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Nov 2017 · 426
Hammer Drops I
Preacher man, on the TV screen
Gives comforting words to the elderly
And Mrs. Robinson
Gladly gives her pocket book
Seems that jesus
Did not even have the time to call her

And the atheist, preaches reason
To all the lame, broke fools
Who can't understand them
And I sit here
Face in mug of beer
Because mom's sick
And dad's weak in the knees
Trying to save her

Can we stop?
Can we stop?
Because we are all the same
When the hammer drops
Can we stop?
Can we stop?
We all feel the hurt when that hammer drops.
Work in progress
Intellectual property of Nicholas Kurtz
14 November 2017
Apr 2016 · 1.5k
Apr 2016 · 1.0k
My house is beautiful
I think
Our house is beautiful
Our apartment is beautiful
And I am
Not Sure
I am Not Sure
Dec 2015 · 1.2k
Do We Think
We paint our lives on color film
Absorbing familiar reflection
And we watch as we live
So little in color film
We love, we ****
We bleed, we die
Do we think God is watching?

Do we think we are the reflection
Why are we watching?
Mountain sides and Lilly beds
Prairies and the mighty ocean
Now held in our hands
Nobody is there
Is anyone here
What is everyone watching?

Loneliness painted in window sills
Plasma radiation gleams on
White, pictureless walls

Watching sunsets
And passions flame
Lust pervert
Warm golden skin
Radiates tangerine
And the lonely feel
Painting red
On Blank slates
And fill with vacant desire

Million of on lookers
Alone, watching

Watching the world burn
Watching mothers cry
Watching beaches sludge
Watching deserts snow
Watching brave children die
Watching brothers betray
Watching love fail
Watching countries fall
Watching debts paid

Millions of miles of tapes and bits
Project a millions of protestant cries
Endlessly, eternally
Do we think God is watching?

Do we think?
While we're watching
Bathing in radiation
Children don't know how to read
Live their lives on
A television screen
A whole generation
Living vicariously
Do we think?

Millions of gray souls
And avid voters
Watch angry men spout nostalgic redirect
Watch their children live their lives
Watch game shows and advertisements
Watch the six o' clock news
Watch police shoot children in the street

A million beautiful, lonely people
Watch red carpet vanity
Watch million dollar celebrity parties
Watch the American dream lash the
Backs of the fuedal and disenfranchised
Watch depraved souls sacrifice self
For the company of fame

Meanwhile children don't read

Do we think?
A thought original
Is there any thing left to believe
Everyone so sure there's nothing they haven't seen
Nobody leaves their house
Nobody can bear to read
Just watch the world slip into insanity

Ignorance is the greatest weapon
Yet all I see is guns blazing
80 billion dollars to dry the desert
Not a one for education

American families gather
Around their TV screens
They can't stop watching
They're afraid of what they see
Do they think God is watching?

I hope God isn't watching
Dec 2015 · 527
Amanda's Poem
I love how you drink wine with me
And we dance like freaks
And you proceed to throw my glass
Across the floor
And follow with a million apologies
I chuckle "it's fine dear"
And I smile like a love drunk idiot
I love how you fight it
But our love still grows every day
And I still have a million moments
To prove true, day by day
I love how we argue passionately
And you raise your voice
And your face flickers with expression
And twenty minutes later
We are wispering promises
In eachother's ears
I love how you act so impressed
My car makes it to Cleveland
When I would drive to Arizona
In all its misery
For just one kiss from you
I love how your eyes sparkle
And take the breath out of me
I love how excitable you are
You get loud
And you think
My manic, sunny, nihilist humor
Is funny
I love how you drive like a bull
But love like the sun
And cut darkness like the moon
I love how you communicate
With soul
In a souless plasma, diamond
Window World
I love how you try
To understand me
In all my insanity
And you do a **** good job
Baby your crazy
I love how you laugh so heartely
My constant ornry observations
My obnoxious
impressions of Sinatra
Or My utter lack of discretion and shame
Like when I throw cookies off the shelf in
Grocery stores just to throw a fit
I love how you hear song lyrics
And sing interrupting intense
I love that when I take you home
You say goodbye to me
It takes an hour
Then you ask me to tuck you in
I love your endless strength
And that you've been through hell
But stand a strong, pure woman
I love your voice
Like cleaning rain
And your arms that hold peace
Like ocean currents and bay views

