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I smile
and I laugh
but quietly I mourn who I used to be

I joke
and I check in on you
but quietly
I'm losing sight of who I used to be

In moments of mental clarity
I can say maybe it's just in my head

But the past few days
in the dead of night
I constantly wonder if I'll really be alright

It feels like something is broken inside

I constantly wonder if I'll really be alright
it's been awhile , I just need an outlet
Phoenix Sep 2023
Whirring hum of the ceiling fan
Rhythmic rattle of the chains
Soft caress of a manufactured breeze

Heart beat against my ear
Steady breath to calm my racing mind
Safety surrounding me

Late night
With no light
Besides the dim screen of my phone

Gentle snores
And twitching muscles
My bedtime companion


you are a lover of
the night

you see
what the day is
too shy to reveal
Saudia R Sep 2022
Depression is mine to control

Mine alone in me is mine
As another's in them is theirs

So no two depressions can ever be the same
And yet like gold melded jade, sisters they are

Why should sister and sister be forced apart?
What do they fear?

Is it them? Is it us?
To finally admit that sisters are twins?

Of the exact same blood < in essence, in pain

Noble to only whose vains they run
but deeper than a true Suns lineage

In knowing that what is reflected as a mirror is exactly what's seen

But the fear of being the same is what drives them to shame

So what of this power that let eyes be mirrors
waiting for hope to appear?

Depression is < mind =to= control
Late night thoughts ❤️
Kewayne Wadley Jun 2022
My pillow misses you
more than I do.
The way you taste, the way you feel
Your kiss echoes goodnight.
A sheep lost it's way to the moon
We both lie awake waiting for you
The last thought before
falling asleep.
If it seemed I never missed you
you're sadly mistaken &
everything in between
Joseph Gassmann May 2021
2am talking to you...
The hum of a neon sign, Emitting light so tranquil
Purple Luminescence on your face. The sparkle in your eye, it brings life to all...
The smile in your words     In comparison everything so small.    

In conversation vocalising the deep within

What can I say, 2am there is no filter Here.

The euphoria so intense
all Existence has so much Distance,
the world fades away...

Quizzed with the words you speak
Everything begins to dull
Everything so quiet and clear

The realisation of how much I hold you dear
I'd hate to think what I'd do  
Without you here
Brett Mar 2021
I am not here for anyone’s amusement
I dance when I hear music
I scratch my head when it itches
I love with my heart
And see with my eyes
The ground beneath my feet lets me know
That while I can not fly
I may travel through time
And see new life
Where it once did not exist
I run my fingers across my face
For I know I will soon long for younger days
But I remember
Just as we wither
So too do we grow
Endless rivers
Steady flow
morgan Jan 2021
Remember when we used to stay up until 6 am
The sun would be rising
Laughing incessantly at something you said
While the world was in a deep sleep
I was awake and dreaming

Staying up all night, not thinking it through
Body and soul on the verge of collapse
However, I only wanted you
To say something that would make butterflies inside
Fly crazy in my heart and mind

Now we wake to the sounds
Of alarm clocks and honking horns
But just a short time ago, we were saying goodnight
At 6 in the morning
When the oxytocin high had me soaring
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