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In a short whisper.
A shy hurricane drifts.
It swirls, rain cascading down.
It sees you, longing for your embrace.
A storm brews inside.
Looking for a way to get out.
Do you feel it.
The gust of its heart quickens,
Longing to dissipate and cover you
In a short whisper.
The skies darken.
Everything comes to a hush.
Its fears no longer wrapped tight.
A shy hurricane in search of love.
Knows nothing.
But to rage
Ole to the beautiful flower hidden underneath
a shadow- a beautiful flower in bloom, alongside
a naked truth. Sensual images, picturing gentle
moves to drive love so pure and never felt;
its eyes a flower garden of unspoiled- felt so heavenly.
Permit me to kiss you evenly by heaven’s sweet entry;
flowing in sync; we’ll rest in a lily field of complete

And she replied to him:

Our first meeting of first feelings- never felt before,
as I waited in the shadows; longing for the needs
within us, for one another. Aroused in my inner core
to touch and explore love in treasured completeness
and wholeness. Share your life with me and within me;
darling fall into my arms, and allow me to feel my inner
spirit for you within- burning endlessly from my soul’s

                                      Shall we burn together.
Your eyes so sharp; hint at a piercing yellow in the air-
beyond measure beyond what we lose reasons to care for.
Therefore, you shall find me down a path to the honeyed
days, when all we try to hold on to, tilts and drifts away.
While my feelings for you left me all sun-washed and
golden, now downsizing myself, inches into days.

Forever being the promise of a storm; a cause of havoc in my
heart- we meet, we fall in, fall out of love and finally depart.
Still, I’ll remain searching for the sweetness of your yellow
nectar- the tenderness we both shared. Still steeped in your
honey comb lips; as every kiss was a promise, dripping with
sweet promises, and its amber glow.

                I… remain as the one still chasing after you
                                                   -an eternal hunter bee.
N Jun 27
I swear I’ve forgotten about you
Hours and days turned into months
without the torturous memory
of what you once were to me

But yesterday,
you revealed yourself to me in a dream
I was merely an observer taking in your beauty

Even in my sleep I couldn’t touch you
There was a great distance separating us,
but I could still see you, feel you

I saw all the parts of your life
where I no longer existed,
your new friends and the cities you visited
Till I was awakened by my burning jealousy
It’s been a while
benny Jun 20
I am but a simple creature
I will lay down at your front steps like a dog and wait for you
I bite and I lunge because I'm scared and it's all I know
but I will not hurt you anymore
nature made me into a wild beast but I must be tame to enter your home
I hope you'll let me stay when it's cold and lonely outside
I hope you'll keep a spot for me to sleep when I'm weary and starving
I hope you'll welcome me home when I come back to you
Mister J May 29
Staring into the midnight skyline
Underneath the faded starlight
Cold winds caressing my face
Wooly blanket warming my shoulders

My thoughts wandering in the abyss
Skipping among the wispy clouds
Trying to reach for the brightest stars
Only to fall back into the expansive void

My heart is in melancholia
My mind in aching nostalgia
My chest tightened in a knot
My eyes in a sleepless trance

Take me back to the olden days
The days filled with loving warmth
When I melt from your every kiss
And I succumb to your cozy embrace

Take me back to the bygone nights
The nights filled with untethered passion
When you touch stirs my broken soul
Mending its tangles, soothing its core

Oh how I pray every night
Pleading with the Powers that be
Asking Them for your return
Even if its only in my dreams

Oh God, please take me back
To the eyes that were my mirrors
To the arms that were my hearth
To the love that was my home

Please bring me back
Bring me back to my home
To my love that was taken away
To the missing half of my soul

Please bring me back
To the love that quenches my thirst
To the heart that yearns only for me
To you

I miss you

Haven't written in a while.
Feeling nostalgic

Here's a piece. For old times' sake.
Reimers May 14
Nakahiga, tulala na naman sa kisame
Tuloy ang daloy ng panahon
Ngunit ang mundo ko'y nakatigil
Kamay sa mukha, luha'y pinipigil

Inaalala ang mga sandaling puno ng kulay
Paligid ko'y umaapaw sa tawa't saya, dahil nariyan ka pa
Ngayo'y nagpaalam na tayo, ngunit puso ko'y nakakapit pa
Libutin man ang sansinukob, ikaw pa rin ang nais makita

Kahit anong pagsusumikap na limutin ka
Lalong lumalalim ang sugat sa bawat alaala
Sa bawat pintig ng puso, hapdi ang nararamdaman
Umaasang ang ating landas muli'y magtatagpo
It's rare for me to write in my own language. But this is the best way for me to freely express my raw emotions.
lexie May 4
The pelican’s wings are so wide on the horizon,
He carries the sun on his back as if it were wind.

His big flat feet arch and land,
propped strong and confident on cool metal.

I see him around our little island,
A confident lone traveller.
Never have I seen someone so sure of themselves and their place.

He guzzles his fish, he splashes sapphire water down his feathers,
And every day he lands assuredly on his perch.

Maybe one day I will have my routine,
Land on my perch and enjoy my life.

Until then I’ll watch him,
A part of me burning for such simplicity,
The whole of me happy just to see him again.
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