Amanda, I love everything about you
And I'll cherish
Every single memory
And every day I'm with you
You knew it was a love poem
Nov 2015 · 823
Not Even a Friend
I don't know if this is poetry
This is a wounded cry
This life of mine
Lately, is a bad dream
I tread lightly in the pools of insanity
I can't forget that ******* fortune cookie

It was our first date, and lovely at that
I haven't taken a lady out
Since Before there was hair on my chest

It's nice to be wanted
Away from lights
And one nights
On stages and bar corners
Subways and cafes
Anywhere my heart sings
Just makes the clown
Ever so similar to me

But that ******* fortune cookie
Curse if I remember what it said
Mine advised beginnings are the start of much labor
And hers urging to explore her options

I laughed and shrugged
And secretely cursed not choosing

Meanwhile, in neon lights
I drown another night
She says I'm way to serious about
An open mic
Somehow I always forget to go home
All my friends give me stupid advice
Hallmark lines, and hollow tripe
I love them the same
I think they have no understanding
I'm happier bordering reality
I tread lightly in the pools of insanity
After bad dreams
Its a defense mechanism
Don't judge me
She's sitting there
Looking so fine
Those lips I remember I kissed
Now pout and direct glare
From once loving, hazel eyes
And I ask for a stiff ***
And sit next to her

In retrospect I was my dumbest true self
I said
Why have you been ignoring my messages
Her offended look was enough to send
My heart to my stomach
The words that follow brief
I ask if we can speak alone
I have to know why
You want nothing to do with me
I held you so close
You promised me dear
Not even a friend
The sweetest ones always go
I feel like garbage
I feel like an old music box
That should have never been released
From the attic

I feel like a typewriter dormant
And hollow, choking dust of 1955

Let me play then throw me away
Not even a friend to me
I got old
My one song
Now looked at in vain

I held you so dear
You promised me so sweetly
You kissed me with fire
You promised me
Not even a friend now
Not even a friend to me
Nov 2015 · 949
Saccharine Dreams
I'm going to stop acting like I know anything

And slow down on the *****
And singing blues

I don't know much
My thoughts are all feelings
My heart is in my head
Reality fills the voids
Left between
Saccharine dreams

Who am I?
I don't know anything
I can't trust my instincts
I need input
My eyes are depleting

Who am I?
The autmn wind
Upon your face
Feebly wispering

Who am I?
Love drunk boy
Lost in the universal last call
Of copresence
In a human kind

Your body
Your face  
Your skin
Your hair
Your essence
Your personality
Your touch


Has left me only
Saccharine dreams
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
You want to know what I love about you?
I love your beaming smile
And the way it makes
Your hazel eyes squint
And the way you kiss me like
I just got off a battleship

I love your soft cheeks
And pouty lips
I love your messy hair in my face
When your delicate head
Lays upon my chest

And the feeling of your soft skin
Pressed against mine
Your naive laughter
Bounces moonbeams through my chest
And makes your dark eyes shine

I love the way your body fits
So perfectly in my arms
Right next to mine
Like we were molded together
Long ago
Two lost pieces
That aligned in time
Like when Orion meets
Artemis in the winter sky

Far away from tear filled nights
Gasping last words
Into a phone speaker
As she says it didn't mean a thing
Like a pretty old box
Holding an abonded engagement ring

Last chance
Car crash and last breath
But every moment leading to the next
And you fall into my life like a comet

You ask what I love about you?
I'll tell you someday
To tell you now

Is like printing the words of Shakespeare
On soft cover page
When you fall too fast
In a lovely twist of fate
And I was intoxicated far more than any Sunday night
Or Monday night service special

And we went back to my apartment
And her black magic
Neutralized the asbestos
And made my ***** windows sparkle

We held each other for an hour of eternity
In the humble hold of migraine workers
And I felt activity in my dopamine receptors
More than any drug or high ever did
A sinful lie
compared to
A lover's bliss

And I asked if she'd be there tomorrow
She didn't say much
It just ended with a kiss
When you meet a lovely person
Oct 2015 · 394
I use the word love alot
Sorry I guess
I don't mean to use it ******
But I feel if I'm living
I can start loving
Or start dying
Sep 2015 · 795
Death by Fame
Persistent fever
And a hole in my pallette
God save me from this awful habit

