the back of my throat, (just for you).

I've been sitting at the piano,  
Staring out the window,  
how strange it is... that;  
Well, blue is associated with sadness  
When the sky is so beautiful,  
Like you  
When you're laughing  
Because of  

We never really say "good morning", do we?  
It's only ever 🫂 (a blue hug)
We never really say "how do you feel, today?"  
It's only ever "I need coffee."

I'm trying to find the expressions,  
But the keys keep playing the wrong notes.  
It ain't right

Blue skies
Aren't empty
They hold
Clouds, resembling objects,
Always drifting, changing
Making me feel
I'm always free-falling
What if it falls apart mid-flight?  
Will we survive?

The sky has never been so blue
My vision has never been so blue
I don't think I was made for blue skies

I'm not an Obrina Olivewing butterfly.  
My blue isn't true;  
It's just the way I see light right now,  
A false perception
A state of mind

but I...  

I've got my rose-colored glasses on  
for you
just for you
My one and only

Aisha Jun 29
In the quiet of night, when the world’s a sea of blue,
I found solace in the darkness, until I found you.
We wandered through the shadows, hand in hand we’d roam,
But then you showed me something more, a light to call my own.

The world seemed wrapped in midnight, endless, deep, and vast,
Yet you brought forth a promise, a dawn that would outlast.
And as the first hint of morning brushed the edge of night,
You whispered of a sunrise that would banish all our plight.

I used to shy away from hues like peach chiffon’s grace,
But now, with you beside me, it’s a color I embrace.
For in that tender moment, as the sky began to blush,
I saw eternity in your eyes, a sunrise in a hush.

Now every dawn we greet together, hand in hand we stand,
And peach chiffon skies remind me of our love, so grand.
In every golden sunrise, with your heart so close to mine,
I find a love that’s endless, in the warmth of morning’s shine.
As the sun rises each day painting the sky in peach chiffon hues, may it always remind us of the beauty found in new beginnings and the warmth of shared moments. Let this poem be a testament to the transformative power of love, where even the colors we once overlooked become cherished symbols of our journey together.
I want to say I'm holding you up
Feeling deep a blue kind of mood
Hoping you rest in all our love
Keep holding us, holding us up...

So tell me what actually happened today
Who said what in a hurtful way
(You know)Upset you, hit our World hard
Can we let it go - hang on to our love...

I want to say I'm holding you up
Feeling deep a blue kind of mood
Hoping you rest in all our love
Keep holding us, holding us up...

Don't you think enough is enough
Wake up and only feel our love
Let loose that silent scream
Come closer to us let it be

I want to say I'm holding you up
Feeling deep a blue kind of mood
Hoping you rest in all our love
Keep holding us, holding us up.

(c) Debra Lea Ryan
Written long ago probably after Dream State and I'd say a Muse or someone I had a Crush on at the time. I wish I can remember who!
divi Jun 20
The blue jays rise the dead
to rise with the sun.
Singing the suns song of his divine departure
as he departs those farther from their fathers,
farther towards the heavens,
bathed in heavenly glow.
Bound still to the earth, mourners cry
mourning a loss
deemed lost by the morning light.
Lighting up their despairs
despaired as life moves on,
missing out on a life.

The song a blue jay sings
is the same
as the ballad a mourner cries.
I S A A C May 10
the movement of a whirlpool
draining the oceans i filled for you
each drop a thought, i shed for you
cannot stop, i depend on you
it is stupid, it is a ruse
to paint you as my muse
but my heart is wicked and bruised
i channel the purple and blue hues
i wait for the time to be used
produce fruits for a love that never took root
Jeremy Betts May 6
Left alone with a mess to pick through
Searching for a statement true
I don't trust you
Can't trust you
Won't trust you
And that's on you
But I'm the one who's left with all the blue
And yet I still refuse to use the phrase "fucck you"
Shiit, it's all true
Isn't it,
How is it
I'm the last who knew?
A perma-fool
Who's stuck on you

Malia Apr 21
i meander at the
depths of rock bottom stumbling
upon newfound grace and

the spiking stone all around
is dull to the eyes but makes
the ever-blue sky
come alive.

when i reach up to
touch it, i know that
i am too small to caress
those faint cotton candy

but in my dreams,
i greet the sunrise by
perching on the shoulders
of those who dare to rise
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