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Hannah Mary Feb 2015
people always say to have faith

how is one supposed to have faith
when they are inconspicuous to themselves?

people always say that time heals everything

how is one supposed to believe
that a plastic circular object is supposed to fill the holes in their heart?

people always say to stay calm

how is one supposed to stay calm
with thoughts scraping their internal skin surrounding their skull?

This world is all about believe what you want to believe.
Follow what you want to follow, even if it doesn't correspond with all beliefs, go for what might give you some satisfaction that you are an 'okay' human being.
this is **** but oh well
Hannah Mary Feb 2015
not only does cancer cause the immune system to whither
but the soul to float about the clouds
in search for ambition
to discover a better life,
or a better place to be.

not only does illness cause bones to shatter
but hearts to reach their last beats
surrendering blood
for a manageable death
or better type of sleep.

not only does a person cause hearts to break
but lives to cease  
and minds to be manipulated
for stabbing memories
or uncovered scars
Hannah Mary Feb 2015
how is one supposed
to aver their thoughts and emotions
with nowhere to pour their words
and nowhere to place their heart for safe keeping?

one has tried locking their heart inside of a chest
where forests of anxiety filled skies and thorny vines await predators eyeing the treasure: a pulsing heart, torn in two, clinching onto the safety of benevolence.

but somehow, the heart is always gaining scars...
scars that have stories,
stories intangible of the human mind to even comprehend.

when flooding season arrives,
those feelings
those emotions
float up stream and settle onto the banks
where a human sits,
eyes overflowing with the truth of life: nothing can be hidden from our world,
from ourselves.
hiding how you feel is not easy. especially when those feelings eat you from the inside out. it's hard...
Hannah Mary Feb 2015
boiling drops of water stream down my back
as I stand with my head held low
and my heart held high.

my fragile tears
put on mute
due to the lines of water
pouring out the shower head
onto my tattered, pink flesh.
sadness comes from nowhere known.
Hannah Mary Feb 2015
arms clasped around your knees
while your eyes overflow with dysphoria
and spilling those things called tears.

you begin to wonder when the walls started to tower over you
while kept under those warm things called blankets,
the only things that kept you warm
while your heart was frozen in time that had elapsed

these towering walls
seem to be looking down upon me
and they tell me I am enervated
as I am limp under those blankets,
the only things that are competent to providing me warmth,
as my heart cannot.
Hannah Mary Jan 2015
wait for the thunder to hold its rumble, but watch for the lighting to illuminate the dark skies and the long tears in your auspicious eyes, yet forever holding a mutilated heart upon a tattered, white sleeve
I guess this is a description of how I feel a lot of the time. hope people can relate.
Alanna High Dec 2014
Her name is Hannah, like in the Bible.
Hannah, who could not find her place
Because her husband
Could not love her more
Than his *other
Who bore him strong sons and daughters,
While Hannah only made him laugh.

Her name is Hannah, like in the Bible.
Hannah, who, heartbroken for a man she loved
The man she married,
Went to the temple to pray so fervently
The priest thought she was intoxicated
And attempted to make her leave.
When all she wanted was to break her body to give her husband a son.

Hannah, who gave her only son,
Back to God, because she was faithful
Always faithful
And as her name means, full of grace.
The bible is full of women
Who carry the legends of men on their back and at their *******
Mothers and wives who play supporting roles to heroes.

My name is Hannah, like in the Bible.
I have played second fiddle to other women
For the hearts of men who did not deserve me.
I have prayed fervently for a family that I have lost
My name means full of grace, but I am empty
And god merely laughs when you talk about me in his bible.
kaylan joseph Nov 2014
somehow her hair halts me at every sentance
a dark brown finsh over a cute slinder face
her personalty speaks rhthmic poetry
like a connection over mortal things
and the only thing she said was hi
normaly i would forget a greeting
but it seems so inviting  if the whole world went left it seemed like the right thing
so like lightning i respond hi
tripped over my words
and got lost in her eyes
a pale blue that could unviel any disguise
she said my name is hannah
and so nearly 2 hearts almost coldide
Mae Lahlee Oct 2014
I wish that I could yell out to the world
Without anyone hearing.

And I wish that I could stare at the stars
Until I had time to count them

Mostly I wish I could bottle this feeling
Of contentment that I get
From the knowledge of life's
most greatest moments.
Hannah Anderson May 2014
I wrote a poem for my biography to a special person about Adam, I thought you would like to read it.

Blue Heart

You were 18, so many years in front of you.
It felt like a dark eternity, you didn’t want to go.
I saw it in your sunken eyes.
The vacant stare and sad dark eyes.
I saw when you were sitting around the table prom night.
So much going around but you were too calm
too collected.
too inside your mind for us.
I knew that blank expression from experience
All too well.
You screamed for help
silent and loud
I reached for your hand
but you

You were poised and calm
Broken but full of love.
All I wanted to do was help you.
you were standing still when the world went on
and it did go on, it did, without you.