Shy away
The beast will come another day
Maybe you won't believe the lie
It's not even a high

But in my warped mind
A lens of vision only on me
I've always been intrigued
With publicized insanity

I want to be the shooting star
Red carpet
Robert Downey Jr eyes
On a ****** not even fit for
Heath Ledger

I want to disengrate in the sky
A slow public suicide
Blame it on gravity
It's homocide

It seems some can escape mortality
And become grand deities
In the mind of humble losers

But I know its not my life
No spectacle too see
The only one who watches
Is me
Sep 2015 · 1.0k
She asked my religion
Baffled I said...hmm
Well not organized, persay
I'm spiritual
Ya know I take desert walks in
Sandals sometimes
..And I probably shouldn't
have used my real name

But that's the fool inside of me

I walk home at three in the morning
In a white fedora, black suit, and winged tipped shoes with a pointed toe

Accompanied by a lone trumpet
Shrieking a wailing lonesome tune
As I walk slyly, cigarette in hand
In a strange off beat step
Through dark alleys, side streets,
And ***** parks

I give a *** a fifty dollar bill

And wait,
Stop there!
A scumbag is assaulting a woman
And I of course save the day

I come to, crawling to my toilet
A horrifying sting of mace

I dreadfully check my messages

And in ***** covered disgrace..
I despise,

My big dumb tequila poisoned face
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
Sweet Red Wine
Gather yourself
Ill prepare some lines of *******

Oh God your still reading...

I arrive home from work
And immediately grab my bottle of wine
Sweet red wine
Too sweet
But tonight it will do just fine

I drop to the couch while guzzling
That cheap sweet red wine
It drips like maple syrup
And sit atop my stomach
As if in the Black Sea

I draw a substantial drag
From my hydrocombustion device
And wonder why I care?
I'll find another **** job

I'll have to play a few nights out at the bar

All that aside
The worst of it is that sweet red wine
For what I'd do for something a little sour

I'm 22 years old
I do the work
Of children and beggers

Opportunity is a time share
For those buying or already bought in
Turn kings
Tenants and insurance agents

American dream a lie
Though plenty of room
for poor poets
In ratty apartments
On the East Side

And how it kills me
You live in the city
And have no time
To free me from my wounded

Wish I boarded the 6am train
And lived in a tower

Maybe I could afford something a little
More sour
Aug 2015 · 466
Wo if I could find
Another name for this beast

I know you all to well
Yet you're still unclear

When I see your face
A mask
but your identity clear

Shrouded by a name and a masked face
And years of brain beating
You're the every human fear
You're the alchemists disgrace
Morals, judgement erased

You won't be anything but the beast

Yet its founded a lie
Over, years
Drown youth
Lined face

The millenium's fate
The  urge to decisigingrate
And feel every ring of pain

Capitalists wealth is of soothing

But the new American wants to feel the pain

They want to suffer, and scrape
At the walls of white paint
Hiding the clear writing

The devil's in your suitcase

And can't save

A fool from his hit

from a pig from his ****

And so I bask in self destruction

Ivory tower suicide

What what the wicked lie?
To save me from my curious sense of being

The clock leaps another beat
A day past
The Reaper
Smoked from a pipe

The smoke fogs the granite
Lights the lights
In the City
4 million sacrificed to the western gods
A twisted metal pyramid
Directs the slave souls
Over the hills
And to the land of idols

And in back alleys
***** faced, lost children
bobb their heads
With a terrifying sense
Of awed approval
Of their suffering
Human depravity
Submission to a dark force
Scraping the last meat off
civilization's bare bones

And a vision of myself, not myself
A self ago, a self I left
A self confined in motels
And rental rooms

I see him laugh
I see him dance
I see him in gutters
With alley tramps
Drinking brown sludge
From a veil only labeled
with a skeleton face
Toxic succinist
Wicked spawn

Chemistry transforms the intelligent
Into Gods

And Wo if their's another name for their evil spawn

In a bleach stricken alley
I'm filled with that devils spawn

Hark the beat angels
And breathe into me
The gospel of the
Weary seeker borefore I
Twisted tongues
Weak heart
Head full of speed
The finger's strike conductively
The typewriter
Scrolls a vivid conscious soul
Cemented in time
The weary prophets
The devine persona
Found in some
That make us all believe again

To live is evil
Destruction is creation
Now is the choice of which life
To live
Every moment a choice
Aug 2015 · 822
God, unfortunately
Why don't we pray
Until we're sick

Do we not love another
Until death

Why have I not sent a thought or found that which is bigger than me?

