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You can't heal under a mask
Wounds need air
So do secrets
Both are hard to hide
Ariannah Oct 4
I know my friends don't like you
But they will never know
That I'm actually dating you
In my own love show

I hate to stick to hiding
Hiding in the shadows of
My one and only, my fake love

Cause it's all in my head
When my mind is asleep
You're like a useless secret
That I'm willing to keep
Just me being delusional:))
Roselyn Oct 1
I stand at the edge, heart in my hand,
Knowing that loving you wasn’t the plan.
You’re a flame that burns bright in the dark,
But I fear I can’t keep this fragile spark.

Your laughter, your eyes, your voice so sweet,
Moments with you feel like worlds complete.
But deep in the quiet, where truth softly lies,
I know this love will someday die.

I wish I could stay in this fleeting embrace,
Hold onto the joy, the warmth of your face.
But how do I love when I know the end,
When time is a thief, not a friend?

I’m scared to give all of my soul,
To fall in a love that won’t make me whole.
Yet here I stand, trembling inside—
Afraid to let go, afraid to confide.

So I love you in whispers, in moments, in light,
Knowing you’re not my forever, just my "for tonight."
And though it will fade, this feeling will live,
For even in fear, love’s the best gift I can give.
Immortality Sep 30
Your eyes fascinate me,
your smile too,
but thing I cherish the most,
is unknown too.

Once dreamt of life,
with you,
yet, in the end,
left it all to fate's view.
Destiny, Fate and God................................................
Mariana Sep 27
When I'm in love
I see pink everywhere.
I would scream from rooftops,
tell just about everyone
how he's smart
and nice
and hot.
Every song I hear,
every thought I think
is somehow related to him.
And all my friends are tired
of all my giggles and grins.

When he's in love
he keeps on living
like that girl he talks to
didn't change his point of view.
Doesn't let it show,
even when he feels
the sinking of his heart
when she smiles at him.
And he's hopeless
and helpless
and lost in love.
But in secret, still.

Or maybe he just isn't in love.
Or maybe he just doesn't love...
Voyez-vous, au-delà de ses falaises,
Se trouve une porte scellée.
Dont moi seule possède la clé.
Incruster dans la roche solidifiée.
Dissimuler par le bleu de la mer.
Mes secrets, seront à jamais emmuré,
Pour l’éternité.
Soigneusement gardé,
Par des créatures nacrées,
Dont les chants envoûtés,
Vous berce, dans les profondeurs abyssales,
Où le silence règne, parmi les coraux et les opales.
Oh ! toi mon jardin, aux secrets bien vénales,
Où les trésors cachés dévoilent leurs spirales.
Je reviendrais, en saison hivernale,
Te compter, une histoire impériale.
Mais pour l’heure, je m’en vais, aux épousailles,
Non **** d’ici, à quelques kilomètres par-là.
Par l’écume et les oules, je te confie ce cristal,
Taillé dans le corail, scellant des âmes royales.
Zywa Jun 22
Ow, my secret hurts,

it eats me, hollows me out --

Alive I am dead.
Novel "The Enchantress of Florence" (2008, Salman Rushdie), part 1, chapter 2 - Covert homosexuality

Collection "Low gear"
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