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Jas 2d
They say I’m the storm that tore it apart,
The one who left ruins in someone’s heart.
No matter how clear the skies may seem,
They only recall the thunder and scream.

I’ve wandered far from those wild winds,
But the echoes of past mistakes still spin.
They look at me through shattered glass,
Seeing only the cracks of what couldn’t last.

In their eyes, I’m the fault, the fall,
The reason the walls crumbled tall.
No bridges left, just broken ground,
And no path back can ever be found.

But is it the storm or the earth below,
That crumbles first when the winds blow?
Maybe we’re both tangled in pride,
Both trying to claim who’s justified.

I’m the shadow they can’t forget,
The cause of a pain they won’t reset.
But deep inside, the truth’s unclear—
Who truly caused the fall, and who shed the tear?

So here I stand in the ruins we built,
Carrying the weight of unshaken guilt.
They see only the storm, never the calm,
In a tale where neither was truly wrong.
unspoken words.
Today, I took down the photos of us, images that once captured your smile, our laughter, our closeness, but now reflect only the distance between who we were and who we’ve become.

Today, I tucked away your gifts; the books you pressed into my hands and read out loudly in my mind, the small tokens of affection that once whispered of forever. Each one, a reminder of a love that has since withered, no longer nourished by our presence.

Today, I folded your favorite sweaters, still faintly carrying the scent of you, a scent that once filled my world with comfort, but now lingers like a ghost of what was. The sweaters, once wrapped around you like comfort, now drape in cold silence, and so I tuck them away, symbols of a warmth long gone.

Today, I put away the image of the way your hair caught the morning light. I let go of the thoughts of the lines on your face, the ones I once traced with love, now rest in the quiet spaces of my memory.

Today, I said goodbye to how your dog curled up on the couch; the silent witness to our long conversations. Those deep, winding exchanges where we unraveled the universe and found solace in each other’s thoughts are now sealed away with the rest.

Today, I pressed these memories to the edges of my heart; where they once brought me joy, but now they stir only hollow echoes of emotions that have long since faded.

In this act of release, I shed the weight of misplaced optimism; the futile questions that kept us tethered to a love story that no longer holds true.

Today, I am learning to let go of the version of us I once cherished, surrendering the past that occupies the space where new beginnings must take root. By clearing this path, I open myself; emotionally, spiritually; to what may come, to what I am now ready to receive.

Tomorrow, I will greet the future with open arms, free from what was, ready to embrace what could be. But for now, I create space for possibility, for love, for myself.

— Sincerely, Boris
Àŧùl Oct 14
Day & night,
I'm enticed by you.

Day & night,
I'm lost in your thoughts.

Why are you so beautiful,
Oh, plain mirror?
My HP Poem #2006
©Atul Kaushal
Muskan Parvin Sep 16
In the tapestry of life, a thread shines bright
Your presence, a light that takes flight
With every smile, a warmth unfolds
A beauty that never grows old
In your eyes, a spark does glow
A radiance that touches all that know
May your journey be filled with joy, and delight
May your path be lit with love and light
You shine so bright, like a radiant star in the night sky
Aurora's Light, a beacon bright
Shining forth, like a celestial sight
With every step, a radiant glow illuminates
Illuminating all, as she grows
In a world of billions, you're one in a million
A treasure so rare, my heart's sweet obsession
I'm always here for you through ups and downs
The highs and lows.
A poetry to myself, and a reminder to others that you are enough, too. May these words inspire self-love, empowerment, and a celebration of your own unique light.
emelie Sep 12
each day that passes through
another piece of truth goes loose
i'm who i want to be
but it's never easy to be so free
Antonia Sep 1
Half of me
has given up
and the other half
hasn’t even started yet
it’s always been like this
myself vs. myself

the battle of two stubborn selves

they take turn
in winning fights
I’m so confused and tired
to root for both
each time

It’s a twisted game.

I play myself.
Antonia Aug 29
today i fell off
of you
of our love
i hurt my knees and my heart
i hurt my hope
today i realised I only have myself to
count on
to love
to care for
today i started investing in myself
Ashwin Kumar May 19
Am I really self-centered?
Well, certainly am I not selfish
Always, do I help people in need
And you definitely cannot accuse me of greed
For my family, cousins and friends
My love and care has no end!

Am I really self-centred?
Not boasting, but am I kind
And loyal to a fault
Certainly, am I a compassionate adult
And do my best to empathise with people
As far as possible
Including even those who don't deserve it
Because, I know what it is like
To be ignored or laughed at
Hence, are there certain jokes
For which I do my best
To keep a poker face
Since, I do not appreciate insensitivity
After all, known am I, for my sensitivity!!

Am I really self-centred?
Yes, there are certain times
When I do tend to be self-obsessed
However, not too often do they come
In fact, often has my heart bled
Even when it was not required!!

Am I really self-centred?
Well, many a mistake have I made
However, always do I apologise
And give people space
I don't repeat my mistakes either
Because, truly do I care
For the wellbeing of others!!

Am I really self-centred?
Many a time, have I cried
Even for relatively small things
Doesn't that tell you something?
The fact that I care a lot
About other people's opinions
Should ideally show, that I am self-centred, NOT
In my life, have I learned a lot of lessons
And, over a period of time, changed for the better
Hope this at least provides the answer
To the question I have been repeatedly asking
Genuinely sorry am I, for all the time wasting
However, I am sure you would have understood by now
As to why and how
This issue means so much to me!!
Poem where I introspect - as to whether I am self-centred or not.
Mark Wanless Apr 29
i aint afraid of nothing
   but myself
myself is all there is

i can see me sometimes clearly
   but mostly
cloud of doubt

called the ghosts of heaven
   to fill me
with all blessings

sometimes see the the devil
   in a fog
of make believe

myself is all there is
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