I smoke, cough, drink poison
I stay up all night
I bleed, I cry I love
And still find it easy
To sleep

Why is it this amnesia?
Why am I fated to pretend?
Year after year
To find yourself alone, purpose unclear
Needs become beyond selfish
And wrecklessly bored
Without a healthy tinge of fear.

No son's head was clear
For Sunday mornings
We all found the time
When the towers fell

A new day comes, horizon clear
The poker master calls my hand
Another year, another wrinkle,
becoming wiser yet it feels like complacency

I guess I'm trying to say sorry
And thanks for the love I feel
And everything that I know is real

Nobody prays
Until self tragedy, all alone
Years of survival, carnal absorbtion
Will then just be like waking from a dream
And a voice unleashed cries " you left me"
"you forsake me to this suffering"
Or was it god, unfortunately?

So today I pray
God, universe?

Thankyou for giving me life, undeserving
Help me not hurt me

I'm tired of meeting god, unfortunately
A thank you to the universe
Aug 2015 · 2.5k
Neurological Slavery
The river runs it runs with greed
The fast cash of the lucky
Makes it's way to sea

And poison floats with this poison greed
The will of millions, cry out silently

Because they have no idea
about this poison greed
Poisoning our cities

The doctor tells the single mother
To eat an apple everyday
Which only supplement her daily

And baby was born just few pounds light
The tired mother relieved
Baby swaddled in a sheet
Of polybrominate

But all ends were it began
The conspirers of greed
Don't have to loose a thing
The toxic poisonous sludge doesn't run through their garden greens
Or is it all the mercury?

East of the railroad tracks
The man smoking crack
Behind a tree
Now breathing PCB's
From car exhaust and factory
Poor ****** breathes

And the lucky on lookers equipped to
Notice such a thing or anything
Watch in disbelief
They should all find relief, the poison is fair
It flows through everybody, everywhere

For nothing makes the people sing
Like a mix ethanol and manganese

Spin round and round and sing
This is called brainwashing
Drink your mix of ethanol and manganese
Watch your team throw the polyethylene
Trickle down, trickle
Your loosing the cells right from your brain
While a doctor writes you a prescription to go insane

After years of manganese and PCB's
Jimmy B is lost in the sea of toxins
But mom knows best
He's a hyper brat
Takes him to the doctor to get him
Doctor gives Jimmy a prescription
The devil's speed

Jimmy was focused
Jimmy didn't bother
Jimmys brain a couple grams lighter

The doctor intrigued gets a free meal
To switch Jimmy's speed
Four more Jimmies
Doctor can vacation expenses paid
By the sea

Jimmy keeps on taking his pills
Then over night
Jimmy hits his first pipe
Now that's some ******* good speed

And the story goes
Without relief
The government we know
Deligates neurological slavery
If you value life
You should value the mind
It's not cute,
I don't find it funny.
The lack of concern for education,
And your glasses aren't cute either.

I'm growing quite tired of the lame leaders.
Expectation to teach the future generation.
The warriors, in a future of unknowing,
By the ignorant, traditionalist.

And I could sit here all day,
Catching glints of light off your hip glasses.
Peppered with egocentric, infantile remarks.
So cute
The lack of education
So cute
The lack of nutrition
So cute
The false profits; the obtuse teachers
So cute
Your hip glasses.
So sick of the hip glasses
Aug 2014 · 2.4k
Hallmark Lines
I try to remember the "good times."

Just to realize I'm drowning,
Drowning on Hallmark lines

Remembering the "good times"
Smiling complacently
Drowning on Hallmark lines

And I realize the memories
Were all good

One lines.
Just a thought, I'd like too add more :)
Thank you for reading
Talk to me?
Aug 2014 · 3.0k
High Rise
Tell me one more time.

One more time we could get off this, high rise
And you could lie,
To me, once more.

Just a bunch of kids falling off,
This mountain side.
Did the tide brings us in?

