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What I want
May not be what the Universe planned
What I expected may not come now
But the will surely come
When the time is right

Trusting the process
Standing with what I truly want
Making it known
To the Universe everyday
Thanking Him everytime

When you never think of it
When you've forgotten it all
When you think it's okay
Then the answer will surface
Then you will be fulfilled

It's the way the Universe works.
It's a sign that you've passed the test
It's your rewards for trusting the process
It's the affirmation of your total trust in the Universe.
Trust the process always
James Cushman Jun 14
Trust in the earth
And the grass
And the dirt
And the trees
Trust in lakes
And the land
And the air that you breath
Trust your mind
And the heart
And the brain
And the pain
Trust in time
And the space
And the life
And the flame
Trust in success
And in failure
And in loss
And in gain
Trust in experience
And what made you
Who you are today
Trust in trust
And in truth
And in good
And in right
Don’t ever mistrust
That you’re wrong
In your fight
Trust your words
And your thoughts
And your prayers
And your faith
Trust in math
And consequence
And in science
And in fate
Be who you are
And trust that you will
Be who you are
Until you are filled
With love
And with life
And with joy
Oh it’s great
Be who you are
Till you meet the wraith
Don’t ever be afraid to show the real you. Be your true authentic self, so when you grow old you will have no regrets!
Zywa Jun 7
There the waxing Earth

is low in the sky, lying --

in its starry crib.
Short story "The Sentinel" (1951, Arthur C. Clarke)

Collection "Human excess"
Zywa Jun 6
Well, is man still in

the cradle of Earth? Would it --

predict anything?
Comment in a letter from Konstantin Tsiolkovsky from 1911: "Planyeta yest' kolybyel razuma, no nyelzya vyechno zhit' v kolybyeli" ("The planet is the cradle of the mind, but you cannot live in the cradle forever" >> "Earth is the cradle of humanity, but one cannot live in a cradle forever [The solar system becomes our kindergarten]")

**** sapiens has been around for 300,000 years

Collection "Human excess"
yıldız Jun 5
In the vast expanse of the night sky,
Where stars twinkle and galaxies lie,
I call upon the universe's might,
To keep evil energies out of sight.

May the cosmic forces align,
To shield me with power divine,
Let the stars above me shine bright,
Guiding me through the darkest night.

With celestial energy by my side,
I am safe, protected, and fortified,
Evil shall not come near my way,
For the universe hears me when I pray.
Jess May 6
These thoughts
so dark
These visions
so bright
One cannot exist
without the other in line
Like the stars that shine
through empty space
Don't  you  see  it?

D u a l i t y
L i f e

B a l a n c e
L i f e

We hold the key
To destroy                                            
                                          To create

But to wield
such power

Who are we and
Who are

And that is the Journey of life. To find who we are, or rather, to remember who we are.
The stars shine in a vast nothingness.
the heat creates light and form, and with the right mix...eventually you
If there is no meaning, then what's the point?
Randomness breeds Nihilism.
And that breeds despair along with all of it's cousins,
creating a chain reaction.
As within, so Without. As above, So below.

We are responsible for what we create, weather we know it or not.

Artists create through pain, but also create through joy and love. We have intense emotions. They are both a gift and a curse.
We have the ability to transmute.
Everyone does in some way.
I think therefore I am. I speak, therefore I create.
What you think creates the world you live in. What you speak forms it into existence.
How we use it is up to us.
There is a blessing in every curse
and a curse in every blessing.
Otherwise, how would we know anything without it's opposite?

*If I don't believe in something beautiful than I will fall into myself into utter destruction and ruin and fall into the darkest depths my thoughts can fathom.
Seeing the beauty in the smallest of things keeps me...alive. It keeps me here it keeps me from falling, it keeps me from making myself disappear. Sometimes I want to die. Other times I feel nothing.
But what pulls me out of that is seeing the beauty of things,
the balance, the compassion.
Sometimes I need to fall really hard again to see it once again.
Because every so often, i need to be reminded of just how beautiful things are,
but to do that I need to pull myself through the darkest depths of myself and face the hell i created for myself to remember what the light once looked like.
Such is life. In all things.
But that's just what I think.
In the cosmic dance of swirling lights,
Where stars are born and darkness fights,
The universe whispers secrets old,
In silver threads and dust of gold.

Galaxies twirl in elegant grace,
Each a part of the endless space,
Planets orbit in silent tunes,
Around their suns, like drifting balloons.

Mysteries hide in the blackest night,
Beyond the reach of human sight,
Yet we gaze up with hopeful eyes,
Dreaming of truths beyond the skies.

Infinite worlds, both big and small,
The universe holds them, one and all,
A canvas vast for us to explore,
Its beauty, a siren call to implore.

So let us journey through the stars,
Past the confines of our earthly bars,
For in the universe, we find our place,
A tiny speck, in its grand embrace.
rk Apr 9
this river of time
spreads out between us
like the styx
threading its way
through the underworld
one soul split in half
by a jealous god
destined to search
through stars and oceans
for the missing piece
cheated by fate
allowed only a blink
before left with a longing
so deep it burns
yet that one taste
was so much sweeter
than any treasure
olympus has to offer
and still, after everything
here we are;
each word we write
only for each other
living for the fantasy
the ever present dream
that maybe this time
we'll defy the gods
our love reaching further
than even the fates
dare to go.
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