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David Hilburn Jul 14
Is to ask...
The problems of virtue
Lent the total, of curious facts
Only the world, seems to offer a clue

A sneeze with no redoubt...
Promises of a smile that alleviate cares...
Silly stares of voiced concern, for a rational pout...
Shown persistence, that has a friend, which fares...

There is an echo in my way...
Simple senses of wonder to differ with?
Angels and is, not the secrets of witnessing may
Ahem, the order to a liberty's sunshine, is until bliss...

Poor, the psyche I imagine
Together, with a reason beyond saviors and gaiety
Anxious forces, have seen the soul of my austere plan?
Why is adding the guidance of roles, to occur with spontaneity?

Where has a quiet throe of light to the dread been?
We offer is a catch of solemn intent, that has
The turn of authority, for a sharing exist of lead, lent
To and from a heeding heart of simplicity, taken as times faster

Is retrospect, actual love?
Sorry, no man without a realized succor, a hap's conscience
Of surmised cares, apt enough to live with desire as us
Ask me when a figure of speech, that has seen the urges we foretell, time come for lasts
given the gift of sophistication, is seldom for any and all, who praise the guidance of goodness's judgment?
In life, does one stalk
Integrity and dignity

Choosing to hide behind and follow
As a Labrador Retriever tailing a pheasant

Or does one chase the prey
Like a Bluetick Coonhound gives chase to a fox

Perhaps one can fall upon goodness
Floating downward slowly as a fading magnolia blossom

Tell me, how does one accomplish a desire
Without knowing what to use to get there

Besides, is life better lived by being honorable
Is there merit to the rewards

Surely, the pursuit is what life requires
Instead of being in wait for what is in store

As though sitting on a rock, watching a stream
Reflect the colors of the sky
While playing a song for you to hear
Virtue, dignity, life, goodness, goals, desires
I S A A C Aug 2023
tripping over my words
cannot express the tidal wave
wait for it to dissipate
wait for goodness sake
dripping over lack of words
my world dries up like dirt
waiting to get off the bench
craving to be quenched
needing to be heard
leeaaun Jun 2023
the goodness in you
will make you feel like
a true goddess

only if you will try to look it
inside your flesh
instead of other's

because your skin isn't rotten
it's going through a process
that will take time

as being a goddess
is not an easy task
she's good yet carries all flaws

who believes in herself
who stands up for herself
who take breaks when things get hard

she accepts the goodness
with all fears
she learns to face her problems

that's how you become
a goddess
who do good for you
gabriela Jan 2023
you tell me that when
you think of me,
you think
"good person."
is that so?

i want to tell you how much
i appreciate the sentiments
or how
you make me feel just a
                                little less rotten
but the words stay
inside my mouth.

i want to be good.
i want to be kind,
i want to be holy,
i want to i want to.

but this tenderness was forged
in the fire and the fire
is all it will ever know.
one day i'll get there
My Dear Poet Aug 2022
May the flames of my heart
become the fire we start
between us and the storm

May the furnace in my soul
be the heat for the coal
that keeps our children warm

May the spark of my mind
become the flint that you find
lighting the darkest dawn

May the air in my lung
breathe the breath of the sun
and birth life into a love reborn

May the jewel in my eye
Have you searching the sky
and all the riches heaven has sworn
Andy Chunn Jul 2022
My cup runneth over
I’m dancing each day with delight
Calm, carefree in clover
Celebrate a cool summer night

The beauty of each day
Silently sings my soul be still
The wisdom and the way
Freely fashions my cup to fill

Shadows do not scare me
Goodness and mercy will follow
The valley now will be
Where evil is weak and hollow

Monumental mountains,
Sacred seas - I am just a rover
Free forgiveness fountains
Ensure my cup runneth over
Predestined Apr 2022
I was no Harry Potter
Didn't have that much goodness in me
But maybe I was a Draco Malfoy
Trying to figure which road to take
Light or dark?
But somewhere along the journey
I scattered 8 pieces of my soul
like Voldemort
Shofi Ahmed Mar 2022
I will be back
where the sun returns.
Goodness knows
shunning how many stars
it comes on the way.
For me just meeting you is fine.
Glenn Currier Mar 2022
Even the most devout Christians
accept that Jesus was a guy
guys get ***** as do gals.

Yes, all of us have a creator in us
life-creating energy
and prose.

Maybe Jesus didn’t have the kind of darkness in him
that we have
the kind of drag
of pride and self-centeredness
that I have,
but by God!
he was faced with the same choices
between fidelity and desire
between horniness and selfless love.

Yep I fail in ways he did not
but he failed to get rid of lust just like I do
he failed to avoid selfish desires.
Of course, I act on them
and ***** up in ways he did not.
But do you think he didn’t feel ******* up at times?
Of course he did.

All of this humanity
is what makes me like him.
Jesus was a guy.
That he was more
is what makes me love him.
My mama had pictures of Jesus with rouge and a pretty face in our home. I never did like those pictures of him. Then I saw a picture of Salvadore Dali's Christ of St. John of the Cross. That's the kind of Jesus I could relate to as a teenager and young man. When I got my own apartment I got a print of that picture of this man on the cross. It captivated me and set me on a path to pursue this guy who was human and hairy like me. At that time in my life and for the rest of it, I did not like an overly divinized Jesus, a Jesus that made him less than human.
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