I take pride in my ability,
To manage chaos with reality.
We can never forget chaos,
If we expect, to ever
Secure an independent reality.

To die, to resurrect
Once more, tonight?

Let's get off this high rise.
And lie,
Lie to me,
Once more.
Intellectual property of Nicholas Kurtz ©2014
Jul 2014 · 2.2k
Good Things
Good things happen
To those
Who are
And good things seem too happen for me
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
The ocean current
With each crests' crash
Flows from me
A part of me

A symbiotic tide
A rise
And fall
Inside of me

Breathes from me
And takes away
Anxious energy

Have you ever been somewhere
Where alone you feel
As if something,
Is taking care of you

No physical essence
Just well being
Feeling of nurturing

And in that glimpse of eternity

Something knows you,
Loves you

And like you
Is Free
Jul 2014 · 4.6k
Desert Skies
No one to talk too
My mouth is sore from being shut
My brain spinning with thought
I'd talk to the stars,
Even they didn't show up

The desert skies of royal hazey colors
New grounds for me
For others discovered

Through long plight before me
Spirits endlessly struggling

To bask
Under the hazey royal indigo
Desert skies

Enlightened wolves
Darkness despise
A free flow poem :)
Jul 2014 · 1.4k
I Am the Fool
Im so delightfully mad
So hindered by sadness

Becoming considerate
In an inconserate world

Wish I could show you where I
Come from
Its no use

For I am the fool
Babbling in the wind
I am the song rushing from the current
Of a dark sea

I wish above all you see the good in me
I hope above all I just insight you to dream

Transparency is my only downfall
I'm a book you're more than welcome
To read

Who cares who I am

I am the fool

Just read me like a book
And dream
Of what may lie
Beyond this dark sea

Stretched out past eternity
Far beyond my madness
Or silly ego
Of man
And proud of it
Jul 2014 · 14.0k
Gypsy Couple
I met a gypsy couple the other day
In the park of course
They were a lovely, beautiful mess
Trucked in right from Santa Cruz

They loved lots
Only four days
Her car stuck in some lot

I laughed a bit
I had to admit
I too
Knew the feeling
Being stranded

I gladly changed their tune
Convinced them tomorrow
Come noon
They'd notice a chance of attitude

Another chance at eternity
A moment devine
And poetic as the last

There's no such thing as time?

We're all actors in a grand tragedy

Lost gypsy couple and believers of
Tiny miracles


Appreciating the tiny moments
Of eternity
An un edited story
The surrounding give me plenty of these
Tiny Moments of eternity
May 2014 · 767
Train Wreck
I need to answer the ******* questions tormenting my brain
Stop torturing myself with hope
I know how it’ll go
I know how it’ll go
Dreams don’t mean much in the back of a stinky bus
Dreams die in city lights
I board a train wreck before it happens
Thinking of the
Will the boxcar doors free me in a rapid ejection
Will I go to heaven?
Will I make it out west
Or will the train crash somewhere down south
But answer these ******* questions and board
Because we already know
This train will lead to scorn
Another complex
Another regret
Another train wreck
Let’s board
This one is about mercy killing your romantic side
May 2014 · 1.5k
Say It All
It would be so nice
If we just say it all
Say it all
Hemorrhage of words
Emotional plight
Just say it all
Say it all
We don’t have to say goodbye tonight
I swear if I don’t make it back
I’ll be alright
I’ll be in that wind
I’ll be in that song
Just please remember
To say it all
Say everything I use too
Never leave one word out
Never ever censor yourself
Feel ashamed or doubt
Say it all
Tell them all they have a reason
There's a reason tonight
Tell them all they’re accepted
They don’t have to fight
Don’t ever cry
There’s no reason for tears
Just smile for every, hug, every memory
And every year
And say it all
Without reserve, without fear
Don’t leave a word out
Because without a doubt
Wherever I am
I'm much happier now
Saying goodbye? *****.
Sometimes I wonder
I wonder
Why's everyone looking at me?
Is it because I'm so pretty?
Than my other half says to me
As annoyed as a street musician
On a sunday
Nick your talking to me
..And quite audibly
Just a thought.
May 2014 · 5.5k
Scottie Spot a Thot
Scottie spot a thot
Scottie spot the thot
Taking multiple shots
Scotty hopped right off his stool
Up to the thot he walked
Hoping she didn't find him
A fool
He said hey thot
From across the bar I spot
Such a **** fine thot
Wouldn't you hop on my ****
Now the thot looked restless
What a decision?
This might be the first time the thot
Needless too say it wasn't long
Before the thot hopped on
Scottie's ****
Scottie thought
Man after this thot
I might need a penicillin shot
Oh no, Scottie watch!!!
Here comes the thot's
Big pop
Threatening to give Scottie,
A pop pop