When you were standing there at the edge
I wondered about you, all in my head.
We were short lived, a friendship that was fast.
You came, changed me, then you left.
it came and went in a flash.

I knew when no one else could guess.
you put it all on me, didn’t you.
but I was not cross with you.
Heartbroken, yes
scared, yes
alone, yes
mad, no

Your color was blue
Blue heart, blue veins
Blue is the color of our planet
from far far away
we wore it proud it was all for you,
a blue solemn silence.
and the world spun fast and
all the people hurried fast, real fast
and no one ever smiled.

You weren’t all there, in that head of yours.
dark and empty
you were sad but you lived like you would die
tomorrow came too soon and it was up to you.
it was always up to you.

Meeting you was bitter
you put me through stress, anxiety and heartache
you put me through shame and shock
All I wanted was you by my side,
and you there was not.

Meeting you was sweet
you gave me smiles and laughs,
good music and thoughts
you gave me a feeling of friendship and care.
All I wanted was you by my side,
but you were not there.

You were poised and calm,
you rubbed off on me.
I was hyped and excited
you called me “ADHD”

You drove an old red beater with water bottles everywhere,
with **** in the glove compartment.
but you didn’t care.
Your drove with sunglasses and the FM radio loud.
You drove in silence, thinking no doubt.

You loved the sun but you would hike for the shade
when we were together you took me away.
I didn’t think, I didn’t have nerves.
We talked about the world
We talked about life
You had a life you thought you didn’t deserve.

Whoever planted that seed
had some **** nerve
you wrote like me but I wrote for myself
you wrote for us when there’d be nothing else.

I knew when no one else could guess.
you put it all on me, didn’t you.
but I was not mad.
Heartbroken, yes
scared, yes
alone, yes
mad, no

When you were gone
I read
I read
i wanted to know exactly when
you felt what you felt.
You called me your jav friend
you called me your angel

You are up there watching over me
I yelled and screamed
I couldn’t breathe.

I shut them out,
I cursed at you.
I hated you
I cried for you

I only see you in my head
Dreaming once and a while of your smile,
of your eyes
but they are never dark
they are never sad
they are never empty
The vacant stare is not there.
your hair is a giant mess
and I freeze that moment right there.

You said you were alone
you said it was a secret
you asked me about my darkest
and you told me all your secrets
I have never been in that much peace knowing I kept you there
It felt like moments when it was hours and you were gone too **** soon.
tomorrow came too fast and it was up to you.
it was always up to you.

Now I wear a band on my wrist
and pray for your peace
that is all I have left,
but you mean so much to me.
I hope you are happy,
I hope your journey has ended
and you found what you wanted
My heart was once broken
but soon if all this is true
it will be mended.
This is about my friend who committed suicide on 5/19/13 the anniversary just passed and I wrote this for english.
#love #go #suicide #poem #poetry #short #broken #peace #sad #depression #doubt #life #heart #want #eyes #sadness #death #sun #world #depressed #alone #anxiety #die #hope #scared #days #happy #not #cried #up #memories #in #good #be #empty #dark #hello #f #of #angel #friend #friendship #thoughts #away #people #always #true #real #secret #evil #silent #smile #mind #if #i #had #the #are #thinking #music #has #shame #blue #night #water #dreaming #red #and #what #stress #this #help #silence #too #much #could #you #thought #me #mess #sweet #one #on #*** #think #my #heartbroken #journey #no #blank #color #bitter #breathe #old #wrote #when #was #about #it #suicidal #hair #feeling #together #do #only #for #to #but #nothing #left #never #out #have #hours #gone #us #head #like #now #is #years #loved #person #fast #eternity #still #tomorrow #flash #moment #over #cross #nerves #bottles #**** #know #smiles #right #deep #myself #heartache #darkest #who #we #all #so #were #secrets #just #caring #experience #loud #yes #inside #english #they #pray #by #calm #moments #mad #veins #did #there #care #that #at #passed #l #hand #knew #shock #see #read #expression #radio #ever #an #yours #our #proud #changed #once #would #planet #else #from #guess #will #edit #adhd #**** #shade #deserve #hated #without #with #freeze #then #loving #through #sitting #found #stare #wrist #laughs #going #full #off #felt #cursed #wanted #excited #2 #ended #them #well #soon #mean #told #wear #vacant #many #couldnt #took #knowing #shut #kept #special #saw #ago #gave #adam #your #seed #1 #e #while #18 #anderson #solemn #watching #prom #said #far #side #been #some #collected #reached #edge #meeting #screamed #put #came #front #smiled #didnt #around #called #anniversary #band #giant #planted #glove #went #standing #committed #yelled #everywhere #biography #lived #nerve #hike #werent #hannah #talked #hurried #romane #drove #exactly #wore #beater #table #sunglasses #frienddeath #spun #sunken #poised #wondered #rubbed #hyped #compartment #fm #whoever #thered #jav #asked #mended #51913 #46 #0 #added

— The End —