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Carlo C Gomez Jul 14
"Why is there only one chair in this room?"

"This once was an island." She replied.

"You favor this place then, I take it?"

"How can I not," Said she. "The dawn here is quiet."

"Not on this floor, you are much mistaken! The stairs are like an avalanche."

Looking down at herself, she quickly changed the subject. "There are barcodes on each breast now."

"I see. Were you nervous?"

"Only when focusing on the morning break," She confessed. "Otherwise I was much like you--killing what keeps us alive."

"Is that so bad?"

"I wonder. Sometimes I still feel the bruises." She stated. "But I am told this is normal."

"What else did they tell you?"

"To quit worrying about not being built to scale," she stated in displeasure.


"For me to prepare to fall again for the apocalyptic things written in the sky," She admitted with a wicked smile.

"What's so funny?"

"I recognized your handwriting long ago," She uttered into the centrifuge.
How many have died
trying to protect their lives
from the terrible weight
of a lie
whose truth
they felt could never
be spoken?
Zywa Jun 17
My teacher hits me:

remember, blows, time and time --

poor people get hit.
Novel "Victory City" [Vijayanagar >> Bisnaga] (2023, Salman Rushdie), part 3: Glory, chapter 14

Collection "Low gear"
Mark Wanless Apr 30
the brain perceives by
habituation unless
we choose consciousness
in the moment
Zywa Feb 10
I have woken up,

where am I? In an ocean --

of sleeping silence?
Personal transmission-composition "Occam ocean" for orchestra (2015, Éliane Radigue), performed in the Organpark on February 3rd, 2024, by ensemble ONCEIM (L'Orchestre de Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations, et Improvisations Musicales) and others - @cello

Collection "org anp ark" #353
Rone Selim Feb 5
They think they can throw rocks at me,
to blind what’s in hindsight
But they dont understand Eternal Light
thrives in dark nights,
Rock bottom is my design,
I absorb it take power from it and form it
Peak through pain
Hurdle will be MY game,
so let’s play this game right.

Hidden motives they hide,
but I saw them with my minds eye
The say “love” as in false disguise
But real hatred they harbor inside

Which only ends in their own demise, because out of lust many of these men desire
to get in between my thighs,
to feel the divine inside
So I be polite and tell them to;
raise their consciousness above my waistline
and to go back to their wives. Respect her.


After the first line, I discussed my emotions with a friend. We talked about what I was feeling and then mixed in some shared creativity and emotions with my friend. Some power, empowerment and truth combined with a little humor.
Man Jan 26
In the grass, snakes lie
Fangs bared, ready to strike,
Slither over consciousness,
Turning strength weak,
As insidious thoughts do inside.
Cause man to pause,
As like a stone;
Movement defies
Hazy tûphos hanging over the fields of your mind
Man Jan 26
What galavants as another,
Stuck out
Always staring in?
What sparks,
What smothers?
To capture a view,
Only to envision?
Walks the tightrope of light;
Cleaving night, like rays of a beam?
Put together by others,
Yet lacks a seam?
Has power, that
Blossoms only as a flower?
Looks upon the empty,
To see something?

Who knows nothing?
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