Scottie prayed to god
He wouldn't see no cops
Especially since before he
Made a stop at the ******* spot

And especially not for some

We all know Scottie
For a thot he's never fought
So he hopped off his stool and
Ran out of the club
He ain't no nub!
Scottie didn't get popped for no
Silly thot
And so is the story
Of Scottie spot the thot
Who took multiple shots
Hopped on Scottie's ****
And called on her
Big pop
Who almost gave Scottie
A pop pop
Scottie went to the clinic
To get a shot
And thought twice
The next time he spot a thot
Taking multiple shots
This is just a funny poem, I'm sorry Dr. Seuss. Much kudos to Scottie Watson and Khali Davis who inspired this!
I love you guys.
May 2014 · 8.2k
Aphrodite Aspire
Oh Jackie

Do you think it’s easy

To fall in love with just a kiss

Now every day I miss that natural

Curl of your lips

I can’t explain your beauty

Maybe it’s just a kink

Something I saw in a dream

Of beauty Aphrodite esteems

And maybe some ancient time

You’re shape was aspired

You were molded like clay

And heaven laid the lines on your face

I so admire

Every glowing smile

And forever linked

In a web of my little kinks

I fall hard for beauty

Carved like a goddess from maybe another life

When I’m drunk I wanna call you up

And say, **** it let’s go elope

Be my wife

And I’d never say these things to your face

For all you know I’m just another disgrace

A missed connection, you could never give a ****

For every text and every kiss that I miss

And you can find something else?

I wish I knew what it was

Cause when I met you

I just wanted to run away in the sun

And find you a place that I can truly say

The beauty only compares

To the curl of your lips

And the rose of your cheeks

And the soft, caress of your kiss

Forever imprisoned

To find something comparable

This feeling has taken me over, it’s unbearable

I can only lay, here, here in the sand

And hope to god a love like hers

Will find me somewhere?
To a woman whom I believe found this poem on my blog
And never texted me back
I believe it was a fine two weeks of mad lust :)
May 2014 · 1.4k
Super Collider
I know this is what

I was born to do

Electronic, Classical

   Analog or digital

Do we understand their meaning?

        I find it pivotal

         WAKE UP KIDS

From this crazy mind-****!

We never have to grow up

Collide, collide, collide

Cause when we come together

We’ll blow up space in time

Cause I know my crazy mind

Rules this space in time

Science, binding energetic mesh

Orb of fervent, atoms, matter

Forever brings the universal commander

Kaleidoscope dreams too heavy to stop

What’s the **** argument

Let’s raise the frequencies

Then drop
Something I wrote fresh from San Francisco full of inspiration.
May 2014 · 1.0k
Soldier of Thought
I met an unknown soldier

                Soldier of thought

     Who made it through the battle

         But his war he still fought

          If he taught me one thing

I can recall without much thought

           For man is only worth

                 Word he's got

      Because true seekers know

        Desire don't mean a lot

       Unless used to manifest

        What once was thought
To Chris Healy
Wherever you're I hope you fare well my brother
May 2014 · 1.6k
I knew there was love in that attic

It had to be found

There was love in that attic

Lost and I found

Inspiration through word and thought

Old, red, romantic, poetry

To the north I’m lead

And I know I’ll find a place

Like these books a shelf

For after all

I’ve been dusted from the attic myself

Those fiery red books

I knew there was love inside

For I’m BookGuy

From me no man can hide

They needed no library, no vintage store

For the pigs live next door

And all they do is

*****, *****, *****

I know for I once lived in this thought

I played pig poker, smoked cigars

Even licked pig salt

Bust cast out ye stupid pigs

They have no authority

Some wise minority

For those dusty red things

Once lost and I find

For I’m BookGuy

I transcend time

I sweep the dust, death and decay

Reborn in red books

Roundelay, Roundelay
I need some help from the community on this one. I really need to edit! I feel it needs to find it's voice, either modern or old english, I'd like to convert it too full old english. What do you think? But comeon. I'm not that talented
May 2014 · 3.3k
The New Age
So this is the new age

