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When the Silence is so Loud
I have to Listen

ƸӜƷ   wow want/need/have to/choose to I AM actually doing Something.  Interesting the context of our thoughts daily eh.
I've thought deep and true for an idea,
Of a topic I can center my poem on.
There was none that surfaced,
So none shall it be.

No weight of subject to anchor us down,
No limits to hinder, no thoughts to drown.
In the vast expanse where stillness is known,
The heart of nothingness is brightly shown.

Akin to the sound of one hand clapping,
Like raging winds in the eye of the storm,
Let us contemplate on nothing,
Let us define the absence of form.

A blank canvas for something to exist,
The absence for the heart to grow fond,
It is a silence so deep, where echoes are drawn,
The root of the void where all things are gone.

Without, none, nothing, doesn't exist,
Synonyms, or a sentence wrongly punctuated.
One thing is for certain: this poem's been fun.
A topic to discuss, indeed I have... none.
I really have no idea what to write for my poem of the day.
Let me slip into my

Sloughs off of her
as easily as water.

She passes through, to
The other side of Fear
In her penetrability
She has no Peer

Shapeless threats of the night
Merely dampenings of light

Let me slip on my frigid

Mortal fears free of her lease
Reign wild, at the very least

But before my Queen
They quiver, shrivel,
Into a sheen
Of ice, from sniffling drivel.

Her countenance a light deadpan,
Her governance, her birthright, tends
A sooty silence,
A dumb penance,
Zywa Jul 15
In the room, silence

rustles, as if creation --

is now beginning.
Poem "The big inner room is as dark" (1985, Zelda Schneurson)

Collection "SoulSenseSun"
Aniseed Jul 9
Some days, all it takes is a whisper

A stray thought. A smokelike wisp

I want to drown in the silence of my life

Gentle like this snowfall

I count the threads of my grief quietly

Writing in tandem with this sorrow that roots itself in the pit of my stomach

I promise I am not all of this; or rather, this is not all of me.
I am flesh and bone and laughter and full.

But there are days when the static claims the nerves under my skin and the ache throbs in my soul.

Those days, these days, I come to you
Well it's been some time, hasn't it?
Wrote this some time back. Not really snowing in July, after all.

Hope you're well.

This summer's heat was worse,
problems are at their extremes,
burning, like undying embers.

Murmurs in government, in
public and private communities,
create chaos.

Repetition, initiates a desire
to walk away from what upsets
even for a while...some just

Laugh things off, too tired of
useless smiles and handshakes,
some get fed up, walk away, and

Go to the waters, to the shores
filled with voices crying for peace,
seeking justice.

Throughout our struggles...the
battles we fight, we always must
maintain a dignified silence.

We deserve some respect
no matter

Monsoon season has come,
soon...rain will pour and
shall inundate.

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
July 8, 2024
Yanamari Jul 2
Buzzing energy fills me
My nerves high-strung
Silence silence silence
Almost as if
I've been shunned
I take breaths
But that buzzing energy remains
My heart has withstood more
So I take time til this feeling drains
My heart subdued in a cage
So I hold it gently
Until it's peace it regains
Slowly, yet surely
I'll hold me if that's all I have
Slowly, yet surely
Be still my Friend
Relax its okay
Allow your Heart
To have its way...

In the Beauty of Silence
Feel your Flame
Peace in your Heart Today

Though the Seas get rough
And the Storms are tough
Tune out from beyond
Then hear Your Song...

In the Beauty of Silence
Feel your Flame
Peace in your Heart Today

There you go
Now you Know
Your World you see
Is how you want it to be...

In the Beauty of Silence
Feel your Flame
Peace in your Heart Today

Ride the Tides
With love inside
Peace lives On
Yes On and On...

In the Beauty of Silence
Feel your Flame
Peace in your Heart Today.

(c) Debra Lea Ryan
Heart Desire For All!
Out of Silence
Time to Explore
New Chapters
Different Doors

Nothing to lose
Only Gains
Moving beyond
Fanciful Games

A lighter load
To Carry
Awake Now
Will not Tarry

No need to run
Just dance and smile
And have some  fun
Happily in the Sun.

(c)Debra Lea Ryan
A Poet Versed In a New Understanding  or simply Musing Again! Ha!
Malia Jun 14
I am in a room where the darkness writhes.
I am fine I am fine I am fine I am fine.
The silence—
It chokes me,
And still I swallow it down.

But in this doggone echo chamber
All I hear is myself.
I am going insane to the sound
Of my own voice.

I beg the shadows
“Please, don’t leave me

I scream,

I cry,
𝘞𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯?
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