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No screams today,
Missed calls from the void.

My organs sleep,
Still in place.

I walked dark streets
Last night,
But happy.

So today I hug
These knees,
Dislocated shoulders.

Today I love you,
I love you
I love you
Toy of the cosmos.
Q 3d
Thinking and writing
and writing about thinking
While sitting and thinking  
And thinking while sitting
about the feelings
(I feel)
when sinking in the seeking.
Zywa Feb 8
I get to know
my other father
by making trips

with you and wherever
we are you know something
about him to tell

and so I see
besides the memories
myself in other mirrors

Light falls on features
I know but that now
seem to cast other

shadows in this cave
of my thoughts, longing
for the warmth of the sun
For Hans B

Allegory of the cave (375 BC, Plato, dialogue "Politeia" ["Republic"], VII 514a-520a)

Collection "Old sore"
The inventor of the mirror, they say, Poisoned the human heart in a peculiar way. For in its reflection, we often seek, A version of ourselves that's perfect and sleek.

But oh, the mirror, it can deceive, For beauty lies not in what we perceive. It's in the laughter lines, the scars we bear, That true beauty resides, beyond compare.

So let's not be fooled, my friend, by the glass, For it's the heart that shines, like a star in the vast. In a world that values the surface, the sheen, Let's embrace our flaws, for they make us serene.

In the depths of night, a scent of blood hangs heavy in the air,
as if the clouds themselves had wept pools of blood, for their
sorrows in the form of rain.

I gently brushed away tears from a shard of ancient, stained
glass, lost in contemplation of the countless destinations we
could have been, our adventures stretching infinitely like the
vastness of the sea.

Yet, amidst the myriad of dreams we dared to envision,
the glass whispered a profound truth:

We are only as broken as the reflections we allow our
external mirrors to see.

Mrs Timetable Jan 21
I did not like
What I saw in this
So I changed
Not all mirrors reflect truth
Jeremy Betts Jan 17
Seas churn wildly
Dancing with the icy wind
No land mass in sight
Alone in it's savagery
My heart and soul mirrors it

~ Tanka ~
A Japanese poem that is 31 syllables long and is written in five lines and follow a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable pattern.
The word Tanka translates to "short poem" or "short song".
Immortality Jan 8
I find a reflection,
not of who I am,
but who I am
when I am with you.

Who am I?
I do not know
until I see myself
in the mirror
of your eyes.

Sometimes, the best version of ourselves is revealed in the eyes of another, reflecting both who we are and who we could become.
For me, it’s my family. For you, it may be someone else.
What we all share in common is the "soul connection" with these people.... the ones we never want to lose.
Aaron Jan 1
I just dont know how-
To laugh
To leave
To understand
To withstand
To smile
To cry
To hurt
To stay strong
To love
To compare
But I still don't want to
Be taught how I am supposed to
I just love the way I am.
Love yOurself
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