                             Of many iron lords

                          Did it live past the lineage

                       Did it give omage to the lore

                        Of many creatures before it

                                  A timeless score

                               The age of aquarius

                          Our elders lead us in scorn

                Of painful plights or new beginnings

                                     Rage on kids

                                    We’re winning

                    And let us know that on this night

                                A star burned out

                            A desert frozen on sight
                    Old crow bit the dust that night
                   They cried in failure but didn't know
                              A New Age is Coming

                               Crow knew it to be so
To old Scare Crow may your spirit live on wherever you are my brother. Rage on kid!
Man I miss those whiskey kisses
Thought that, babe, you might become a Mrs.
But a Mrs. of what a bottle and a gut?
Here on the street just a buzz means a lot
City of Angles
I think not
No one to trust
God tried to save them
Then Disney sold it out of lust
What a ******* *******
Can't believe my first morals
Came from a ****
But those whiskey kisses, they just got me
Look at those dark, giant, robotic towers
This is where dreams happen
This is where I get wasted
But that black granite
And tarnished stars
Made me remember who we really are
Just two mad children
In love with just enough
Caught up in the night
Intoxicated bliss
Man, I hope she'll miss me
Everytime she drinks whiskey
Didn't really edit this, it just flowed out of a memory. Hope you enjoy, and hope it takes you to a dark dark place, in a dark dark city.
May 2014 · 1.2k
Heightened sense of security
Felt through everything
We’re the echoes through eternity
The fibers snap, snap conduct
Sending to benevolent web
I was there it was a ******* tragedy
You remember
That day?
We’re more important than anything
This is the turn of the century
What we do
Echoes through eternity
Heightened sense of security
Big bro
He knows everything
We know everything
Anything we find
Quite conveniently
A sarcophagus of time
This happened before in some other land
Before we knew of this
Heighten sense of security
The fibers they snip snap tap
But we still don’t know ANYTHING
I was there it was a ******* tragedy!
Why’d they take the towers away
Did it really happen that day?
***** Monster
Narcissist Pharisee
Conscripted pet
I was there it was a ******* tragedy
Why’d they take the towers away?
Must have been vanity…
I'm very very proud of this one. But hold reserves for my generation....
Apr 2014 · 827
I feel inspired
Inspired to write
Like my father and father before me
To fight the good fight
For I know it's my purpose to show people
There's a light
Deep inside of them even if they
Don't see it shine so bright
For I know that every line
And breathe, breathed in to me
Is for a reason
Addi gave me 19
19 reasons I wasn't swimming in a sea
Of misconstrued energies
Lost in repetition
Everlasting patterns
They poud on but never see
Round and round they go
In the pattern of the beast
Lost blindly in a daily regimen
A material sin
They'll never see
If it wasn't for like lost boys like
Who make it there mission
To tell everybody
That these lines have a reason
Each year an eternal voice
It's all your choice
Addi sketched something on a night so bleak
On a page once blank
A work of art I'm blessed to keep
And written above those masterful 19 lines
"Put it in your thought bank
You don't have to be alone
You don't have to run away"
To Addi wherever you're I hope you found what you were searching for
Apr 2014 · 874
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
It's Only a Picture Frame
A little picture frame fell
Full of innocence, youth, ignorance, bliss
It’s me in the millennium
I wasn’t
Too Tall
While in my clatter it crashed from the mantle
Why is it even here?
Wasn’t that yesterday?

