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Sof Jul 7
I know, with absolute certainty,
that if I drowned,
****** under
by the relentless power of the sea,
you would not hesitate
fighting nature to save me.
Malia May 6
i wish i was a
better daughter
for you.
i wish i knew
what it would do
to you.
i wish i wasn’t
so afraid
and i wish i never
in that orphanage
where i barely left
my crib like a

i wish i grew up
before today
because now it is
too late.
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2023
The door opens to world beyond
Say one final goodbye
We wish our time lasted longer
Your turn to be lifted into the sky
Always aware you were an angel
Now you have finally got wings to fly
About my mom
Ackerrman Aug 2023
If you knew
That you were already
Would you still go to work?
S Smoothie Jul 2021
I knew to my core thought processes

Unthinkable but thought

A shock to the recesses of my mind

A bout of this world I once knew

I never thought it would not grow old

Its shiny, but icy cold

I thought I knew fear

I thought I knew hate

I thought I knew disparity and truth

I never knew it was a homophone filled with illustrious ironies

A brand of say

A brand of way

A brand of order

A brand of decay

I Knew a brave world,

Knew a status quo,

Alas there is something different

invading our psyches at will

Sitting upon the steps of our memories of a world we thought we once knew

But not you.

You're so different now

You almost act as if you never knew how it was

What ever the case, its normal now...
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2020
When God abandoned me I thought
That at first he must not have cared
But after enduring a world of pain
I realized he was never there
Its crazy how much i used to believe in Christianity compared to how completely opposite i feel now
Maja Mar 2020
there was just something about you
something I can’t place
maybe your sad eyes
and broken face

I felt something
when I saw you
I felt the pain
that you felt too

Somehow I knew,
that you knew it as well
knew of tears
knew of hell

I want to tell you
that it won’t always be that way
it does get better
it does, someday
you knew it too.
Dream Fisher Feb 2020
I grew up in a small town just like you,
Wandering the streets with nothing to do.
We had dreams of beautiful chaos
Only stopping to laugh off our lives,
Don't talk about the issues that keep us up at night,
Standing broken but whole in the right light,
Standing whole seen through broken eyes.

Remember the times we hit the highway
Flying fast, transitioning from the 81 to 80
Hoping we might just run out of gas
Giving us a reason to not turn back,
While listening to all the anthems
That made us miss a childhood we never had.
With tears in your eyes,
you turned the music down low
Meeting your solemn gaze
You begged me not to take you home.

I grew up in a small town just like you
Until the night we didn't turn around
In search of something new
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