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Michael Ryan Jul 17
Gnash and Gnaw
a story book
of semantically related tales.

Troublesome twosome
words that stitch
a crossword of misrepresentation.

Incredibly Inedible
of unrequited dining.

Grotesque - ******
struggles of theocracy.

Grace and _
spared from false
Leftover words from a struggle-some few day.  Nothing has gone wrong, other than thinking/hoping each car I drive by might veer in my direction when I am alone.
Shadow Jun 29
I struggle to believe in higher power
Went instead to seek my own meaning
But only found myself in cycles
And introduced to present demons
Had to learn to appear calmly
While my head is always screaming
But the cycles seem almost over now
Reremembering that life's worth living
Jeremy Betts Jun 25
Little Light Leaches past Lock tight Lids
Lampshades Laid over Living Lenses
Like pulled tight Laces Looped as Lattices
Letting Lingering Lies Loom
Late nights illuminated by Lunar Lampposts
Lighting a Landslide of Lopsided Lemons
Like those Littering Liberated Lands
Lacking any Lucid desire to Leave
Loose Lip type Lexicon Literates the Last Link Left
Leading to Literal Lemmings
A Legion of Like-minded Livestock
Leads to a Leap before you Look Livelihood
Lambasted but Lucrative
Due to Lavish Liberties that Life's were Laid down for
Lacerating all Links to Larger than Life Leaders
Becoming a Ludacris Laughingstock
Just Lowly Lackeys that got Lucky
Lambs in a Lions clothing Line
Ladened with Laminated Limitations
Rooting through and Looting the Leftovers
Lacking any Long-term Learned Lessons

Jeremy Betts Jun 22
I had it yelled at me once, "you don't even know what love is!"
At first the accusation put me on the defensive
But the examples to me of laugh, love, live
Has always been top tier corrosive, a wildly destructive narrative

Heidi Franke Jun 11
Today I need you
One line of words mistaken
Remember I live
Not wanting to be forgotten.
If you wanna learn where I am tonight
Sun fading in the absence of daylight
The two of us once got in the car
Drove to this place you no longer are
Written 2-27-21
Ken Pepiton May 15
With my mind, I find I think I know,
and ask my assisting intelligence,

please, if my visualizing is aural,
for seeing ways through lightless
non reflective introspection,

if no para-metrics, sidereal influences,
put me and men and ment and mental
as letters letting contrasts form words,
at the point, dead center,
where will intends

this or that, and luck is not a factor, I know

how or why or when or where, here, as it were,
extending a will
to feel used, just, as justice,
reason excuse accepted balanced valence,

time used, chance taken, outcome aimed at hit.
Death, done at the end of life, is painless.
A unique friend put off this mortal coil today, his most used word, as a preacher, at a true little country church, his most used word was plethora,
and he left me with a plethora of good memories.
Bekah Halle May 11
Open your eyes, and
Come out from the darkness. 
12 years have passed,
I’ve forgotten you from long ago.
I am sorry for dismissing you, 
Now, I want to put you on show.
12 years, since the coma,
Wake up, and
Now. Go,
You can do it,
The journey is not over,
It's only begun.
Each new day is a new life,
You can now sleep, knowing there’s more to come.
On this day, 12 years ago, I woke up from a 40-day coma, after a stroke during a brain aneurysm operation. 12 years has been a long time, and I've regained a lot of function but complete healing still hasn't happened, yet. Still hoping.
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