The past will never go away
The past will never go away

But only a dream, a conscious façade
A memory is only a faulty tape
And we find we recall love not time
The things that child left behind
Were mended by grace
And cast the lines from his face
The future grieves, what is mine?
What's time but a coffin of sin
Yet I heave the shining frame to the mantle again,
Hoping to gain a childlike grin
It’s not about the past or future
It’s not about misplaced winnings
It’s the chance a man has for a new beginning
wrote this one in rehab too. To a name unknown.
Apr 2014 · 2.0k
Mirror, Mirror, Lines
The mirror, mirror lies
Reflecting back at me
All I see is powder
Where could I be?
Numb from the Columbian
A new national war bond
A roman hierarchy
Bang their drums obscenely
To One Right Wing God

The dragon took the towers
But man, it’s happen before
It’s been real hard to ***** all these drugs
To crush all over my mirror
And hide my ugly mug
When did I change?
I think I know who’s behind it completely
Samson’s in my blood
Wrote this in rehab no joke :)
Apr 2014 · 2.7k
Black Pyramid
Fly through my
Time, lies, lame and blind
My poems are of rapid thunder
This breathes life from the pyramids taking one from Babylon’s throne
Black, morning, loneliness, incomplete for all I know Death
Might just feel like home, thoughts, rapid, cease
Nothingness, black what the Pyramids draw
That mans fleeting time, lie, unforgiven
We’re not alone but linked within
Time, drawn in the sand
In this time I feel so alone

Maybe death feels like home?
Maybe death feels like home?

And consciousness lies
To man a lullaby
To serenade his fleeting life
Mortal souls, we die alone
Maybe death feels like home?
Maybe nothingness, bliss
Can you imagine how it’s to not exist?
Like do you remember before you were born?
Nestled in the universes womb
But woman have what man can’t get alone
Before it was written on the throne
Before man was
Taken from his rib
Before she fell to the sin
Really like this one :)
Apr 2014 · 8.9k
Rebel Against Rebellion
Rebel Against Rebellion
I have nothing to prove
No creeds, no doctrine to upkeep
We all have so much freedom when we close our eyes
And just think
Maybe you need to humble yourself enough
To lose
Rebel Against Rebellion
Because they're all just books
Your sword is looking pretty dull sir
Why are you so inclined to hurt?
Thought your prophet preached LOVE?
So repeat words
Choose what you choose
Choose wisely
Because soon the snake will stop his hissing
And become your noose
Rebel Against Rebellion
I think I'll call your bluff
I bleed, I sin, I'll die
But I'm not feeling hot standing here
So tell me again why I should be afraid
Of my fleet mortal life?
Rebel Against Rebellion
Because a Sheppard leads a flock
But you never followed
Your a goat
Caught in your lies
Bureaucracy, Democracy
Man it's all a joke
A silly excuse
Rules, the sacrum of man's brain
Your doctrine is becoming lame
And your beliefs more insane
A game to play to make you so entertained
Please write another rule
Prove once again
The medium you choose is jewels
You fool
Rebel Against Rebellion
Why would I cut my brother short?
Because of appearance and all your silly rules
So many when uttered I choke
For all we know life itself a joke

Oh the irony
What began as unity
Became bowing down
To man's hierarchy
So I Rebel Against Rebellion
I'm a servant of no man
I know God has a plan
That over cries your silly fear
Unravels your vines
Your words
Agenda and
Again my portfolio is at
Apr 2014 · 676
End of Another Day
Some people
They take life seriously
Experience only once
Not afraid to feel everything
Never frayed or afraid
To them
Tomorrow is just the end of another
Tomorrow is just the end of another
I remember it wasn't so long ago
I was afraid
Desperately yearning for everything
I gave
It’s been five years now
I could give it up any
I could give it up any
But I guess I take life seriously
Never tried anything
But once
I think I've felt everything
This is kind of a different
Just an end to another
Some people take life seriously
Teetering off the edge
You only live once is what they'll say
Never admitting
A fear
Is just the end of another
But I kind of feel different today
I learned no matter
What I say
I'm a fool to ask forgiveness
From someone who has already left
At least figuratively
I miss those
I miss those
When we were so young
All we did was play
But now we're all gone
At least figuratively
You can't ask forgiveness from
One who has left yesterday
I guess I could give up any
I guess I could give up any
And go to some place
Some place that feels like a family
A home that feels like
Just the end of another
Just the end of another
Or we could realize
The years that lead to time
Maybe could unwind the mistrust
After all the
The lies that time leaves behind
The lies of who we are
Maybe some believe all these
Lies and time
Are better off
Sticking to whiskey, gin and wine
Maybe to them
It's just the end of another
The past has already gone away
I could give up any
Tomorrow is the end of another day
And I know I just can't
I'd be honored if you checked out my portfolio, I go by the pen name Eugene Moon.

— The End —