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For you were alone amongst the stars
Privy to all that unknowable knowledge
That stretches beyond the galaxies edge
To the very boundaries of the universe itself
Tucked and folded between the hidden masses
That bends our love within the relative fabric
Wence space and time, travel and warp
Slowing our motion to a sensual binary waltz
With an ever decaying orbit
Until finally you fall into my black heart
And together we rebuild the world
In the shape of our gravity
Sehar Bajwa Jul 4
For a fleeting 6 hours, the outside world melted away. And in that silence i strangely found that i scare myself, this intensity with which i love others. i throw everything i have and more into it. turn myself inside out. in some ways, it is my biggest strength and my worst vulnerability. even when one’s natural instinct is to withdraw and shut down, i'd rather pull them closer, and have them want my company. sit in your pain, alone if you must, but let me be close by. I’m not sure i fully comprehend the concept of space. I don’t much like silence. does that reek of desperation? Probably, but that has no bearing on me either. i fall in love deeply and loudly and unapologetically. does admitting love multiple times dilute the intensity? i am prouder of the people i love than they are, but in their sadness, i too am inconsolable. i will definitely send out an army to find you. what use is being loved if one is alone in their lows. anyways, i never make apologies for how i love and i hope the day never comes where i have to.
the woman has been driven to madness yet again and has picked up her pen. time to come out of retirement.
You travel time and space
Show me your lovin' face
I hear your voice - breathe you in
Then you disappear again

Sometimes you shout and wake me up
Its cruel and sends me into shock
I rise to show I truly care
Acknowledge always you are there

Dream Talker or Heart Stalker
What do you want from me?
If you can not hang around
Then let my soul be free!

You really love my playful moon
That spirits us across my room
We dance and I hope we never stop
Till I hear Goodbye Love - I'm Off!

I often wonder will there be a day
You walk into my life
Instead of playing our mind games
Throughout the night!

Dream Talker or Heart Stalker
What do you want from me?
If you can not hang around
Then let my soul be free!

(c) Debra Lea Ryan
The first write up of a Poem inspired by what transpired in deep sleep! Ha!  Funny hey when centred this piece it looks like a shoe print. I will leave the rest up to the readers imagination.
Man Jun 17
I stalk through the dark hallways
Drifting through remnants of a sun.
Spirals into vortexes, cascading shafts of light on
Brief transits inward, where time falters.
Forces push & pull and all around
The tide of the cosmos envelopes me,
Wading through the static sea
Waves come in crashing-
Laughter, screams
And yet, no sound escapes the vacuum
pressure upon more pressure
on all matter making me

the weight i carry
for simply being
simply existing
might tear into your fabrics
into your spacetime continuum

this love wasn’t linear but
the ticks of our clock were

a blip in life
a grain of sand
a distant twinkle of a star

specifically a dying one
i feel the big crunch of my core
collapsing in on itself

no more wishes,
no more darting across space
like we own it

watch me
destroyer of worlds
stars and all others alike

watch as i consume life and
time itself

and hopefully sink the
memories of you
into my void

deep down there

where the hunger
is willing to eat it all
in order to forget
a soul starving for love

and willing to
**** near

just eating everything
in its path


why do people have to lie
Man Jun 1
Without exception,
Not a day passes
Where you don't dwell
In thoughts, on my mind;
Nothing so sets on this mental landscape,
The days only combine.
Two planets in the sky,
There's the star & the moon
And all the buffer in between-
Like the ache I have for you
And all that prevents me
From wanting any remedy.
Another repeat in the alphabet,
Traveler May 31
We came here to experience love
This is the only place love exist
Question is..
If so will we be able to take love with us when we go?

Perhaps this is the only place
where music exist
Angelic arrangements
cosmic gifts

Perhaps this is the only place where hate exist
The gravity of separatism causes platonic rifts

Time and space can exist anywhere?
Perhaps only here..

I love it here
and I won’t let go
Nor lose my connection
to love, music, time, space and soul!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
A subtle gaze into these mesmerizing brown eyes,
captivated by the intensity of the desire that burns within
them— these eyes are like two galaxies, vast and infinite,
in which I find myself happily swirling; as the joy of all
my dreams, are like a kiss that pulls me in deeper into orbit;
a celestial dance fueled by this magnetic connection to
achieve all that seemed so impossible.

The pull is irresistible, as I find myself helplessly drawn to
it, unable to resist the gravitational force of passions.
A moment of cosmic unity, I yearn for you with a fervor that
surpasses time and space. The past becomes insignificant, and
all that matters is the present, the unyielding longing for a
touch, an embrace of accomplishments, playing out in my
life’s celestial opera.
Man May 28
I lost myself
On an isle of nymphs
And found myself
Only when I rejected,
Every libation offered.
Blinded by decadence,
Focused on filling coffers;
I broke for the ship
Calling to my officers.
Men, your senses are being dulled-
Drunk and high, doing as you're told.
Lucidity take hold! Freedom is close,
We need only embark
Loose the sails & start
The journey out among the stars
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